Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Sandpipers Occurrence
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Boobies and Gannets
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Chickadees, Titmice
Martins, Swallows
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Flycatchers
Old World Sparrows
Longspurs and Snow Buntings
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Sandpipers
Upland Sandpiper
Eskimo Curlew
Long-billed Curlew
Hudsonian Godwit
Marbled Godwit
Ruddy Turnstone
Red Knot
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
Stilt Sandpiper
Curlew Sandpiper
Purple Sandpiper
Baird's Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
White-rumped Sandpiper
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Western Sandpiper
[Calidris sandpiper]
Short-billed Dowitcher
Long-billed Dowitcher
[Limnodromus dowitcher]
American Woodcock
Wilson's Snipe
Spotted Sandpiper
Solitary Sandpiper
Lesser Yellowlegs
Greater Yellowlegs
Wilson's Phalarope
Red-necked Phalarope
Red Phalarope

Stilt Sandpiper(Calidris himantopus)
1963SpringMay 23, Duluth, Jan Green; May 25, Morris, Stevens County, 20 seen, R. Grant.
1963Fallearliest, July 4, Stevens Co., R. Grant and July 10, Lac qui Parle Co., Avifaunal Club; latest, Sept. 21, Sibley Co., Avifaunal Club and Oct. 10, Stevens Co., R. Grant.
1964Spring5-7 Winona Co, BT; 5-10 Salt Lake, RG.
1964Summer6-10, 7-1, 7-8, Stevens Co, RAG; 7-28, Brown Co DB· 8-5 Frontenac, Goodhue Co, CMJ; '8-22: Duluth, JPP.
1964Fall10-7 to 10-10 Stevens Co, 10, RAG. Se·mipalmated Sandpiper: 9-1 to 9-18 Stevens Co, RAG; 9-5 Ramsey Co, ACR; 10-15 Moorhead, 1, EGA.
1965Spring5-29 Superior, PBH; no other reports! Truly scarce this spring. Semipal·mated Sandpiper: earliest 5-7 Moorhead, LWJ; latest 6-1 Duluth, WRP, DP, RLH.
1965Falllatest 9-11 Washington Co, ACR; 9-22 St. Paul and Washington Co, BL.
1966Spring5-13 Dakota and Washington Co's, BL; 5-19 Jackson Co, NMH; 5-24 Swift Co, DB, EHH; 5-28 Lac qui Parle, EMB.
1966Summer7-6 Lac qui Parle Co, 3, RG; 7-14 Cottonwood Co, RBJ; 7-28 Traverse Co, 1, EHH. SE•mipalmated Sandpiper: 7-14 Lac qui Parle Co, RBJ.
1966Fall9-4 Lyon Co., PE; 9-10 Lac qui Parle Co., BL, DB, RLH; 10-1 Brown Co., RBJ.
1967Spring4-8 Big Stone Co., JAH; 5-9 Carver Co., FN/MAS, RDT; 5-16 Wilkin Co., fide EGA; 5-20 Carver Co., MHM; 5-27 Wilkin Co., JAH and Duluth, ME.
1967Fall earliest 7-29 Duluth, BL; 8-12 Lyon Co., PE; latest 9-17 FargoMoorhead, EGA; 9-18 Lyon Co., PE.
1968Spring 5-8 Carver Co., RTH; 5-18 Carver Co., RBJ; 5-25 Morrison Co., LSR; 5-28 Big Stone Co., JAH; only reports.
1968Summer 7-23 Clay Co, fide EGA; 7-28 Carver Co, DB; 8-25 Wright Co, GES.
1968Fall8-25 Wright ETS; 8-29 and 9-3 Watonwan 1 and 3 DMF.
1969Spring(only reports) 5-15 (4) Lincoln Co., BL; 5-16 (4) Winona Co., BT.
1969Summer7-19 Clay Co. DB; 8-8 Clay Co. EA.
1969Fall8-1 Sibley DB; 9-2, 9- 11 Mille Lacs 5, 2 MI.
1970Spring6 reports KE, PE; 5-8 and 16 Lyon KE, PE; 5-9 {12) and 5-10 {10) Lyon HK, PE; 5-24 Lac qui Parle {4) DB.
1970Summer7-26 Mille Lacs MI.
1970Fallearly 7·26 Mille Lacs Ml; 8·13 Hennepin RG; late south 9·6 Lyon PE; 9·7 Nicollet (10) RG; late north 9-25 Clay LW.
1971Springonlv 5 reports many observers; 5-15 Jackson, many observers; 5-18 Lyon (100) HK; 5-30 Lyon PE; 6-6 Lyon HK. Semio~lmated Sandpiper: early south 4-18 Lac qui Parle KJG; 4-20 Lyon HK; 5-1 Lyon PE and Lac qui Parle BH and Sibley BL, ES; early north !i-R Polk KF.. RR: 5-14 Ottertail RR; late 5-30 Lyon PE; 6-7 Duluth MMC; peak 5-22 Lyon (200) BDC.
1971Summer6-13 Clay RBJ.
1971Fallearly 7-9 Duluth; 7-10 Hennenin, Lyon and Yellow Medicine; late south 9-13 Hennepin; 9-26 Lyon; late north 10-10 Grant KE; 10-17 Ottertail KE, PE (may be latest date on record); pe~k 8-22 Lyon (1000) LP.
1972Summer7-16 Lac qui Parle, 7-26 Duluth.
1973Summer 6-15 Ottertail; 7-11 Clay; 7-28 Hennepin.
1973Fall 12 reports, six from Duluth. Early 8-3 Hennepin (OLJ); 8-8 Lyon (4) (CLH).
1974Spring 10 reports all from the south: 5-4 to 5-18 Lyon many observers; 5-12 Cottonwood LR.
1974Summer 6-1 Clay (KZ).
1974Fall Early 7-4 Duluth JG; 7-7 Hennepin OJ; 7-11 Lincoln KE; late north 9-3 Mille Lacs Ml; 9-15 Clay KBZ; no late south dates.
1975Spring 8 reports all from south: 5-3 Sibley ETS; 5-11 to 5-19 Lyon KG, ETS, HCK; 5-17 Lac qui Parle OLJ, PAZ; 5-15 Wabasha RAG.
1975Fallearly 6-28 Lyon PE; 7-20 Hennepin OJ; 8-9 Ottertail OJ; late north 9-21 Duluth KE, JG; 11-4 Mille Lacs BDC; late south 9-13 Martin RJ; 9-28 Yellow Medicine GO.
