Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks Occurrence
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Boobies and Gannets
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Chickadees, Titmice
Martins, Swallows
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Flycatchers
Old World Sparrows
Longspurs and Snow Buntings
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Fulvous Whistling-Duck
Snow Goose
Ross's Goose
[Snow Goose X Ross's Goose]
Greater White-fronted Goose
[Snow Goose X Greater White-fronted Goose]
[Taiga Bean-Goose]
Brant (Atlantic)
Brant (Black)
Cackling Goose
[Snow Goose X Cackling Goose]
[Ross's Goose X Cackling Goose]
Canada Goose
[Snow Goose X Canada Goose]
[Greater White-fronted Goose X Canada Goose]
Mute Swan
Trumpeter Swan
Tundra Swan
[Cygnus swan]
Wood Duck
Blue-winged Teal
Cinnamon Teal
[Blue-winged Teal X Cinnamon Teal]
Northern Shoveler
[Blue-winged Teal X Northern Shoveler]
[Northern Shoveler X Gadwall]
Eurasian Wigeon
American Wigeon
[Gadwall X American Wigeon]
[Northern Shoveler X Mallard]
[Gadwall X Mallard]
American Black Duck
[Mallard X American Black Duck]
Mottled Duck
Northern Pintail
[Gadwall X Northern Pintail]
[Mallard X Northern Pintail]
Green-winged Teal
Green-winged Teal (Eurasian)
Green-winged Teal (American)
[Cinnamon Teal X Green-winged Teal]
[Canvasback X Redhead]
Ring-necked Duck
[Redhead X Ring-necked Duck]
Tufted Duck
Greater Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Greater Scaup]
Lesser Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Lesser Scaup]
King Eider
Common Eider
[Somateria eider]
Harlequin Duck
Surf Scoter
White-winged Scoter
Black Scoter
Long-tailed Duck
Common Goldeneye
[Bufflehead X Common Goldeneye]
Barrow's Goldeneye
[Common Goldeneye X Barrow's Goldeneye]
Hooded Merganser
[Common Goldeneye X Hooded Merganser]
Common Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser
Ruddy Duck

Trumpeter Swan(Cygnus buccinator)
1970Summera pair nested near Watertown, Carver Co., the first wild nesting in this century in Minnesota. The adu lts were killed by humans. These birds originated with the captive flock at Carver Park nearby. This is the first major attempt to establish this spec ies in a settled area, and it may prove successfu l if indiscriminate killing by sick-minded people can be stopped. The Carver Park Nature Center, Box 690, Excelsior 55331, requests they be informed if swans are seen more than five miles from the Center. (Any swan seen in summer in nearby regions would probably be this species.
1970Falltwo out of flock of 15 flew away 2-17 Carver KH.
1970Wintertwo out of flock of 15 flew away 2-17 Carver KH.
1971Springthe swans from Carver Park are in the process of dispersing and may begin to nest outside the park: single birds were observed from 5-23 to 5-30 on Goose and Hayden Lakes in Hennepin Co. by OJ.
1971SummerKH reports that 2 pairs from the Carver Park flock nested and successfully raised 2 young.
1971Winter(11) captive flock, Carver KH. Swan sp.: 1-8 (free-flying) Rochester RBJ, RG.
1972Summer7-22 5 adult, 4 young) Carver Park DAB.
1973Winter The introduced resident flock at Carver Park in Carver Co. was down to 6 wintering birds (KH); it appears that this swan will not survive here.
1987Spring Reported 3/24 Steams NH (2), 4/1 Mille Lacs DB, 4/12 Hubbard JL (3), all assumed to be released from Carver Park in recent years.
1988Spring 4/25 Steams NHi. Assumed to be a re- leased bird; second year reported from this county.
1990FallProbable released birds reported 11/14 Pine DO, ll/30 Sherburne DO.
1990Winter Introduced birds found on the Fergus Falls CBC, at L. Harriet, Hennepin 12/4 DC, overwintering at Monticello, Sherburne (8) DO and Wabasha with 8 on 11/4 BSE (one of which collar #36FA, a wild bird from Lacreek NWR in South Dakota; The Loon 63: 147-150).
1991Summer Single immature (presumably from Twin Cities area reintroduction program) seen on 6/22 at Carlos Avery W.M.A., Anoka Co. DZ; swan observed 6/1 Becker BK most likely a Trumpeter from reintroduced group at Tamarac N.W.R.]
1991Fall One banded individual reported 8/13 Hennepin DB.]
1991Winter Reported from Dakota KB, PS (2 overwintered), Goodhue 1/26 PS (1), and Sherburne/Wright DO (20–30 overwintered at Monticello).
1992Spring Reported 3/9 Otter Tail CS/KC and 3/14–26 Goodhue HH.
1992Summer Two birds (one tagged) observed on 6/3 at Moose L. WMA in Aitkin Co. PS; presumably birds from the Minnesota reintroduction program.
1992Fall Reported 10/11 Pine, 10/27 Sherburne 11/22 Mille Lacs, all fide PB.
