White-crowned Sparrow(Zonotrichia leucophrys) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1961 | Fall | | | Another species which slipped through almost unnoticed during spring. Reported 21 Oct. at Duluth by P. B. Hofslund. W. R. Pieper saw one near Heron Lake on 1 Oct. |
1962 | Spring | | | April 23 Was_hington Co., _Dean Honetschlager; Apnl 27 Hennepm Co., Bob Janssen; April 28 Beaver Creek, Rock Co., Avifaunal Club; May 5 Duluth, P. B. Hofslund; May 12 Goodhue Co., A. C. Rosen winkel. |
1962 | Fall | | | last date, Oct. 17, Duluth, Anne K. Arndt. |
1963 | Spring | | | April 26, Ramsey Co., A. C. Rosenwinkel; May 1, Shotley, Beltrami Co., (early) Mabel Goranson; May 4, Kandiyohi Co., Paul· ine Lastine; May 5, Minneapolis, R. Janssen; May 9, Washington Co., D. Honetschlager; May 11, Morris Co., R. Grant; May 16, Rice Co., 0. Rustad; May 30, Swan Lake, Nicollet Co., (late) R. Janssen. |
1963 | Winter | | | Jan 1, Rochester, Olmsted Co., wintering bird banded by Carl M. Johnson; Jan 1, Barden, Scott Co., 1 imm, Avifaunal Club; Feb 11, Anoka, Anoka Co., 1 imm, Lucia Johnson; Mar 7, Minneapolis, 2 imm at feeder of Mrs. Ed Harms fide R. B. Janssen; to the best of my knowledge, this is the first winter that this species has been recorded here. |
1964 | Spring | | | 4-26 Stearns Co, RPR; 5-7 Hennepin Co, MAS; 5-7 Wright Co, EC; 5-8 Wadena Co, RO; 3-7 RBJ, 3-8 RLH and 3-9 MEH at feeder of MEH in S. Minneapolis; 5-8 Ramsey Co, IG; 5-12 Crow Wing Co, MSB; 4-25 Lac qui Parle Co, RG. |
1964 | Summer | | | late spring date, 6-13, Hibbing, St. Louis Co, SM. |
1964 | Fall | | | 9-5 St. Louis Co, WJM; 9-10 Hibbing, HM; 9-11 Ramsey Co, ACR; 9-12 Fargo-Moorhead, EGA; 9-25 Two Harbors, 100, RK; 9-26 Crow Wing Co, peak, MSB; 10-8 Winona Co, the Sanford Tylers; 10-16 Ramsey Co, ACR; 10-27 Cloquet Forest, GWG; 11-7 Dakota Co, RLH. |
1965 | Spring | | | earliest4-16 Benson, PGK (details?); next 4-24 Murdock, PL; latest 5-23 Duluth, AKA. |
1965 | Fall | | | earliest 9-14 Two Harbors, RK, 9-19 Worthington, HSH (early down there?); 9-21 Duluth, JCG; latest 11-4 Two Harbors, RK; 11-13 Tofte, MOP (look at those November dates for the North Shore); 11-25 Rice Co, RBJ, BL, RG. |
1966 | Spring | | | earliest 4-28 Norman Co, BRK; 5-1 Cook Co, HH; 5-2 Cook Co, MAF; 5-2 Two Harbors, RK; 5-2 Winona, GD, GG, FV; latest 5-18 Hibbing, SM; 5-21 Duluth, PBH; 5-23 Duluth, JCG. |
1966 | Fall | | | Earliest 9-14 Duluth, AKA; 9-17 Lake Co., RK and Ramsey Co., ACR; latest 10-19 Hennepin Co., MHM; 10-20 Traverse Co., -JAH; 11-13 Cook Co., MAF. |
1967 | Spring | | | early 4-16 Dakota Co., MRL; 4-17 Washington Co., WWL; 4-23 Lake Co., VF; late 5-24 Lake Co., RK; 5-25 Cook Co., MOP and Beltrami Co., MG; 5-31 Lake Co., VF. |
1967 | Summer | | | late migrants 63 Grand Marais, Cook Co., LAC; 6-6, 6-9, Clifton, St. Louis Co., JCG. White -throated Sparrow: nested Cook Co.; also reported from Lake, Aitkin, Clearwater Co's. |