1976Spring 4-25 Lac qui Parle ETS; 9 reports from Lyon Co. from 5-4 to 5-25; peak 5-12, 5-14 Lyon (200) HK; no reports north.
1976Fall Early north 7-4 Marshall SV; early south 7-6 Lac qui Parle, 7-12 Cottonwood; late north 9-30 Duluth; late south 9-26 Lyon, 9-28 Anoka.
1977Spring Early south 4-24 Lyon KE, SM; 5-7 Lyon GSP; early north 5-21 Otter Tail GEW; late 5-30 Clay RJ.
1977Summer Late migrant 6-8 Clay.
1977Fall Early north 7-2 Grant (RJ), 7-9 Marshall (DGW), 7-10 Clay (DGW), 7-13 Duluth (GN); early south Lyon (DGW); late north 10-12 Clay (KE). Buff-brea·sted Sandpiper Early Duluth 7-29 (RJ), late Duluth 9-25 (LJF), only other reports away from Duluth 8-16 to 8-31 Anoka (1) (KL), 8-16 Traverse (RJ).
1978Spring Early north 5-11 Otter Tail GO.
1978Summer Late migrant North 6-2. Early migrants North 7-22, 7-23; South 7-9, 7-15.
1978Fall Late south 10-7 Renville RJ.
1979Spring Early south 4-18 Lyon HK, 5-12 Renville RJ; early north 5-7 Otter Tail GMO, 5-19 Clay KE, JM.
1979Summer Late migrant 6-7 Lyon. Early migrants South: 7-14 Meeker, Stevens; North: 7-24 Otter Tail.
1979Fall Early north 8-2 Otter Tail GMO, 8-12 Clay LCF; early south 8-5 Olmsted JF, 8-8 Dakota JD; late north 9-15 Beltrami JM, 9-16 St. Louis DGW; late south 9-22 Lyon RJ, Renville BL.
1980Spring Early south 5-10 Murray JH, 5-14 Cottonwood RG, 5-15 Stearns KP fide NH; early north 5-12 Marshall ANWR, 5-13 Otter Tail GMO.
1980Summer Early migrants South (only): 7-12, 7-15, 7-18.
1980Fall Early north 8-9 St. Louis KE, Wilkin GW, 8-16 Aitkin JB; early south 8-8 Nicollet JCF, 8-16 Rice DB; late north 9-3 St. Louis KE, 9-9 Cook KMH; late south 9-2 Stearns NH, 9-6 RJ.
1981Spring Only reports: 5-3 Marshall KE, 5-5 Pennington KSS, 5-20 RJ, 5-9 Pipestone RJ, 5-15 Stearns NMH, 5-20 Anoka KL, 5-23 Norman SM, Cottonwood 5-24 JEB, 5-27 LAF.
1981Summer Early migrants South: 7-25 (two locations), 7-31.
1981Fall Early north 8-8 Pennington KSS, 8-10 Cook KMH; early south 8-2 Lac qui Parle KE, 8-9 Ramsey KL, 8-10 Chisago KL; late north 8-19 Cook KMH, 8-29 Wilkin OJ; late south 9-9 Blue Earth JCF, 9-22 Nicollet RJ.
1982Spring 5-7 Nicollet JCF, 5-16 Rice KJ, 5-20 Carlton RJ, DB, 5-24 Marshall ANWR, 5-30 Red Lake RJ -all reports.
1982Summer Late migrant North: 6/12 Lake (RBJ). Early migrants North: 7/7, 7/18, 7/20; South: 7/24.
1982Fall Early north 8/ I Aitkin WN, 8/3 St. Louis KE, 8/13 LE; early south 8/4 Lyon HK, 8/11 Waseca JCF, 8/15 Hennepin SC; late north Pennington 9/6 KSS, 9/11 JP, 9/19 St. Louis TBB; late south 9-11 Renville RJ, 9/20 Steams NH.
1983Spring Early south 5/6 Nicollet KL, 5/14 Watonwan RJ, Lac qui Parle BL; late south 5/23 Nicollet JCF, 5/24 Hennepin OJ. Only north reports 5/16 Polk MH, 5/22 Clay TT.
1983Summer Early migrants North: 7/1, 7/13, 7/10; South 7/23, 7/30.
1983Fall Early north 8/7 Roseau KE, 8/8 Cook KMH; early south 8/11 Waseca JCF, Stearns NH, 8/19 McLeod DB, Big Stone OJ; late north 9/6 Polk AB, 9/7 Wilkin DB, 9/15 Hubbard WL; late south 10/7 Dakota SC, 10/15 Cottonwood RG, RJ, 10/16 Dakota MW.
1984Spring 5/15 Cottonwood WH, 5/18 Marshall ANWR, 5/19 Pope RJ, 5/21 Ottertail GMO, 5/25 Olmsted RE, Anoka KL, 5/26 Nicollet JCF, Hennepin OJ, 5/27 Polk AB, 5/30 Hennepin ES -all reports.
1984Summerlast spring date 6/2 Nicol- let; first fall date 7/3 Duluth.
1984Fall Early north 8/3 Cook KMH, 8/6 Roseau AJ; early south 8/4 Chisago IT, 8/5 Anoka SC; late north 8/30 St. Louis SWI MS, 9/5 Lake of the Woods AJ; late south 8/25 AB, DB, Houston FL, 9/16 Washington, Dakota OZ.
1985Spring All reports: 4/21 Otter Tail SDM, 4/27 Olmsted AP, 4/28 Lac qui Parle, 4/29 Marshall ANWR, 5/10 Olmsted RE, AP, 5/11 JEB, RE, 5/11 St. Louis KE, 5/19 Olmsted AP, 5/20 Cottonwood WH, 5/21 Scott RJ, 5/22 Chippewa HK, 5/26 Scott TTu.
1985Fall Early north 8/2 Cook KMH, 8/29 Polk AB; early south 8/2 Nicollet JCF, 8/2 Lyon HK; late north 9/15 St. Louis DB!, JP/AM; late south 9/25 Blue Earth JCF 10/13 Pipestone RJ. ButT-breasted Sandpiper All reports; 8/10 Frontenac, Goodhue Co. (1) BL, 8/10 to 9/22 St. Louis m.ob., 8/13 Meeker (6) KL, 8/28 Cook (4) KMH.
1986Spring All reports: 5/6 Dakota AB, 5/16-18 Nicollet m.ob., 5/17 Grant RJ, 5/20 St. Louis KE, 5/21 Marshall ANWR, 5/24 K. Overman, 5/24 Hennepin DB, 5/26 Morrison RG, 5/27 Wright RJ.