1992Winter Overwintered at Monticello, Sherburne/Wright counties where up to 44 seen 2/6 KB, and at Fergus Falls, Otter Tail Co. where 8 seen on 1/2 PKL. Also reported 12/12–13 Crow Wing (1) PKL, 12/25 Washington (5) fide PB, and on the St. Paul NE (6), Tamarac NWR (2), and Wild River (2) CBCs. These were presumably all from MN and WI DNR releases.
1993Summer Reintroduced birds nested (producing six eggs) at Flat Lake, Tamarac NWR, Becker Co. LF. A pair with five cygnets was observed near Pine Tree L. on 7/29 in Washington Co. PC.
1993Fall Reported 8/12 Washington PC, banded individual.
1993Winter Overwintered at Monticello, Sherburne/Wright Counties where up to 80–85 seen, and at Fergus Falls, Otter Tail Co. where up to 20 seen. Also reported in Becker Co. (2) BBe. These were presumably all from MN and WI DNR releases.
1994Spring Reported 3/4 Becker BBe, 4/23 St. Louis AE, 5/29 St. Louis KE.
1994Summer Nested in Aitkin (Moose-Willow WMA; 2 young) WN; also observed in Sherburne County (Sherburne NWR), and in Carver (Carver Park) County.
1994Fall Reported 11/9–10 St. Louis fide KE.
1994Winter Number overwintering on Mississippi River at Monticello, Sherburne/Wright counties continues to grow where up to 117 seen on 2/15 KB. Also reported in December and February from Otter Tail (number and overwintering status unknown), and on the Wild River (2) and Excelsior (2) CBCs. These were presumably all from regional release programs.
1995Spring Overwintered in Olmsted (2) JW and Sherburne DO; also reported 3/13 Becker BBe, 3/16 Cass SM/CE, 3/18 Hennepin CS, 5/6 Cass MN, 5/10 Clay (3) RO.
1995Summer Most reports since re-introduction began. Nested in Carver DBM, Hennepin DBM,CS; probable breeding in Polk, St. Louis. As many as eight birds observed in Norman, Becker, Jackson. Status of this species in Minnesota is currently being evaluated.
1995Fall As released Trumpeters continue to reproduce, more reports come in from southern Minnesota during their migration: 10/17 Winona (2), 10/28 Winona (4), Rice (1), Dakota (2), Wabasha (2). In northern Minnesota, a pair presumably nested near Duluth, St. Louis County (4 young) and others were refound in Becker RS, ML. Reports from nesting counties included Hennepin (20), Becker (2), Hubbard (1). Peak count 105 on 11/29 Wright ML.
1995Winter Minnesota Department of Natural Resources' surveys indicate 165–175 overwintered at Monticello, Sherburne/Wright counties and 80–90 overwintered at Fergus Falls, Otter Tail County (The Loon 68:81–85). Also recorded 12/1 Hennepin (5) RJ, 12/25–1/15 Wabasha (3) CS, PKL, FL, 2/13 Becker (8) BBe, 2/19–21 Dakota (2) PJ, and on the Excelsior (1) and Wild River (3) CBCs.
1996Spring Reported from eight south and six north counties. Early north 3/11 Becker (2) BBe, 4/8 Beltrami (1) DJo, 4/14–15 Todd (total 7) PKL, JSK, SDu. Nested in Hubbard ABo.
1996Summer Reports continue to increase for this reintroduced species. Nested in Wadena PBi; probable nesting in Becker, Hennepin. Also observed in Roseau, Beltrami, Clearwater, Hubbard, Crow Wing, Stearns, Cottonwood, Jackson. A recent review of the status of this species in the state can be found in The Loon 68:81–85.
1996Fall Seen in Cottonwood (1), Crow Wing, Hubbard, Jackson (5), Kittson (1), Rice (max. 6), Stearns (1), Todd (2), and Wright (4) counties. Also reported 9/1 Upper Rice Lake, Clearwater Co. (pair with 6 young) ABo. Note: For all seasons, please indicate numbers of adults and young; except in winter, give dates seen at breeding areas.
1996Winter As many as 200 overwintered at Monticello, Sherburne/Wright counties KB. Also overwintered at Fergus Falls, Otter Tail Co. where 52 counted on the CBC. Similar to last year, there were many widely scattered additional reports from St. Paul, Ramsey Co.; Wild River State Park, Chisago Co.; Elk River, Sherburne Co.; Sylvan Dam, Morrison Co.; Tamarac NWR, Becker Co., and Wabasha Co. (location?).
1997Spring Reported from 23 counties. One (patagial tag #215) reported 3/2–29 Houston mob, was first captured near Fairbanks, Alaska in 1992 and released in 1994 at Tamarac NWR, Becker Co. (MDNR fide FL). Peak counts 3/15 Wright (25+) KB, 3/21 Becker (19) BBe. Probable nesting 5/16 Hubbard and 5/17 Becker RJ.
1997Summer Many reports, similar to last year. Five nests produced 20 cygnets in Becker BBe; probable nesting in Hubbard, Wadena, St. Louis. Also reported in Polk, Pine, Stearns, Carver, Rice, Cottonwood.
1997Fall Peak counts: 8/27 Becker (58 at Tamarac NWR) BBe, 10/26 Wright (235 on Mississippi River near Monticello) fide PP. Reported from 13 counties, including Cottonwood, Houston, Morrison, Scott. Note: For all seasons, please indicate numbers of adults and young; except in winter, give range of dates seen at breeding areas.