1967 | Fall | | | earliest 9-12 Washington Co., WWL; 9-17 Lake Co., RK· 9-20 Cook Co., RLG; 9-21 St. Louis Co. HM; latest 10-17 Lac qui Parle Co., JAH; 10-19 Washington Co., DS; 10-26 Anoka Co., PE; 10-29 Anoka Co., ACR. |
1968 | Spring | | | early 4-20 Ramsey Co., RJC; 4-24 Cook Co., MOP; 4-29 Fargo-Moorhead, fide EGA; 4-30 Hubbard Co., RBP; late 5-21 Carver Co., MHM, Lake Co., RK and Duluth, JCG; 5-27 Beltrami Co., MG; 5-29 Cook Co., MOP. |
1968 | Fall | | | Early 9 -9 Duluth MC; 9-20 Carver MHM; 9-21 Cook MAF; late 10-22 Cook MOP; 10-27 Lake RK; 10-31 Nobles HSH. |
1969 | Spring | | | 4-21 Washington Co., WWL; 4-27 Jackson Co., HSH; 4-29 (61) Ramsey Co., JJ; 5-1 Mille Lacs Co., MI, and Lake Co., RK; 5-16 Kandiyohi Co., RBJ; 5-22 (4) Hennepin Co., CKS; 5-18 (8) Lake Co., RK; 5-24 Duluth, PBH; 5-29 Duluth, MMG. |
1969 | Fall | | | 10-16 St. Louis 7 JCG; 9-11, 9-20 Duluth KS, DB; 10-1 Washington WHL; 10-10 Carver TH, 10-23 Hennepin ETS; 11-4, 11-5 Duluth MC, KS. |
1969 | Winter | | | 12-22 Redwood PE, KRE; 1-31 at feeder near Cascade River, Cook Co. K. Denis. |
1970 | Spring | | | earlies in north 4-25 Cook JP; 4-28 Lake RK; 4-29 St. Louis NH; early south 5-6 Carver KH; late 5-29 Cook JP and Lake JG and Duluth MMC; also one Gam bel's subspecies banded 5-7 Chisago |
1970 | Fall | | | early 9-13 Duluth JG; 9-17 Cook MAand Duluth MMC; late north 10-23 Morrison LR; 10-27 Duluth MMC; 11-12 to 12-5 Duluth 1]G; late south 10-8 Winona TV; 10-13 Hennepin VL; 10-18 Wright BH. |
1970 | Winter | | | 11-12 -12-5 Clifton, 1-3 French River, (same bird?) Duluth Twp. JCG. |
1971 | Spring | | | early south 4-29 Lyon 1-IK; 4-30 Stearns MLC; 5-1 Blue Earth EK; early north 5-7 Lake RK; 5-8 Duluth JG and Clearwater RCD; late 5-26 Lake RK and Duluth JG. |
1971 | Fall | | | early 9-15 Cook; 9-16 Duluth; late south 10-15 Hennepin; 10-31 Nobles; 11-12 Olmsted; late north 10-10 Cook; 10-18 Duluth. |
1972 | Summer | | | 6-22 mate at feeder Sherburne NWR staff. |
1973 | Fall | | | Seen in nine counties. Peak 10-7 Ramsey (35) (JAB). Late 11-30 Ramsey (JAB) (one at feeder). |
1973 | Winter | | | Seen on the St. Paul Christmas Count and on 12-18 in Grand Marais, Cook Co. (J. Vesall); few winter records. |
1974 | Fall | | | Early north 9-13 Duluth JG; 9-22 Clay LCF; early south 9-24 Hennepin ES; 9-28 Murray AD; late north 10-14 Duluth JG; 10-18 Aitkin LP; late south 10-13 Rock KE, Murray AD. |
1974 | Winter | | | Reported on the Sherburne Christ mas Count and on 2-24 in Winona Co. (R. Bilder -second latest wintering date on record). |
1975 | Spring | | | Early south 4-17 Stearns MC· 4-26 Lac qui Parle OLE; 5 reports o-d 4-29; early north 4-25 Cass HRH; 4-27 Traverse PG; 5-2 Crow Wing TS; late 5-18 Pipestone KE. |
1975 | Fall | | | early north 9-6 Duluth JG; 9-12 Marshall SV; early south 9-22 Ramsey WL; 9-24 Stearns MC, Cottonwood LF; late north 10-21 Clay LCF; 10-22 Duluth M. Kohlbry; late south 10-19 Wright ES; 10-22 Murray AD. |