1986Summer Early migrants: North, 7/9 Marshall, 7/12 Clay, 7/19 Duluth; South 7/2-3 Faribault, 7 I 19 Yellow Medicine, 7/20 Benton. All reports .
1986Fall Early north 8/2 Cook WP, 8/26 Polk AB; early south 8/1 Anoka SC, GP, 8/23 Nicollet JCF; late north 9/8 Cook KMH, 9/21 Duluth BE; late south 9/5 Anoka SC, ES and Nicollet JCF, 9/13 Martin RJ.
1987Spring Early south 4/25 Lac qui Parle AB, OJ, 5/3 Olmsted AP; late south 5/22 Cottonwood LAF, 5/26 Stearns NH. All north reports: 5/3 Traverse GAM, 5/15-17 St. Louis KR.
1987Summer Early migrants: North, 7/12 Clay, 7/14 Marshall; South, 7/14 Olmsted, 7/17 Hennepin.
1987Fall Early north 8/19 Cook KMH, 8/25 St. Louis SW; early south 8/7 Lyon HK, 8/8 Brown RJ, AP; late north 9/14 Duluth DB 9/25 Otter Tail RG; late south 9/9 Dodge RJ : Steele AP and Wright ES, 9/23 Pipestone JP.
1988Spring Early south 5/l Lac qui Parle SC, 5/11 Dodge AP; early north 5/3 Marshall ANWR; 5/21 Todd PH; late south 5/15 Lyon HK, 5/16 Hennepin AB, DB; late north 5/27 Polk AB, 5/28 Marshall BSE.
1988Summer Seen in 12 counties as far northeast as Wadena and Duluth. Early migrants: North, 7/27 Grant; South, 7/13 Fillmore, 7/17 Waseca, 7/24 Hennepin.
1988Fall Early north 8/11 Kittson AB, 8/14 St. Louis AB; early south 8/1 Hennepin SC, 8/5 Nicollet JF; late north 10/3 Traverse AB and Becker RJ, 10/9 Clay LCF; late south 9/14 Hennepin TSo and Brown AP, 9/17 Fillmore AP, 9/26 Blue Earth, Faribault AP.
1989Spring All reports: 5/5 Hennepin OJ, 5/14 Brown AB, 5/21 Lac qui Parle SC, GP, 5/21-27 Wright ES, 5/25 Blue Earth JCF, 5/27 Nicollet JCF, MF, 5/28 Mower RJ, AP.
1989Summer No late spring migrants; fall migrants 7/15- 22 Stevens, 7/16 Clay, 7/29 Isanti.
1989Fall Early north 8/3 St. Louis PS, 8/13 Kittson AP and Pennington RJ; early south 8/13 Hennepin SC, 8/19 Swift and Yellow Medicine CMB; late north 9/3 Cook WP, 9/10 St. Louis AB; late south 9/23 Freeborn AP, 9/28 Waseca AP.
1990Spring All reports : 5/12 Rock PG, 5/13 OtterTail SDM and Wilkin MO, 5/14 Hennepin SC and Murray ND, 5/23 Redwood RJ. ButT-breasted Sandpiper Only report: 5/19 Polk (2) PS.
1990Summer Fall migrants seen in ten counties; early migrant 7/7 Lac qui Parle.
1990Fall Early north 8/8 Pennington PS, 8/12 Cook KMH, 8/17 Wadena AB ; late north 8/26 Otter Tail MO, 9/2 Cook PS ; all south reports 8/24 Lyon HK, 8/25 Hennepin SC, 8/26 Dakota EL, 9/1 Nobles RJ.
1991Spring All reports: 5/11 Rice SC, 5/11-15 Becker MO, 5/16 Marshall KB and Winona AP, 5/19 Polk PS, 5/24 Kittson KB, 5/26 Clay LCF, 5/27 Lyon HK.
1991Summer Early migrant 6/27 Roseau KB; plus July reports from eight other counties.
1991Fall Early north 8/1 St. Louis KE, 8/2 Clay (200+ on 8/15) MO; early south 8/1 Mower RRK, 8/15 Hennepin TT, 8/24 Rock KE; one late north report 9/1 Becker MO; late south 9/12 Lyon HK, 9/30 Dodge AB, 10/1 Hennepin KB.
1992Spring All reports: 5/3 Cottonwood AB, 5/8 Pennington MCBS, 5/9 Carver PS, 5/15 Koochiching RJ, 5/16 Cottonwood ED, 5/17 Mower JM, 5/20 Hennepin SC, 5/23 Watonwan RJ, 5/31 Lac qui Parle HK.
1992Summer All reports: 6/5, 7/18–20 Clay; 6/10 Roseau, 7/18 Renville.
1992Fall Early south 8/1 Chippewa RJ, 8/15 McLeod TT; late north 9/5 Beltrami AB, 9/6 Aitkin DN, 9/19 St. Louis LE; late south 9/5 Hennepin SC, 9/12 Martin RJ, 9/28 Le Sueur OR.
1993Spring All reports: 5/17, 21 Rice TB, 5/20 Stevens BBo and Olmsted JB, 5/25 Polk AB.
1993Summer Fall migrants seen in five counties; early migrant 7/11 Dakota.
1993Fall Early north 8/4 Kanabec CM, 8/27 St. Louis DN; early south 8/7 Chippewa RJ, 8/11 Becker PS, 8/18 Hennepin SC; late north 9/5 Polk PS, 9/18 St. Louis TBR, 10/7 Roseau PS; late south 9/6 Carver DSM, 9/8 Rice FKS, 9/19 Ramsey RH.
1994Spring All reports: 5/1 Lac qui Parle DN, 5/2 Kandiyohi RF, 5/13 Benton RG,RJ, 5/14 Lac qui Parle DN, 5/15 Rice TB, 5/16 Waseca OJ, 5/29 Marshall MH.
1994Summer Seen in eight counties; late migrant 6/4 Roseau, early migrant 7/9 Anoka.
1994Fall Late north 8/28 St. Louis CM and Clay CF, 9/27 Pennington KSS. Late south 8/25 Renville RJ, 9/9 Carver MB, 9/10 Olmsted JW.
1995Spring Early south 5/13 Dakota DBS and Mower JM, 5/20 Rice TB; all reports north 5/6 Roseau PS, 5/14 St. Louis PS.
1995Summer Fall migrants observed in seven counties; early migrant 7/3 Sherburne.