1997Winter As many as 250 overwintered at Monticello, Sherburne/Wright counties. Also overwintered at Fergus Falls, Otter Tail Co. where a record 129 were counted on an aerial survey fide SDM. Five birds reported 2/7 Chisago RH, but their wintering status at this site is unknown. The Monticello birds were entirely gone by 2/23, indicating an early northward migration. Apparent early migrants included 2/12 Becker (14) BBe, 2/14 Rice JL, 2/18 Anoka OJ, 2/21 Scott PJ, and 2/28 Rice (10) RJ.
1998Spring Reported from 17 counties. See winter report for dates of apparent migrants. Peak count 5/13 Becker (24 at Tamarac NWR) BBe.
1998Summer New nesting record in Clearwater ABo; probable breeding in Nor-man, Mahnomen, Becker, Wright, Le Sueur, Rice. Also observed in Wadena, Aitkin, Meeker, Cottonwood.
1998Fall Reported from at least 16 counties, including adults with young in LeSueur and Rice. Unusual report 9/22 Cook TEB. An injured bird was rescued from a wetland in Lac qui Parle fide FE and taken by the MDNR for rehabilitation. Two groups of four to six swans spent most of November on Mille Lacs L. CMG, mob. Note: For all seasons, please indicate exact numbers of adults and young; except in winter, also give dates seen at breeding areas.
1998Winter Overwintering flocks were counted 12/23 Wright and Sherburne (360 on the Mississippi R. at Monticello) ML, and 12/27 Otter Tail (166 on the Otter Tail R.) SDM. Other possible overwintering included 12/26 & 1/29 Chisago (2, Wild River SP) RH, and 1/27 & 2/22 Morrison (5, Camp Ripley) WB. Widespread in late December with reports from 9 counties, including a CBC total of 197. Early south 2/15 Winona RJ. Early north 2/13 Beltrami (6) DJo, 2/19 Becker (3) BK, and 2/21 Becker (21) BBe.
1999Spring Reported from 21 south and 11 north counties. All nine regions had at least one record, but reports were concentrated from the south-central through the north-central region, plus all but two counties in the east-central region. Eighteen of these were technically first county records, following the recent change in this species' status (The Loon 71:36–39). See winter report for early migrants.
1999Summer Reported in Polk, Clearwater, Itasca, Hubbard, Wadena, Aitkin, Meeker, Hennepin, McLeod, Carver, Brown, Rice.
1999Fall Reported from 7 north and 15 south counties throughout the period. All were 1–6 birds, except for 19 in Wright in early November and 10/4 Becker (70 at Tamarac NWR) BBe.
1999Winter Reported from seven north and eight south counties. Overwintering flocks at Monticello (400) KB and Fergus Falls (175–200) SDM. Another overwintered with a Mute Swan in Faribault, Rice Co. JL, mob. Also reported through late Jan. in Wadena (Twin Lakes) and Todd. An additional 62 individuals reported through early Jan. from 10 locations including Duluth. Potential early migrants noted 2/26 Hennepin (6) OJ and 2/29 Hennepin (16) SC.
2000Spring Reported from 24 south and 14 north counties, mostly in central regions, ranging from Martin and Freeborn in the far south, to Clearwater and Itasca in the north. Also reported throughout east-central region, but only Cottonwood and Jackson in southwest, and St. Louis in northeast. Seen for the first time (since becoming Regular) in at least eight counties.
2000Summer Record number of reports, almost double the previous high set last year. Observed in 20 counties within an area bounded by Becker, St. Louis in the north and Brown, Freeborn in the south; new nesting record in Brown BRB.
2000Fall Reported from 12 north and 13 south counties, including no fewer than 7 locations in Wright. Most reports lacked specific locations and/or numbers of individuals, but 9–11 were at Kettleson L., Polk County in September (EEF). Trumpeters in Mahnomen, Pine, and Olmsted were apparently the first for those counties since January 1999, when this species' status became Regular.
2000Winter DNR aerial survey of overwintering flock along Mississippi River at Monticello tallied 522 birds. Also reported 1/15, 2/3 Pine KM, BP, and on the following CBCs: Afton (16), Albert Lea (1), Battle Lake (204), Fergus Falls (12), Minneapolis (count week), Tamarac N.W.R. (3), and Wild River (19).
2001Spring Excluding the overwintering flock at Monticello (see winter report), approximate total of 123 birds reported from 17 south and 21 north counties, mostly in central regions. No reports from Southeast, but more than usual in Northwest, where seen for first time (since becoming Regular in January 1999) in Kittson, Roseau, Marshall, Pennington, and Red Lake. Additional first county occurrences 4/2 Nobles †CRM, 4/28 Lac qui Parle CRG, 5/16 Lake of the Woods (5 near Carp) PHS, 5/17 Lake (2 near Two Harbors) JWL.