1975 | Winter | | | 2 were in Hopkins, Hennepin Co. from 1-3 to 2-22 at a feeder; also a late migrant on the Big Stone N. W. R. Christmas Count. |
1976 | Spring | | | Early south 3-1, 3-20 Hennepin (wintering?) ERW; 3-29 Dakota JD; 4-16 Stearns MC; early north 4-13 Cass AS; 4-27 Itasca MS; 4-30 Marshall SV; late 4 reports on 5-22. |
1976 | Fall | | | Early north 9-11 Duluth, 9-25 Crow Wing; early south 9-11 Ramsey, 9-23 Hennepin and Wright; late north 1023 Cook, 10-24 Crow Wing; late south 11-1 Lac qui Parle, 11-15 Hennepin. |
1976 | Winter | | | Late migrant 12-3 Hennepin (ES). |
1977 | Spring | | | Early south 4-24 Jackson LR; 4-25 Stearns MC; 4-26 Cottonwood LAF; early north 4-30 Hubbard HF; 3 reports on 5-1; late 5-15 Aitkin Lloyd Paynter. |
1977 | Fall | | | Early south 8-24 Freeborn (DG), late north 10-27 Cook (JG, RJ). |
1977 | Winter | | | Two late migrants on the Big Stone CBC. White-throated Spa,rrow Overwintered only in Duluth Twp. at a feeder (M. Hoffman) and in Thief River Falls, Pennington Co. (fide SV); also reported as late as early Jan. in Carlton, Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington, Cook, Wabasha and Olmsted. |
1978 | Summer | | | Late migrant 6-1 Duluth (KRE). |
1978 | Fall | | | Early north 9-21 Marshall DS; early south 9-19 Washington DS; late north 10-5 Hu}?bard HF and 10-6 Clay LCF; late south 10-12 Hennepin OJ and 10. 14 Lac qui Parle OE. |
1979 | Spring | | | Early south 4-23 Lac qui Parle CMB, 4-26 Lyon HK; early north 4-19 Becker TNWR, 4-22 Otter Tail SM; late south 5-23 Murray AD; late north 5-21 St. Louis DA. |
1979 | Winter | | | Late migrant in Nicollet 12-7 (JCF). |
1980 | Spring | | | Earl south 3-1 LeSueur EK, wintering?, 5-3 Olmsted JB, JSD, Redwood LJF; early north 5-4 Clearwater SY, 5-5 Becker TNWR; late south 5-20 Washington DGW, 5-25 Olmsted JB, 5-31 Cottonwood LF; late north 5-21 Clay LCF, 5-25 St. Louis DA. |
1980 | Fall | | | Early north 9-6 St. Louis KE, 9-8 Pennington KSS; early south 9-16 Anoka KL, 9-17 Olmsted JF; late north 10-28 Clay LCF, 11-6 St. Louis KE; late south 10-31 Nicollet JCF, 11-22 LeSueur HC. |
1980 | Winter | | | One report of an overwintering individual in Foley Benton County (S. Loch). |
1981 | Spring | | | Early south 4-17 Olmsted JEB, 4-24 Lac qui Parle RH, 4-25 Washington DS; early north 4-29 Otter Tail GW, 4-30 Becker TNWR, 5-3 Clay LCF, St. Louis JG; late south 5-18 Hennepin SC, 5-20 Stearns SE, Washington DMB, 5-23 Washington ES; late north 5-18 Wilkin RJ, 5-19 Cook KMH, St. Louis JG, 5-21 Lake of the Woods KSS. |
1981 | Summer | | | Early migrant: 7-30 Pipestone (Loon 53:226-227). |
1981 | Fall | | | Early north 9-10 Crow Wing JB, 9-11 St. Louis DB; early south 9-18 Nicollet JCF, 9-22 Washington GS; late north 10-28 St. Louis KE, 10-31 Cook KMH; late south 10-23 Hennepin RA, 11-5 Ramsey WL. |
1981 | Winter | | | One report: Ramsey 12-12 (BL). |