1995Fall Late north 8/22 Otter Tail RJ and Lake of the Woods PS, 9/3 Otter Tail RJ. Late south 9/4 Washington TEB, 9/5 Le Sueur WM, 9/24 Big Stone KB. Peak counts 150 on 8/13 Heron Lake, Jackson Co. KB, 50 on 9/2 Carver RG.
1996Spring Early south 5/4 Pipestone JP and Watonwan DBr, 5/5 Houston DS. All north reports 5/18 Clearwater ABo and St. Louis PS, 5/20 Polk SKS.
1996Summer Early migrant 7/6 Big Stone; July migrants also observed in Brown, Renville, Kandi-yohi, Carver.
1996Fall Late north 9/14 St. Louis TT, 9/19 Polk PS. Late south 9/25 Winona CS, 10/2 Big Stone KB, 10/9 Le Sueur KB. Peak numbers 8/23–24 Duluth (120) mob and 8/25–9/15 Big Stone (50) LE.
1997Spring Early south 5/5 Olmsted (peak of 6) DA, BE, 5/11 Rock (4) PS, 5/13 Houston (2) PS. All north reports: 5/22 Wilkin DN, 5/31 Clearwater ABo.
1997Summer Late migrant 6/18 (latest date on record) Winona KB. Fall migrants observed in Rock, Renville, Big Stone, Yellow Medicine, and McLeod counties; early migrant observed 7/7 Olmsted.
1997Fall Late north 9/6 Polk PS, 9/13 Clay CN. Late south 9/26 Dakota DBS, 10/21 (second latest date on record) Carver RG. High count only 42 on 8/24 Clay CN.
1998Spring Early south 5/15 Stearns GS, many reports on 5/16. Only north report: 5/24 Clearwater ABo. Late south 5/20 Lac qui Parle WM.
1998Summer Fall migrants seen in Rice, Faribault, Becker, Clay, Big Stone (peak of 43 on 7/19 KB), Marshall (peak of 85 on 7/12 PS); plus early migrant 7/4 Jackson KB.
1998Fall Late north 9/6 Clay GEN, 10/23–25 Polk (2) mob. Late south 9/11 Hennepin TT, 10/10 Faribault JDa. Peak count 9/6 Big Stone (197 at Marsh Lake) LE.
1999Spring No significant arrival dates or concentrations noted. Early south 5/8 Big Stone TEB and Meeker DF. Reported from two additional south counties, including a relatively late report 5/30–31 McLeod DBM, RJ. Early north 5/16 Otter Tail SDM, 5/18 Roseau AH, PS.
1999Summer Fall migrants observed in 11 counties; early migrant 6/28 (record early date for south) Big Stone MCBS. Peak count 7/26 Big Stone (133) KB.
1999Fall Peak concentrations 8/18 Lac qui Parle (432 at BSNWR) BOl, 9/27 Jackson (500 at South Heron L.) KE et al. Only north reports: 8/16 Becker PS, 9/20 Cook DBM. Early south 8/6 Carver OJ, WM, 8/7 Lac qui Parle WM. Late south 10/6 Meeker DF, 10/15 Lyon RgS.
2000Spring Seen in eight south and two north counties. Early south 4/20 Meeker (1) DF, 5/3 Dakota DBS, 5/6 Lac qui Parle PC. Only north reports: 5/15 Traverse WM, 5/19 Becker RJ.
2000Summer Only spring migrant 6/8 St. Louis MH. Fall migrants reported in seven additional counties; early migrants 6/26 Big Stone KJB, 7/3 Polk (4 adults in alternate plumage) PHS. Peak count 7/31 Big Stone (272) KJB.
2000Fall See summer report for early fall migrants. Peaks 9/1 Lac qui Parle (285) KJB, 8/4 Big Stone (268) KJB. Late north 9/14 Lake JWL, 10/1 Polk PHS. Late south 10/9 Big Stone (7) PHS, 10/28 Lac qui Parle (1) BRL, and (record late date) 11/1 Lac qui Parle (15) BEO.
2001Spring Seen in six south and three north counties. First reported 4/30 Freeborn AEB and Dakota ADS, TAT. All north reports from Northwest, beginning 5/17 Marshall PHS.
2001Summer Most reports since 1988. Only late migrant reported 6/2 Clay. July reports from 12 counties; early migrants 7/7 Meeker and Marshall. Peak count 7/20 Lac Qui Parle (229) BEO.
2001Fall See summer report for first fall migrants. Observed in 8 north and 15 south counties. First juvenile 8/12 Lac qui Parle PCC. High counts 8/8 (615) and 8/23 (503) Lac qui Parle (Big Stone N.W.R.) BEO. Late north 8/30 Lake JWL. Last observed 9/28 Watonwan RBJ, 10/23 Watonwan CRM.
2002Spring More reports than usual from 11 south and 6 north counties. Early south (median 5/5) 4/26 Dakota ADS, 5/2 Big Stone KJB. Early north 5/4 Traverse (2) PCC et al., 5/8 Traverse (4) KJB. Late south 5/27 Cottonwood CRG, 5/29 Stevens (2) KJB. Late north 5/29 Traverse (6) KJB, also see summer report.
2002Summer Observed in 12 western and southern counties. Only June report 6/8 Traverse (5) PCC; early migrant 7/6 Meeker DMF. Peak count 7/28 Traverse (54) PCC.
2002Fall Reported from 11 north and 11 south counties. See summer report for first fall migrants. First juveniles 8/5 Jackson KJB, 8/7 Traverse PCC. Record-high count 9/12 Lac qui Parle (1363 at Big Stone N.W.R.) KJB. Noteworthy counts 8/5 Jackson (897 at North Heron L.) KJB, 9/6 Lac qui Parle (550 at Big Stone N.W.R.) KJB, BEO. Late north 10/12 Becker JMJ. Late south 10/8 Lac qui Parle (2) BEO.
2003Spring Reported from six south and three north counties. Early south 5/1 Hennepin WCM, 5/6 Big Stone KJB. Early north ~5/17 Pennington RHy, 5/23 Marshall PHS. Late south 5/29 Lac qui Parle (2) BJU. Please see summer report for late north migrants. Highest reported count 5/19 Big Stone (34) KJB.
2003Summer Seen in 12 counties; late migrants 6/10 Traverse PCC, 6/15 Polk CAS, 6/17 Marshall SAS, OWB, early migrant 7/3 Big Stone BJU. First juveniles 7/24 Marshall KJB. Peak count 7/30 Marshall (652 at Agassiz N.W.R.) KJB.