2001Summer Observed in Polk, Becker, Wadena, Crow Wing, Aitkin, Carlton, Pine, Anoka, Wright, Hennepin, Meeker, Rice, Waseca, Freeborn. [Corrected]
2001Fall Reported from 9 north and 14 south counties, including 30 adults with 10 young 11/22 Stearns PME. Peak count 10/14 Becker (44 on Blackbird L., Tamarac N.W.R.) fide BAB. Many reports from Meeker (5 locations) and Wright (6 locations). Reported for the first time (since status became Regular) in Steele (8/13, RBJ) and Lyon (11/21 near Cottonwood, PME).
2001Winter Overwintered in Otter Tail (300+ along the Otter Tail River) SPM and Wright/Sherburne (along the Mississippi River near Monticello; maximum 658 on 1/4 KJB). Only other mid-winter report: 1/30 Morrison (12 at Camp Ripley) WLB. Late migrants (away from wintering areas) included 12/2–14 Freeborn (Alden) AEB, 12/14 Rice (2 at Mazaska L.) TFB, 12/15 Dakota (2 at Gun Club L.) TAT, 12/7–21 Houston (2) MHF, 12/31 Ramsey (2 along Hardman Avenue dike) JPS. Early migrants noted in 11 counties beginning 2/11 Becker (23 at Height of Land L.) fide BAB, 2/16 Crow Wing (8) PSP, 2/18 Norman (4) DPJ.
2002Spring Excluding overwintering flock at Monticello, statewide total of 180+ birds reported from 22 south and 15 north counties (about a dozen reports omitted the number of birds). See winter report for early north migrants. First county record (since becoming Regular in January 1999) 5/26 Douglas (Lake Osakis) REH.
2002Summer Observed in record-high 21 counties as far north as Polk, Itasca, Carlton (but no observations in West-central or Southwest regions). Sightings have increased steadily since the early 1990s; D.N.R. reports nearly 900 Trumpeter Swans now live in Minnesota year round. At Tamarac N.W.R. in Becker Co. alone, 8 pairs produced 48 cygnets BAB.
2002Fall Seasonal total >238 in 14 north and 15 south counties (17 reports omitted number of birds). First county occurrence (since status became Regular) early August Fillmore (Lanesboro) NBO.
2002Winter Reported from six north and eight south counties. Maximum counts at two traditional wintering concentrations were 12/8 Otter Tail (575) SPM and 1/24 Wright (700) KJB. Only additional reports after early January were 1/26 Freeborn AEB, late January Becker (2 at Tamarac NWR) fide JMJ, and 2/24 Cass (10) MRN.
2003Spring Statewide total at least 3/8 in 17 south and 22 north counties (10 reports omitted number of birds).
2003Summer Reported in 20 counties in all regions except West-central and Southeast; new nesting records in Beltrami DPJ, Stearns STW.
2003Fall Statewide total of >216 Trumpeters in 19 north and 10 south counties. Peak counts 11/20 Otter Tail (36 on L. Lida and Star L.) fide JMJ, 11/30 Wright (27 on L. Wilhelm) KTP.
2003Winter Reported from 12 central counties as far north as Hubbard and as far south as Dakota. Cumulative CBC total 1339 birds with a peak of 885 at Monticello and 366 at Battle Lake (flocks overwintered at both locations). All additional reports: 12/3 Douglas (Lake Carlos) SWi, 12/3 Scott (4) RBJ, 12/1–6 Ramsey/Washington (max. 10 at White Bear Lake) KJB, ph. PB, 12/20 & 1/11 Dakota (Gun Club Lake) TAT, ADS (but see Tundra Swan entry below), 2/3 Hubbard (9) MAW, 2/21 Washington (Afton) BRL, 2/24 Hubbard (4 flying north) MRN, 2/27 Becker (6) BRK.
2004Spring Statewide total at least 170 birds in 18 south and 23 north counties in all regions. Please continue to report numbers, exact locations and dates of observations.
2004Summer Reported from 15 counties in all regions except Northeast, West-central, South-central. New nesting records from Jackson fide BRB, Marshall PHS, Sherburne REH, PLJ.
2004Fall Statewide total of >190 Trumpeters in 11 north and 12 south counties. Peak counts 8/29 Otter Tail (50) DTT, SMT, 11/14 Becker (25 on Town Lake) fide JMJ.
2004Winter Reported from 9 north and 11 south counties ranging from Hubbard and Cass in the north to Houston and Freeborn in the south. Cumulative CBC total of 1699 birds with high counts of 1140 at Northern Wright County (Monticello) and 468 at Battle Lake. Continued expansion also reflected by count of 300 on 12/20 Otter Tail (East Lost L.) DST. Additional reports 12/3 Sherburne (56 at Big L.) PLJ, 1/4 Washington (Pt. Douglas, 4 adults and 12 juveniles) JPM, 2/19–28 Scott (15) PEJ.
2005Spring Statewide total at least 263 in 21 south and 21 north counties in all regions. Please continue to report numbers, exact locations and dates of observations.
2005Summer Reported from 20 counties in all regions except Southeast and Southwest. First nesting record for Lake of the Woods GMM.
2005Fall Statewide total of >245 Trumpeters in 17 north and 12 south counties. Peak counts 10/3 Sherburne (37 at Sherburne N.W.R.) PLJ, 10/8 Mahnomen (28 at Beaulieu L.) BJU.