1982 | Spring | | | Early south 4-17 Olmsted JEB, 4-23 Nicollet JCF, 4-25 Washington KM; early north 4-15 St. Louis LW, 4-24 St. Louis TL, 4-25 Cook SL; late south 5-22 Wabasha DGW, 5-23 Cottonwood LAF; late north 5-22 Lake of the Woods TW, 5-25 St. Louis SDM. |
1982 | Fall | | | Early north 9/15 St. Louis KE, 9/16 St. Louis LE, 9/17 Lake SWIMS; early south 9/18 Anoka SC, 9/23 Brown JSp, Hennepin ES, 9/25 Washington DS; late north 10/13 Grant RJ, 10/14 Cook KMH, 10/16 Aitkin WN, St. Louis LE; late south 11/2 Brown JSp, 1/15 Murray AD, 11/30 Olmsted JEB. |
1982 | Winter | | | Overwintered in Otter Tail (GMO, SDM) and Pine (ML) in the north and Olmsted (JB) in the south. Additional south reports from Hennepin, 12/19 (RBJ) and Dakota, 1/2 and 1/3 (JB, RG).Details in The Loon 55:87. |
1983 | Spring | | | Early south 31 I Olmsted JEB (wintering bird) 4/22 Brown Brown KL, 4/28 Lac qui Parle FAE; early north 3/12 Otter Tail GMO, (wintering bird) 4/27 Clay LCF, 5/8 Aitkin WN; late south 5/24 Cottonwood WH, Murray AD; late north 5/25 Cook SWIMS, 5/27 Aitkin WN, Cook KMH. |
1983 | Summer | | | Late migrant: 6/3 Cook. |
1983 | Fall | | | Early north 9/3 Carlton KL, 9/15 Cook KMH, 9/18 St. Louis AB; early south 9/22 Dakota JD, 9/23 Anoka DS, 9/26 Hennepin SC; late north 10/26 Cook KMH, 10/28 St. Louis HRNR, 11/24 St. Louis (at feeder) KE; late south I 0118 Hennepin SC, 10/22 Hennepin VL, 10/24 LeSueur HC. |
1983 | Winter | | | Found on the Duluth and Bloomington CBC and in Hennepin Co. on 2-26 (DZ). One remained at the Gresser's feeder in Dakota Co. until 1-8 (MRBA), (AB). |
1984 | Spring | | | Early south 4/25 Olmsted JEB, 4/27 Hennepin DB, Martin EBK, 4/28 Houston FL, Olmsted RE; early north 4/25 Pennington KSS, 4/27 Koochiching GM, 4/29 St. Louis fide KE; late south 5/14 Brown JSp, Houston EMF, 5/15 Hennepin PL, Winona JH, 5/17 Lac qui Parle FAE; late north 5/21 Cook EH, 5/22 Cook KMH, 5/25 Lake SWMS. |
1984 | Fall | | | Early north 8/28 Cook SL, 9/4 St. Louis KE, 9/7 Cook KMH ; early south 9/21 Dakota TT, 9/22 Goodhue DZ, Hennepin OJ, 9/24 Hennepin SC; late north I0130 Cook KMH, 1/14 Aitkin WN, Cook BL, Lake SWIMS, 11/7 St. Louis KE; late south I 0124 Hennepin SC, 11/21 Dakota JD, 11/28 Dakota IT. |
1984 | Winter | | | Reported on the Grand Marais CBC ( 12-15). |
1985 | Spring | | | Early south 4/20 Lyon HK, Stearns NH, 4/2& Olmsted JEB, 4/29 Brown JSp, Murray ND; early north 4/21 Cook SL, 4/22 Clay LCF, 4/29 Aitkin WN; late south 5/18 Rock JP, 5/19 Olmsted RE, 5/30 Cottonwood LAF; late north 5/16 Aitkin WN, 5/18 Clay LCF, Cook KMH. |
1985 | Fall | | | Early north 9/9 Cook KMH, 9/9 St. Louis SWIMS, 9/15 Koochiching KL; early south 9/21 Dakota TTu, 9/22 Lyon HK, Mower RRK and Ramsey JPIAM; late north 10/13 Aitkin WN, 10/20 Clay LCF, 10/21 Cook KMH; late south 10/18 Hennepin TTu, 10/24 Olmsted PP. |
1985 | Winter | | | Two reports: Dakota 12/13 (JPAM) and Cottonwood, all winter at a Mountain Lake feeder (LF). |