2003Fall Reported from 12 north and 12 south counties. Please see summer report for first fall migrants and juveniles. Numbers at Agassiz N.W.R., Marshall County declined markedly after a peak in late July (see summer report), then began building in late August with a second crescendo 9/6 (697) PHS, JMJ. Late north 10/9 Polk CRM, 10/11 Clay, Marshall and Otter Tail. Late south 10/11 Brown KTP, 10/14 Big Stone BJU, 10/17 Anoka BRL.
2004Spring Observed in 14 south and 5 north counties. More reports than usual for this uncommon spring migrant. Early south 4/30 Lac qui Parle BJU, 5/1 Carver WCM. Early north Otter Tail SPM and Traverse JJS, 5/9 Todd LBF, JSK, SID. Late south 5/31 Lac qui Parle BJU, PHS, also see summer report. Highest reported count 5/28 Lac qui Parle (46) BJU.
2004Summer Spring migrants last reported 6/12, 6/19 Big Stone PCC, JGG. Southbound migrants 6/26, 7/3 Traverse PCC, 7/4, 7/10 Lac qui Parle PHS, JMJ. First juvenile 7/25 Big Stone PHS. Highest reported count 7/30 Big Stone (545) BJU. Fall migrants also reported from Chippewa, Swift, Winona.
2004Fall Reported from 10 north and 11 south counties. Please see summer report for first fall migrants. Highest reported counts 8/7 Big Stone (1177) KJB, PCC, 8/21 Traverse (1185) PCC et al. Only north report after early September: 10/15 Lake (1) KTP. Only south reports after mid-October: 10/20 Big Stone (2) and Lac qui Parle (3) PHS.
2005Spring Observed in 12 south and 2 north counties. More reports than usual for the second consecutive spring. Early south (median 5/5) 4/28 Scott †CMB, 5/5–7 in three counties. Early north (median 5/15) 5/12 Polk PHS, 5/18 Traverse (3) PHS. Late south 5/29 Big Stone (12) KJB and Steele (1) KV. Late north 5/30 Grant (22) and Polk (2) KJB. Highest reported counts 5/19 Lac qui Parle (87) PHS, 5/23 Rock (121 at Luverne, second highest spring count) PHS, 5/27 Grant (37 at Towner Slough) KJB.
2005Summer Late spring migrant 6/11 Polk SAS. Fall migrants seen in four north and ten south counties. Early north 7/24 Marshall JMJ. Early south 7/3 Big Stone and Lac qui Parle PCC. High count 7/16 Lac qui Parle (449) PCC, PHS. [Corrected]
2005Fall Reported from 10 north and 12 south counties. See summer report for high count and first juveniles; secondary peak 9/4 Yellow Medicine (276) PCC. Late north (median 9/20) 9/17 Cass BJU. Late south (median 10/1) 10/26 Olmsted JWH, 10/27 Big Stone (16) and Yellow Medicine (1) PHS, 10/30 Big Stone (20) and Yellow Medicine (2) PCC, 11/6 Yellow Medicine (2, record-late) PCC.
2006Spring Observed in nine south counties beginning 4/27 Sherburne PLJ, 4/29 Dakota (2) JPM, ADS, 4/30 Lac qui Parle BJU. No north reports. Late south (but see summer report) 5/30 Chippewa and Lac qui Parle BJU. Highest reported count 5/23 Lac qui Parle (19) PHS.
2006Summer Reported from 20 counties, primarily in central and western regions. Northbound migrants: late south 6/5 Lac qui Parle (5) PCC; late north 6/1 Marshall PHS. Southbound migrants: early north 6/30 Marshall (1) PHS; early south 6/24 Lac qui Parle (1) PCC, PHS, 6/29 Lac qui Parle BJU. First juveniles 7/28 Marshall (several) PHS, 7/29 Lac qui Parle (3) PCC et al. High count (but see fall report) 7/16 Lac qui Parle (492) PCC, JMJ, PHS.
2006Fall Reported from 8 north and 19 south counties. High count 8/6 Lac qui Parle (889 including 845 at Big Stone N.W.R.) PCC, PHS. Late north 9/8 (29), 9/24 (30) Marshall PHS (median 9/20). Late south 10/27 Blue Earth (2) RBW and Brown BTS, 10/30 Brown †BTS (median 10/8).
2007Spring216 Early south 4/26 Big Stone (2) BJU, 4/27–28 Lac qui Parle BJU, 4/28 Meeker (3) DMF, 4/30 Sherburne PLJ (median 5/4). Early north 5/7 Crow Wing JSB, 5/10 Cass BAW (median 5/15). All counts single digits. Late south (but see summer report) 5/30 Lac qui Parle BJU. Late north 5/18 Crow Wing JSB not representative of normal migration.
2007Summer410 Northbound migrants: late south 6/9–11 Brown (2) BTS; none reported north. Southbound migrants: early north 6/30 Traverse (1) PCC; early south 6/28 Lac qui Parle BJU, 6/30 Lac qui Parle (2) PCC. First juvenile 7/31 Douglas (1) KJB. High count (but see fall report) 7/26 Jackson (239 at South Heron Lake) KJB.
2007Fall1220 See summer report for early southbound migrants. High count 9/16 Big Stone (391) PCC, 8/24 Marshall (345, Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS. Late north 9/23 St. Louis PHS, 9/26 Traverse (2) BJU. Late south 10/13 Yellow Medicine (4) and Lac qui Parle (4) PHS, PCC.
2008Spring310 Early south 5/3 (median) Meeker (4) DMF. All north reports: 5/10 Otter Tail DST, 5/25 Marshall (2, Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS, 5/27 Traverse (4) PHS. Late south 5/31 Lac qui Parle BJU and Watonwan RBJ. No significant counts.
2008Summer211 Observed in all central regions plus Traverse, Big Stone, Lac qui Parle, Olmsted. Only spring migrants: 6/1 Lac qui Parle (8) BJU. Southbound migrants: early north 7/13 Cass (1) BAW; early south 7/6 Lac qui Parle PCC. First juveniles 7/25 Big Stone (3) PHS. High count 7/26 Lac qui Parle (329) PCC.
2008Fall1424 High count 8/30 Lac qui Parle (996) PCC, PHS. Late north 9/13 Grant HHD, 9/17 St. Louis PHS (median 9/21). Late south 10/18 Big Stone (3) PHS and Lac qui Parle (8) PHS, 10/23 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 10/9).