2005Winter Reported from 7 north and 12 south counties including a record-high 1,224 counted 2/20 Wright (Monticello) KJB. Overwintered north in Cass (1) MRN and Hubbard (as many as 18 birds seen every weekend all winter in Todd Twp.) MAW, and probably in Otter Tail (remarkable total of 358 on Battle Lake CBC, followed by late January and February reports from Fergus Falls) m.ob. Up to four overwintered Dakota (Black Dog Lake) KJB and may have wandered elsewhere. East-central reports for January included 1/2 Chisago (Wild River S.P.) BrM, 1/15 Dakota (Gun Club Lake) DFN, 1/16 Dakota (Spring Lake R.P.) JPM, 1/22 Washington (Pt. Douglas) DWK.
2006Spring Statewide total at least 455 swans in 31 south and 23 north counties in all regions. Please continue to report numbers, exact locations and dates of observations.
2006Summer Observed in 31 counties in all regions of state except West-central and Southeast. First nesting records for Anoka PKL, Cottonwood MCBS, Koochiching AXH, Otter Tail SPM.
2006Fall Statewide total of at least 4/0 in 17 north and 23 south counties. Peak counts 11/8 Cass (110 on Brockaway L.) BAW, 11/8 Otter Tail (30 on Pelican R.) fide JMJ.
2006Winter612 High counts: north 1/14 (90) Hubbard PBB; south 12/30 (464) Wright (440 at Minnesota Drive Park, 24 at Lake Maria SP) ASc. Reported north throughout the season in Hubbard MAW, mid-winter observations also suggest overwintering in Beltrami and Otter Tail; unusual report 1/26 Clay fide JMJ. Numerous reports south between mid-January and mid-February in Benton, Dakota, Hennepin, Scott, Sherburne, and Washington. [Corrected]
2007Spring2627 High count 3/25 Mille Lacs (200) EEO. Please continue to report numbers, exact locations, and dates of observations.
2007Summer1919 Most records ever. High count 7/3 Becker (75) fide JMJ. First county breeding records for Cook fide JCG, Cass BAW, Mille Lacs DPG, Wright DMF, Kandiyohi RPR, Nicollet BJU, BTS.
2007Fall2116 Peak counts 11/21 McLeod (80 at Eagle L.) DPG, 11/22 Goodhue (60 at Kenyon) NFT, 11/8 Isanti (52 at Lundgren L.) DPG.
2007Winter519 Numerous reports and increasing. High counts 1/26 Wright (1,400 at Monticello) ASc, 2/16 Scott (32 overwintered at Blue Lake W.T.P. and Mill Pond) PEJ.
2008Spring2835 New county record 3/29 Redwood DPG. Unusual Northeast reports 4/29 Lake (5 photographed at Gooseberry Falls S.P.) fide JWL, 5/19 Lake (10 vocalizing birds at Silver Bay) fide JWL, 5/24 Cook (2 at Good Harbor Bay) DFN. Please continue to report numbers, exact locations, and dates of observations.
2008Summer1510 Observed in all northern and central regions. High count of 85 seen 6/6 Stearns STW. First county breeding record for Meeker LS.
2008Fall1822 Peak counts 11/29 Wright (79 at 5 locations) DPG, 11/22 Sherburne (75) MJB.
2008Winter917 Numerous reports of widely distributed birds, but a relatively low “high” concentration of only 207 reported from Wright 12/4 DPG. Other notable concentrations were found 1/14 Otter Tail (100) fide JMJ and 1/7 Washington (50, Pine Tree Lake) fide U.S.F.W.S. Midwinter Waterfowl Survey.
2009Spring2537 High counts 3/2 Carver (66, Oak Lake), Wright (52, Crawford Lake C.P.) DPG. Please continue to report numbers, exact locations and dates of observations.
2009Summer2217 Reported from all regions except Southwest. First county breeding records from St. Louis DMK, Carlton DCr, Todd DPG, Wadena fide BBA, McLeod DPG.
2009Fall1725 High counts 11/28 Sherburne (37, Sherburne N.W.R.) MDN, 11/22 Wadena (18, Jim Cook Lake) PJB.
2009Winter1021 Late south away from wintering areas 12/2 Lac qui Parle (2, Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU. CBC high counts 1/3 Northern Wright County CBC (998), 1/3 Battle Lake CBC (381). Northward migration commenced second half of February with only 258 at Monticello 2/28 of a reported 1500 swans earlier in winter (KJB).
2010Spring2833 High counts 3/21 Sibley (75) PHa, 4/10 Hennepin (50, Minneapolis) TAb. Please continue to report numbers, exact locations and dates of observations.
2010Summer2321 Observed in all regions of the state. First county breeding records for Clay fide BBA, Crow Wing BCS, Goodhue DDo, Isanti AXH, Lyon AXH, Pine MSS.
2010Fall2629 High counts 11/25 Hubbard (57) PBB, 11/7 Hennepin (34, Long Meadow Lake) BAF, 11/16 Otter Tail (22) fide JMJ.