1986 | Spring | | | Early south 4/24 Dakota JD, 4/26 Martin RJ, Olmsted JEB, 4/28 Hennepin SC, Mower RRK, Olmsted RE; early north 4/14 Polk KSS, 4/23 Lake SWIMS, 4/24 Cook KMH; late south 5/13 Dakota RJ, 5/15 Wabasha PP, 5/17 Nicollet BDC; late north 5/18 Polk AB, 5/22 Cook WP, 5/30 Cook KMH. |
1986 | Fall | | | Early south 8/26 Brown JS and Washington DS, 8/27 Anoka SC, 9/25 Dakota TT; late north 10/28 Cook KMH, 11/25 Becker BK; late south l0/9 Lac qui Parle FE, 10/26 Chippewa RGJ, 11/6 Murray ND. |
1987 | Spring | | | Early south 3/28 Hennepin SC, 3/29 Olmsted JB, 3/30 Blue Earth MR; early north 4/14 St. Louis MHIJS, 4/28 St. Louis KE, 5/1 Wilkin GAM; late south 5/17 Faribault KWB, 5/23 Hennepin ES, 5/26 Murray ND; late north 5/20 Clay LCF, 5/22 St. Louis SWI MS, 5/25 Duluth AB. |
1987 | Fall | | | Early north 9/2 Itasca AB, 9/11 Koochiching GM, 9/13 Aitkin WN; early south 8/28 Hennepin DB, 9/8 Freeborn NHO, 9/12 Anoka GP; late north 10/13 Cook KMH, 10/15 Cook EH/RB, Mille Lacs DB, 10/18 Aitkin SC; late south 10/18 Olmsted JEB, 10/26 Brown MT, 11/14 Lac qui Parle FE. |
1988 | Spring | | | Early south 4/24 Lac qui Parle TBB, 4/30 Hennepin TI and Murray WD; early north 4/26 Duluth KE, 5/1 Aitkin WN; late south 5/16 Lac qui Parle FE, 5/28 Cottonwood BF; late north 5/17 Aitkin WN, 5/18 Cook OSL. |
1988 | Fall | | | Early north 9/4 buluth KE, 9/15 Koochiching GM, 9/21 Wilkin SDM; early south 9/9 Washington OS, 9/16 Hennepin SC, 9/24 Washington WL; late north 10/18 Cook KMH, 11/11 Duluth KE, 11/16 Cook WP; late south 10/16 Olmsted JB, 10/22 Fillmore NAO, 10/26 Hennepin OJ. |
1989 | Spring | | | Early south 4/23 Big Stone DO, Lac qui Parle FE, Washington DS, 4/25 Faribault KWB; early north 4/27 Clay LCF, 5/3 Cook OSL; late south 5/19 Hennepin AB, 5/20 Fillmore GMD, Mower JM; late north 5/16 Cook OSL, 5/20 Duluth KE, TW. |
1989 | Fall | | | Early north 9/9 Lake DPV, 9/11 Cook KMH, 9/13 Beltrami DJ; early south 9/19 Mower AP, 9/22 Hennepin SC, 9/23 Hennepin OJ, LeSueur EK, Pope RJ, Washington TBB, Winona CS; late north 11/5 AP, 11/21 Duluth LE, 11/29 Cook WP; late south 11/7 Winona CS, 11/9 Houston RJ, AP, 11/10 Steele AB. |
1989 | Winter | | | Reported on the Owatonna and Grand Marais CBCs and at Mountain Lake, Cottonwood Co. 12/23, (1) and 12/30, (2) ED. |
1990 | Spring | | | Early south 4/8 Olmsted JB, 4/22 Lac qui Parle FE, 4/23 Murray ND; early north 4/16 Koochiching GM, 4/28 Lake DV; late south 5/21 Fillmore NAO, Lac qui Parle FE, Olmsted AP, Winona CS, 5/22 Hennepin SC, Lac Winter 1990 qui Parle CMB, 5/28 Hennepin DB; late north 5/20 Aitkin WN, Lake SWIMS, Pennington KSS, 5/21 St. Louis TW, 5/23 Clay LCF. |
1990 | Summer | | | Second mid-summer record for state; 7/3 Minneopa State Park, Blue Earth Co. (The Loon 62:230). |
1990 | Fall | | | Early north 9/14 Koochiching GM, 9/15 Duluth EL, 9/16 Wilkin MO; early south 9/15 Washington OS, 9/16 Rice AP, 9/18 Mower RRK; late north 10/19 Cook KMH, 10/21 Aitkin WN, 10/22 Lake DPV; late south 10/16 Hennepin KB, 10/18 Winona OJ, 10/22 Winona CS. |