2009Spring416 Early south (median 5/3) 4/23 Lac qui Parle DPG, 5/2 Kandiyohi DBM. Early north (median 5/13) 5/13 Cass BAW, 5/19 St. Louis PHS. See summer report for late migrants south and north. High counts 5/13 Lac qui Parle (35) BJU, 5/14 Brown (30) BTS.
2009Summer113 Northbound migrants: late south 6/12 Lac qui Parle PLJ, 6/13 Yellow Medicine (1) PCC; late north 6/2 Crow Wing (1) JSB. Southbound migrants: early south 6/30 Faribault MCBS, 7/5 Big Stone (5) and Lac qui Parle (1) PCC. High count 7/21 Brown (45) BTS.
2009Fall1125 High count 8/1 Lac qui Parle (130) PHS. Late north 9/6 Cass ABi, 9/7 Lake JEB, JWH, Marshall JCC, St. Louis PHS (median 9/21). Late south 10/17 Renville RBW, 10/18 Kandiyohi LS (median 10/10).
2010Spring29 Early south (median 5/3) 5/9 Lac qui Parle BJU and Lincoln DBM, 5/13 Dakota ADS and Lincoln RJS. Only north reports: 5/23 Becker DBM and Marshall (2, Agassiz N.W.R.) JMJ, SAS, PHS. High count 5/15 Lac qui Parle (14) BJU. See summer report for late migrants.
2010Summer36 Northbound migrants 6/1 Lac qui Parle BJU, 6/9 Brown (1) BTS. Southbound migrants: early north 7/17 Kittson JMJ; early south 7/7 Dakota JPM, 7/10 Big Stone PCC.
2010Fall916 High count 8/28 Lac qui Parle (158) PCC. Late north 9/6 Marshall PRH, CRM (median 9/21). Late south 10/10 Redwood JJS (median 10/10).
2011Spring38 Early south (median 5/3) 5/5 Lac qui Parle BJU, 5/8 Wright PLJ. All north reports: 5/4 Morrison (2, Upsala) MJB, FGo, 5/22 Becker DBM, 5/24 Morrison JEB, 5/29 Kittson (Hallock W.T.P.) JWH, BWF. See summer report for late migrants.
2011Summer34Reported from Aitkin, Carver, Crow Wing, Dakota, Hennepin, Lac qui Parle, Roseau. Northbound migrants: late south 6/10 Lac qui Parle (2) BJU; late north 6/6 Aitkin DBM. Southbound migrants: early north 7/4 Roseau Scott Barnes; early south 7/10, 7/12 Lac qui Parle BJU. High count 7/31 Lac qui Parle (50) PCC.
2011Fall1828 See summer report for early southbound migrants. High count 9/10 Lac qui Parle (194) PCC. Late north 9/29 Grant (2, Pelican Lake) and Otter Tail RPR, 10/2 Morrison FGo (median 9/21). Late south 10/27 Lac qui Parle BJU, 10/30 Brown (Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) BTS (median 10/10).
2012Spring818 Early south (median 5/3) 4/23 Dakota GLa, LS, 4/24 Dakota ANy, RTe and Winona (6) ANy. Early north (median 5/13) 5/11 Cass DAY, 5/12 Grant RBW. High count 4/24 Dakota (12) ANy. See summer report for late migrants south (median 5/28) and north (median 5/26).
2012Summer1014 Found in all regions except Northeast. Northbound migrants: late south 6/11 Carver JCy; late north 6/9 Grant PCC, Traverse DLP. Southbound migrants: early north 6/28 Kittson (1) TBr, 7/12 Aitkin RAE; early south 7/8 Meeker MJB. High count 7/28 Grant (365, including 292 at Ash Lake.) PCC.
2012Fall1528 See summer report for early southbound migrants. High count 8/19 Grant (496, 402 of which were at Towner Lake) PCC. Late north 9/23 Grant BWF, JWH, 9/26 Grant DBM (median 9/21). Late south 10/18 Brown BTS, 10/21 Olmsted JPr (median 10/10) .
2013Spring49 Early south (median 5/3) 5/4 Big Stone DLP, DFN, PEJ, 5/6 Rice JEB. Early north (median 5/13) 5/13 Traverse RAE, 5/15 Becker LiS. High count 5/20 Lyon (15) ANy. Late south 5/19 Big Stone DLP, 5/20 Lyon ANy (median 5/28), but see summer report. Late north 5/29 Itasca SC, 5/31 Itasca SC, EEO (median 5/26).
2013Summer111 Observed in Anoka, Becker, Big Stone, Brown, Lac qui Parle, Lyon, Nicollet, Rice, Sherburne, Sibley, Stevens, Wright. Northbound migrant: late south 6/8 Wright PCC; no late north dates. Southbound migrants: early north 7/19 Becker (5) MO; early south 7/5 Brown (4) BTS, 7/6 Stevens (9) DBM, Big Stone and Lac qui Parle DLP.
2013Fall1227 See summer report for early southbound migrants. High counts 8/2 Big Stone (20, C.R. 64 northeast of Ortonville Airport) LFr. Late north 9/10, 9/12 Becker ToL (median 9/21). Late south 10/13 Brown BTS, Lyon GWe (median 10/10).
2014Spring614Early south (median 5/3) 5/7 Lac qui Parle (35, Salt Lake, Minnesota side) BMc, 5/8 Dakota CRM, Goodhue GLa, Yellow Medicine (2) PLJ, PMJ. Early north 5/14 Mille Lacs JEB, 5/20 Morrison (2) DWK, HCT, PEB, 5/23 Grant MO, Polk (3) KRE, m.ob. Late south 5/27 Kandiyohi (3) SGa, JWd, Lac qui Parle DLP (median 5/28); also see summer report. Late north 5/31 Aitkin JPR; also see summer report.
2014Summer211Seen in West-central, Central, Southwest, South-central regions. Northbound migrants: late south 6/1 Lac qui Parle DLP; late north 6/1 Douglas JPE. Southbound migrants: no representative north dates; early south 7/11 Lac qui Parle and Yellow Medicine DLP. ;
2014Fall1621 See summer report for early southbound migrants. High counts 8/2 Grant (133, including four juveniles, the first reported this season; North Ottawa Impoundment) PCC, 8/9 Grant (106, North Ottawa Impoundment.) PCC. Late north 9/6 Becker HeH, ShG, 9/12 Mille Lacs HHD, RAE, 9/15 Otter Tail HHD, RAE (median 9/21). Late south 10/10 Jackson HHD, KMS, CRM, 10/11 Yellow Medicine DWK, 10/18 Nobles (52, Tripp Ave. just south of C.R. 18; a notable tally for so late in the season) BTS, 10/19 Lyon (Sham Lake) GWe (median 10/10).