2010Winter922 High counts north: 12/13 Otter Tail (100) DST, 1/9 Hubbard (67, Park Rapids) DBM, 2/5 Otter Tail (50) BDE fide JMJ, 2/19 Cass (42, Federal Dam) DBM. High count south: 12/25 Wright (1200, Monticello) PKr. CBC high counts 1/2 Northern Wright County (1500), 12/26 St. Paul Northeast Suburban (69), 12/18 Fergus Falls (64). Numerous January and February reports south especially from Dakota, Goodhue, Hennepin, Scott, Wabasha, Washington, Wright. Away from Wright (Monticello), post-December high counts included 2/3 Carver (50) DPG, 1/29 Dakota (18, Black Dog Lake) PEJ.
2011Spring3241 High counts 3/6 Wright (200) JPr, 3/19 Otter Tail (50) BDE, 3/4 Cass (35) ABi.
2011Summer2722Reports in all regions of state continue to increase. First county breeding records from Douglas JPE, Lake fide BBA.
2011Fall2737 High counts 10/17 Becker (125, Height of Land Lake) DBM, 11/29 Otter Tail (110) BDE, 11/23 Anoka (74, Lake George) JKe, 11/21 Wright (68) DPG.
2011Winter1223High counts north: 2/12 Otter Tail (550, McGowan Lake) BDE, 2/9 Hubbard (77) MAW, 2/18 Morrison (70) JCC. Other post-CBC north reports from Aitkin, Cass, Crow Wing, Douglas, Itasca, Mille Lacs; no reports Northeast. High counts south 12/31 Wright (487, Monticello) MJB, 1/4 Hennepin (245, Lake Rebecca) HCT. CBC high counts 12/31 Northern Wright County (866), 1/1 Battle Lake (533), Pillager (113), 12/17 Fergus Falls (112) . Numerous January-February reports south, mostly from Twin Cities counties and Southeast.
2012Spring2945 High counts 3/9 Morrison (90, Bowlus) MJB, 5/11 Stearns (76) STW, 3/10 Hennepin (69, Lake Rebecca P.R.) SMC.
2012Summer2930 Reported throughout state. First county breeding records for Kittson fide BBA, Morrison fide BBA, Wabasha (August record) JWH, Washington KMo.
2012Fall2638 Reported in all regions of the state throughout the season. High counts 11/16 Wright (102, Smith Lake) HCT, 10/22 Becker (100) fide JMJ, 11/24 Scott (44, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Wilkie Unit) KrR, 11/24 Hennepin (42, Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) BAF.
2012Winter1325 Reported from about the same number of counties as last year, both north and south. High counts north 12/31 Otter Tail (400) BDE, 12/1 Cass (60) BAW. North reports after the CBC period included 12 counties. High counts south 1/27, 2/4, 2/10 Wright (500, Monticello) m.ob. Numerous south reports from January and February were concentrated in Southeast and around the Twin Cities. Away from Wright (Monticello), south high count included 12/23 Scott (160) CAs. CBC high counts 12/30 Battle Lake (1,041), 1/5 Northern Wright County (915), 1/1 Afton (382).
2013Spring3146 High counts 3/28 Stearns (95, St. Augusta) MJB, 3/13 Washington (56, Afton Marina) CPu, 3/7 Goodhue (52) PEJ. Unusual Northeast report 5/24 Cook (Five Mile Rock) DFN.
2013Summer3032 Seen in all regions of state. First county breeding records from Big Stone AXH, Faribault JSc, Freeborn EHl, Roseau BJS, Steele PSu.
2013Fall2633 Reported in all regions of the state throughout the season. High counts 11/30 Wright (109, Annandale) KWi, 11/19 Cass (102, Brockway Lake) JWM.
2013Winter1224 High count north 1/1 Cass (102) JnA. Reported from 10 north counties after the CBC period, including 2/14 Clearwater fide JMJ. Numerous midwinter south reports mostly Southeast and Twin Cities. High counts south from Wright (Monticello): 1/26 (2,000) AMa, 1/15 (1,500) ToL. Away from Wright, south high counts included 1/8 Goodhue (78) KDS, 2/2 Scott (63) PEJ. CBC high counts 12/29 Battle Lake (1,150), 1/4 Northern Wright County (678), 1/1 Pillager (206).
2014Spring3144High counts all from Monticello in Wright County, where peak number noted 3/3 (1,200) ToL.
2014Summer2824Observed in all regions of state. High counts 6/8 Clay (22) HeH, ShG, 7/29 Hennepin (20) TRi.
2014Fall2835 Reported in all regions of the state throughout the season. New county record: 10/19 Pipestone GLa. High counts 10/14 Cass (77, Powers Twp.) JWM, 11/19 Hennepin (68) KeL.
2014Winter916 Reported from fewer counties than in any of the last five winters. North high count 1/12 Morrison (125, Sylvan Dam) KEm. No reports Northeast or Northwest (except Becker). Reported from 8 north counties after the CBC period. Many south reports, mainly from Twin Cities area and Southeast; none from Southwest or South-central. High counts south from Wright (Monticello), including 1/8 (600) ToL, 1/4 (450) PEB; these numbers are much lower than the high counts from last winter. Away from Wright, south high count was 1/3 Goodhue (171) PEJ. CBC high counts 12/28 Battle Lake (698), 1/1 Afton (670), 1/3 Northern Wright County (312).
2015Spring3245 High counts 3/1 Hennepin (100, Lake Rebecca P.R.) BV, 4/5 Grant (80) GHe, 3/6 Dakota (67) ADS.
2015Summer2830 Found in all regions of state. High counts 6/20 Mahnomen (20) IHu, 6/12 Sherburne (19) JlB, 7/4 Kandiyohi (19) JSc. First county breeding records from Houston DSt, Redwood WCM, Wilkin MO.
2015Fall3142 Reported in all regions of the state throughout the season. High counts 10/29 Mille Lacs (96, Lake Ogechie) RBJ, 11/21 Wright (80, Maple Lake) RCl.
2015Winter1733 Reported from a season record 50 counties statewide, twice as many as last year; previous high was 38 (winter 2012). Reported from 13 north and 29 south counties after December. Season high counts north 1/1 Morrison (500, Camp Ripley) KeM, 12/23 Otter Tail (200) CNn, 1/23 Mille Lacs (200) JlB. Season high counts south from Wright (Monticello), including 1/21 (1,000) CRa, 1/22 (600) SKe, LSe. Away from Monticello, south high count 1/15 Goodhue (246) GHo, KDS. CBC high counts 1/3 Battle Lake (1,263), 1/1 Pillager (518), 12/19 Sherburne NWR (448), 1/2 Northern Wright County (423).
2016Spring3248 High counts 3/15 Hennepin (300, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) BHe, 3/17 Chisago (140, C.R. 17) DPi, 3/18 Mille Lacs (100, Lake Onamia) KNo, 3/26 Meeker (100) BNn.
2016Summer2934 Reported from all regions of state. High count 6/26 Sherburne (80, Sherburne N.W.R.) RSr. First county breeding records 7/12 Pope DOr, 7/17 Winona SHo.
2016Fall3239 Reported in all regions of the state throughout the season. High counts 10/23 Aitkin (100) EGa, 10/30 Grant (80) CNn,
2016Winter2040 Reported from a season record 60 counties statewide, 10 more than last winter's record. High counts north: 1/7 Otter Tail (264, Fergus Falls) HeH, ShG, 2/25 Crow Wing (85). South high counts from Wright (Monticello), including 12/19 (500) KnM, 1/12 (500) ToL. Away from Monticello, south high count 2/11 Sherburne (230, Clear Lake) MJB. CBC high counts 1/1 Battle Lake (1,011), 12/31 Northern Wright County (822), 12/17 Fergus Falls (466), 12/31 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (238).
2017Spring3249 Found statewide. No notable high count reports explicitly identified that the swans were this species.
2017Summer3234 Observed in all regions, but especially in northern half of state. High count 6/17 Becker (100, Tamarac N.W.R.) MBH. First county breeding record 6/29 Blue Earth WCM.
2017Fall3046 Reported in all regions of the state throughout the season. High counts 10/14 Becker (225, Tamarac N.W.R.) JtH, 11/8 Hennepin (150, Mound Springs Park) BBr.
2017Winter1434 Reported from 48 counties statewide, 12 fewer than last winter's record 60. Reported from 12 north and 26 south counties after December. Season high count north 2/1 Otter Tail (230) JsS, JSw. High count south 1/7 Wright (1,000, Monticello) ToL, REn. Away from Monticello, high count 2/28 Wabasha (282) PEJ. CBC high counts 12/31 Northern Wright County (960), Battle Lake (746), 1/1 Pillager (357).
2018Spring3351 Found statewide, including 4/11 Rock KEm. There were several high counts of 200+ birds reported in March, but none explicitly identified why the swans were this species.
2018Summer3237 Reported from all regions of state, but scarce in far southwest. High counts 7/22 Aitkin (200, Rice Lake NWR) JWZ, 6/9 Becker (146, Tamarac NWR) BoA. First county breeding records: 6/30 Grant AXH, 7/6 Watonwan STa.
2018Fall3146 Reported in all regions of the state and throughout the season.
2018Winter1629 Reported from 45 counties statewide, the fewest since 2014. After December, reported from 11 north and 23 south counties. Season high count north 1/19 Otter Tail (326) PPe. South season high counts 12/13 Sherburne (910, Big Lake farm field) PLJ, 1/5 Wright (563) ToL, 1/12 Dakota (463, fields near Hastings) PEJ. CBC high counts 1/5 Northern Wright County (766), 12/30 Battle Lake (480), 12/18 Sherburne NWR (458), 1/1 Pillager (410).
2019Spring3452 Found statewide, including 3/23 Rock (8) LiH. There were several high counts of 200+ birds reported in March, but none explicitly identified why the swans were this species.
2019Summer3243 Found in all regions. First county breeding records: 6/27 Lac qui Parle DLP, 7/1 Renville WCM. High count 6/12 Aitkin (110, Rice Lake N.W.R.) ebd.
2019Fall3242 Reported in all regions of the state and throughout the season.