2015Spring415 Early south (median 5/3) 4/29 Yellow Medicine PLJ, 5/3 Lac qui Parle (10, Big Stone N.W.R.) BMc, ODa. All north 5/15 St. Louis (3) JLK, ALo, 5/18 Kanabec DPG, 5/21 Norman RAE, 5/27 Polk SAu, 5/29 Norman (3) ANy. High counts 5/15 McLeod (100, Eagle Lake) PRH, 5/15 Jackson (72, Heron Lake area) KJB, 5/18 Lincoln (57) WCM. Late south 5/30 Yellow Medicine DLP, 5/30–31 Brown BTS, MiO (median 5/28), but also see summer report.
2015Summer311 Observed in West-central, Central, South-central, plus Crow Wing, Yellow Medicine. Late spring migrant 6/1–4 Brown m.ob. Southbound migrants: early north 7/17 Crow Wing EGa; early south 7/8 Big Stone, 7/11 Lac qui Parle DLP.
2015Fall1821 See summer report for early southbound migrants. High counts 8/16 Polk (40, Agassiz Valley Impoundment) SAu, 8/16 Polk (20, Brandt-Angus Impoundment) SAu. Late north 9/13 St. Louis (Park Point) JLK, 9/17 Carlton JEB, 9/19 Marshall (4, Agassiz Valley Impoundment) SAu (median 9/19). Late south 9/22–23 Dakota (max. 3) BAF, KDS, 10/2–3 Brown (Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) BTS, RAE, 11/8 Lac qui Parle DLP (median 10/15).
2016Spring621 Early south (median 5/4) 5/1 Hennepin DAk, 5/8 Yellow Medicine (4) GWe, 5/12 Hennepin (4) GrS, 5/13 Jackson, Le Sueur and Rock. Early north 5/13 Grant ANy, DBz, 5/18 Kanabec RMD, 5/20 Wilkin (Brown W.P.A.) BWF. High count 5/22 Yellow Medicine (31, Miedd Lake) GWe. Late south 5/31 Lac qui Parle DFe; also see summer report. Late north 5/23 Red Lake (2) DWK, PEB, HCT, SBM, 5/27 Clearwater SC, 5/29 Grant TiW.
2016Summer27 Found in Benton, Big Stone, Grant, Jackson, Lac qui Parle, Lyon, Martin, St. Louis, Yellow Medicine. High count 6/4 Lac qui Parle (40, Salt L.) ChA. Late spring migrants 6/5 Lac qui Parle (3) RAE. First fall migrants 7/4 Big Stone (1) RAE, 7/5 Lac qui Parle (23, Salt L.) GWe.
2016Fall1125 See summer report for early southbound migrants. High counts 9/12 Traverse (80, rough count by tens, C.R. 53) KnM, 9/24 Big Stone (43) DLP. Late north 9/12 Traverse (80) KnM, 9/13–15 St. Louis (Park Point) RZi, JPR, m.ob. (median 9/19). Late south 10/8 Yellow Medicine (2, Miedd Lake) GWe, 10/16 Carver (4, Tacoma Ave.) RHe (median 10/17).
2017Spring518 Early south (median 5/3) 5/8–16 Lyon (9 on 5/8) RJS, m.ob., 5/10 Faribault WAF, 5/12 Nobles DBz, Rock ANy, BWF. Early north 5/13 Grant (2) WPl, 5/19 Hubbard (2) REn. High count 5/17 Lyon (34, southwest of Balatan) WCM. Late south 5/27 Brown (9) WCM, Lyon GWe (median 6/4). See summer report for late north migrants.
2017Summer611 Observed in all regions except North-central, Northeast, East-central. Late spring migrants 6/11 Grant JWH, 6/14 Clay RBW. One at Lone Tree L. for nearly a month was last seen 6/28 Lyon GWe; this date overlaps with the normal start of fall migration. Southbound migrants 7/2 Kandiyohi JWd, Watonwan LiH, ASu.
2017Fall1929 See summer report for early southbound migrants. High count 9/13 Lyon (78, exact count, Lone Tree Lake) GWe. Late north 9/5 Grant PLJ, 9/9 Cook JWL, SLL, 9/29 Grant (4) MO (median 9/20). Late south 9/17 Lyon (65, Lone Tree Lake) GWe, Waseca (3) PSu, Yellow Medicine (6) GWe (median 10/17).
2018Spring826 Early south (median 5/3) 5/1 Carver ANy, 5/1–5 Kandiyohi SGa, m.ob., 5/2–3 Meeker MJB, BNn. Early north (median 5/14) 5/12 Grant (2, North Ottawa Impoundment) WPl, 5/14 Todd (3) JLK, 5/17 Grant (2, North Ottawa Impoundment) WCM. High counts 5/21 Nobles (11, Worthington) DAk, 5/22 Otter Tail (11, C.R. 15 and 150th St.) ANy, 5/19 Kanabec (10, Grass Lake Twp.) SPS. Late south 5/30 Lyon GWe, 5/31 Blue Earth (3) RAE, RBW; also see summer report (median 6/4). Late north 5/26–28 Koochiching EzH, JMJ, m.ob., 5/28 Grant JmP, 5/30 Traverse ASu (median 6/1).
2018Summer411 Found in scattered locations in all regions except Northeast, Southeast. Late spring migrants 6/2 Wright (8) ToL. Southbound migrants: early north 7/4 Polk (3) SAu; early south 6/28 Big Stone DLP, 7/8 Big Stone LiH.
2018Fall1818 See summer report for early southbound migrants. High count 8/6 Freeborn (50, Freeborn Lake) JmP, JPr. Late north 10/15 Carlton (2) ASu, 10/17 Grant (max. 4) CNn, MaJ, 10/19 Traverse LiH (median 9/20). Late south 10/11 Lyon GWe, 10/14 Stevens DLP, 10/15 Dakota (3) MwT (median 10/17).
2019Spring314 Early south (median 5/3) 4/27 Lac qui Parle (2) DgM, 5/5 Rice (4) DAB, m.ob., 5/6 Stearns (2) AaL. All north 5/15 Grant WPl, 5/18 Clearwater (14, Greenwood Twp., season high count) IVa, 5/22 St. Louis (2) JPR; also see Summer Report. Late south 5/23 Redwood (4) JCC, m.ob., Watonwan KRE, 5/24 Pipestone VKl, 5/25 Renville (3) LKo, MKo (median 6/3).
2019Summer36 Seen in Clay, Grant, Lyon, Marshall, McLeod, Nicollet, Renville, Sibley, Watonwan. Late spring migrant 6/12 Grant FFa, MaJ was at the same location (North Ottawa Impoundment) where the first fall migrants appeared 6/26 DOr, 6/28 LS, 7/2–3 m.ob. Early south 7/15 Renville RBW.
2019Fall2023 See summer report for early southbound migrants. High counts 8/31 Cottonwood (25) BTS, 8/22 Lake (17, Beaver Bay W.T.P.) JLK. Late north 9/8 Koochiching (2) ASu, Lake SDz, 9/14 Kanabec SPS, 10/20 Cass REn (median 9/20). Late south 9/25 Lyon (5, U.S. 59, Cottonwood) GWe, 10/12 Lyon (Island Lake) GWe, 10/20 Lyon (6, Cottonwood W.T.P.) GWe (median 10/17).
2020Spring332 Early south (median 5/1) 4/23–24 Yellow Medicine (max. 3) GWe, m.ob., 4/24 Redwood MJB, 4/27 Kandiyohi SGa. All north 5/15–31 Grant (max. 3) CNn, m.ob., 5/15–26 Kanabec SPS, m.ob., 5/16 Clay PBB. High counts 5/14 Yellow Medicine (78, Timm Lake) NMe, GWe, 5/14 Steele (40, Armstrong Wetland Restoration) DWK. Late south 5/26 Yellow Medicine (15) GWe, 5/28 Sherburne PLJ (median 6/3), but also see summer report.
2020Summer420 Seen in all Central and Southern regions plus Clay, St. Louis. Late spring migrants 6/2 Grant WPl, 6/4 Stearns PCC. Southbound migrants: early north 7/16 Clay (2) TCL; early south 7/6 Big Stone DLP, Lyon GWe. High count 7/25 Big Stone (312, 6/5th Ave, Correll) KJB.
2020Fall1931 See summer report for early southbound migrants. High counts 8/30 Yellow Medicine (800, Timm Lake) JbS, 8/9 Big Stone (720, Marsh Lake) EzH, IsH. Late north 9/13 Cass (2) DoH, 9/13–14 Kanabec (max. 2) SPS, 9/22 Douglas REn, m.ob. (median 9/20). Late south 10/20 Lyon (9, Lone Tree Lake) GWe, 10/25 Lyon (2, Sham Lake) GWe, 11/3 Stevens DLP (median 10/17).
2021Spring1421 Early south (median 5/1) 5/1 Hennepin (5) TAT, RTu, Lyon (2) REn, RLF, ebd, Renville REn, RLF, ebd, Sibley (4) JCC, Yellow Medicine LiH, SBE. Early north (median 5/13) 5/1 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) PLJ, 5/15 Marshall HHu, 5/16 Carlton RBW. High count 5/21 Yellow Medicine (87, Curtis Lake) GWe. Late south 5/29 Stearns (2) DOr, HHD, Watonwan ebd, 5/31 Stevens DLP (median 6/3). Late north 5/31 Lake of the Woods ANy, DBz, Polk (5) TWe, HHu, BWe, St. Louis (3) TLz (median 6/1), but also see summer report for additional late migrants north and south.
2021Summer617 Reported from all regions except Northeast. Late spring migrant 6/8 Big Stone DLP. Southbound migrants: early north 7/5 Marshall (1) HHu; early south 7/3 Big Stone (2) GWe.
2021Fall1636 See summer report for early southbound migrants. High count 8/15 Grant (150, Mustinka Slough) ebd. Late north 9/12 Cook ebd, St. Louis GWe, 9/20 Otter Tail (6) ebd, 9/19–28 Becker (max. 6, Hamden Slough N.W.R., Bisson Lake) NaH, (median 9/22). Late south 10/18 Lincoln (11) ANy, 10/23 Lyon GWe, 10/19 - 11/11 Brown (Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) BTS, m.ob. (median 10/19).
2022Spring727 Early south (median 5/1) 5/6 Lyon GWe, Redwood (2) GWe, 5/7 Steele PEJ. Early north (median 5/14) 5/13 Grant (2) DAB, Mille Lacs (2) MJB, 5/16 Traverse DBz, ANy. High count 5/22 Lyon (45, 320th Ave., Cottonwood) GWe. Late south 5/30 Big Stone DLP, Scott BHe, 5/30–31 Sibley (max. 4) TWe, m.ob. (median 6/4). Late north 5/24 St. Louis (2) JLK, 5/25–29 Marshall (max. 21) ebd, 5/29 Wilkin SC (median 6/1).
2022Summer919 Encountered in all regions except Southeast. Northbound migrants: late south 6/5 Lyon (4) GWe; late north 6/2 Marshall (2) JH. Southbound migrants: early north 7/6 Aitkin (1) JLa; early south 6/29 Brown (1) ph. BTS, Big Stone. (2) DLP. High count 7/21 Big Stone (92) DLP.
2022Fall1535 See summer report for early southbound migrants. High count 8/20 Sibley (400, High Island Lake) EzH, IsH. Late north 9/4 Marshall (14) GHo, KDS, Roseau CRM, m.ob., 9/12 Grant ANy, 10/2 Polk (8) SAu (median 9/22). Late south 10/11 Dakota ebd, 10/20 Lac qui Parle (4) WCM, 10/21 Lyon (two locations) GWe (median 10/19).
2023Spring619 Early south (median 5/1) 4/13 Blue Earth (Butternut Valley Twp.) †ARW, 4/24 Rice LiH, 4/29 Lac qui Parle GrN. Early north (median 5/14) 5/18 Clay TWe, 5/20 Douglas BAb, 5/23 Marshall HHu. Late north 5/27 Polk (3) JWH, m.ob., Roseau JGW, 5/28 Kittson ANy, DBz (median 6/1). Late south 5/24 Lyon (5, season high count, Borson’s Slough) NMe, 5/24–28 McLeod SLH, m.ob., 5/27 Le Sueur BAb, BxP (median 6/4), but also see summer report.
2023Summer515 Found in scattered locations in all regions except Northeast. Late south migrants 6/4 Big Stone ebd, 6/5 Pipestone LVD. Early southbound migrants: north 7/5 Traverse DLP, 7/6 Cass ebd; south 7/3 Big Stone DLP, 7/4 Olmsted DWK, JPr, SFG.
 Migrant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.