2019Winter1636 Reported from 52 counties statewide, the second-highest winter total. After December, reported from 15 north and 26 south counties. New winter county record 2/2 Carlton (2) RyR. Season high count north 1/4 Otter Tail (415) LGl. South season high count 2/15 Wright (700, Monticello) MGi. High counts away from Monticello area: 12/2 Wabasha (400, Pool 5) PEJ, 1/3 Dakota (380, Douglas Twp.) KDS, 1/21 Scott (310, Shakopee Mill Pond) TSk. CBC high counts 1/4 Northern Wright County (891), 12/28 Alexandria (268), 12/14 Bloomington (183).
2020Spring3353 Reported statewide, including 3/9 Pipestone (8) VKl and 3/15–17 Rock (6) ebd, m.ob. There were several high counts of 200+ birds reported in March, but none explicitly identified why the swans were this species.
2020Summer3041 Reported from all regions. High counts 6/20 Aitkin (250, Rice Lake N.W.R.) DFe, 7/10 Clearwater (112, Upper Rice Lake) MJB. First county breeding records 6/6 Chippewa KEm, 9/26 Lincoln RJS, 7/4 Murray DnS, 6/30 Nobles KEm, 6/12 Pennington NaH, JCJ.
2020Fall3350 Reported in all regions of the state and throughout the season. High counts 11/17, 11/22 Hennepin (250, Old Cedar Ave. Bridge, counted by 10s) SOa, ALD.
2020Winter1645 Reported from 61 counties statewide, a season record (previous high 60, winter 2016), including 12/14 Lincoln (4, Hendricks CBC), 12/1 Stevens (5) RAE. Overwintered widely; after December, reported from 16 north and 31 south counties. North season high counts 1/1 Morrison (300) JaE, 1/15 Otter Tail (250) REn, RLF. South season high counts 1/23 Sherburne (450, Becker) MJB, 12/23 Scott (347) PEJ. CBC high counts 1/1 Pillager (485), 12/19 Bloomington (463), 1/2 Alexandria (349), Northern Wright County (311).
2021Spring3453 Reported, for the first time, from all 87 counties, including 3/12 Pipestone (2, near Woodstock) RAE and 3/6 Rock (5, Schoeman Park) VKl. There were several high counts of 200+ birds reported in March, but none explicitly identified why the swans were this species.
2021Summer3345 Found in all regions of state. High count 6/3 Aitkin (348 at Rice Lake N.W.R.) PEJ. First county breeding records: 5/30 Chisago JSa, 8/6 Stevens ebd.
2021Fall3251 Reported in all regions of the state and throughout the season. High count 10/6 Aitkin (233, Rice Lake N.W.R.) CJE.
2021Winter1538 Reported from 53 counties statewide, eight fewer than last winter’s record 61. Overwintered widely; after December, reported from 13 north and 32 south counties. North season high count 1/8 Otter Tail (1,700, near Rush Lake, Otter Tail River). North high count away from Otter Tail: 12/14 Douglas (200, Lake Carlos) ToR. South season high counts 1/24, 2/5 Goodhue (400, Lock and Dam 3) KDS. CBC high counts 12/18 Alexandria (691), 1/1 Pillager (424), 12/18 Willmar (313), Excelsior (310).
2022Spring3453 Reported, for the second consecutive year, from all 87 counties. There were several high counts of 200+ birds reported in March but none explicitly identified why the swans were this species and not Tundras.
2022Summer3349 Observed statewide. First county breeding record: 6/22 Martin KEm. High count 6/17 Aitkin (308, Rice Lake N.W.R., plus 3 at Loon Lake) PNi, DnS.
2022Fall3450 Reported in all regions and throughout the season. High counts (none with ID details) 11/26 Sherburne (285, near Big Lake) RSk, 11/24 Hubbard (225, Park Rapids) ebd, 11/6 Houston (200, Upper Mississippi N.W.R.) ebd, 11/13 Hennepin (200, Minnesota Valley N.W.R. and Old Cedar Ave. Bridge) IaH, ebd, 11/21 Hennepin (200, Medicine Lake) BLz.
2022Winter2241 Reported from a season-record 63 counties statewide (previous high 61, winter 2020), including 1/21 Dodge (2, North Park) LiH, 12/28 Stevens (19, Morris CBC), 2/20 Wilkin (2, near Rothsay) ebd. Overwintered widely; after December reported from 20 north and 34 south counties. North season high counts 12/2 Douglas (375, Lake Carlos) BEc, 12/30, 2/4 Otter Tail (200) ebd, 2/20 Hubbard (200) ebd. South season high counts 12/4 Sherburne (420, Big Lake) PLJ, 12/20 Goodhue (350, Lock and Dam 3) KDS. CBC high counts 12/30 Battle Lake (1,203), 12/17 West Hennepin (848), 1/2 Northern Wright County (386).
2023Spring3453 Reported for the third consecutive year from all 87 counties. There were several high counts of 200+ birds reported in March, but none explicitly identified why the swans were this species and not migrating Tundras.
2023Summer3347 Observed statewide. First county breeding record: 6/24 Olmsted JPr. High count 6/5 Aitkin (277, Rice Lake N.W.R.) ebd.
 Former summer resident (pre-1900). Reintroduced in Minnesota. Breeds throughout, but rare in the far west and southeast. Overwinters locally. State designation: Special Concern.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.