1991 | Spring | | | Early south 4/2 Cottonwood ED, 4/26 Kandiyohi JR; early north 4/22 Becker DEB, 4/29 Koochiching GM; late south 5/20 Scott AP, 5/22 Washington DS; late north 5/20 Roseau KB, 5/21 Cook KMH. |
1991 | Fall | | | Early north 9/11 Lake DPV, 9/13 Roseau MO, St. Louis SS; early south 9/16 Hennepin SC, 9/24 Anoka KB, Lyon HK, Sherburne SWR; late north 10/26 Beltrami DJ, Cook KMH, 11/10 Cook SOL; late south 11/13 Murray ND, 11/30 Olmsted JB. |
1991 | Winter | | | Reported on Rochester and Marshall CBC'S, and in Olmsted 1/4 BSE (no details for any of these). |
1992 | Spring | | | Early south 4/6 Fillmore GMD, 5/1 Cottonwood ED, Dakota JD, Hennepin KB, DC, Martin BBo and Renville TT; early north 4/14 Becker BBe, 5/1 Aitkin WN, Beltrami DJ and Clay LCF; late south 5/15 Winona CS, 5/16 Hennepin SC, OJ; late north 5/18 Koochiching GM, 5/26 Cook SOL. |
1992 | Fall | | | Early north 9/11 Cook KMH, 9/14 Aitkin WN; early south 9/17 Hennepin KB, 9/22 Hennepin OJ, TT; late north 10/18 Aitkin WN, 10/25 Wilkin DC. |
1992 | Winter | | | Reported on Faribault CBC (no details); only casual in winter. |
1993 | Spring | | | Early south 4/24 Kandiyohi JR and Lac qui Parle MB. Early north 4/23 Koochiching GM, 5/1 Marshall NJ. Late south 5/20 Stevens BBo, 5/28 Hennepin SC. Late north 5/28 Becker BBe and Koochiching GM, 5/29 Aitkin WN. |
1993 | Fall | | | Early north 9/11 Cook KMH, St. Louis SS, 9/14 Kanabec CM. Early south 9/11 Anoka CF, 9/18 Hennepin SC. Late north 10/29 Cook RJ, 11/11 Cook KMH. Late south 10/18 Goodhue DSm, 10/31 Chisago TBr. |
1994 | Spring | | | Early south 4/22 Washington DS, 4/25 Cottonwood ED, Lac qui Parle DSm, Lyon HK and Winona JPo; early north 4/15 Cook TBe, 4/27 Kanabec CM; late south 5/15 Brown JS, 5/16 Hennepin PBu and Lac qui Parle FE; late north 5/20 Cook KMH, 5/22 Aitkin WN. |
1994 | Fall | | | Early north 9/13 Cook KMH, 9/17 Becker BBe. Early south 9/16 Houston EMF, 9/18 Hennepin SC, TT. Late north 10/13 Aitkin CMG, 10/19 Cook KMH. Late south 10/29 Winona AM, 11/9 Washington TT. |
1994 | Winter | | | Two reports, neither with details: 12/12 Hennepin AH, and 1/2 Rice OR. Probably casual in winter. |
1995 | Spring | | | Early south 4/17 Washington DS, 4/23 Winona AM; early north 4/20 Becker BBe, 5/8 Aitkin CB; late south 5/20 Jackson AB, 5/21 Cottonwood ED; late north 5/24 Cook KMH, 5/25 Koochiching GM. |
1995 | Fall | | | Early north 9/1 (earliest north date) Cook OSL, 9/6 Koochiching GM and Roseau PS, 9/8 Lake of the Woods PS. Early south 9/18 Anoka KB, 9/22 Chisago RJ. Late north 11/13 St. Louis NJ, 11/24 Becker BBe. Late south 10/28 Winona CS, 11/12 Hennepin OJ. |
1995 | Winter | | | Reported until 12/15 St. Louis (Cotton) fide KE, and on the International Falls, Grand Marais and Faribault-Northfield CBCs. |
1996 | Spring | | | Early south 4/15 Murray RgS, 4/26 Anoka DS and Kandiyohi RJF. Early north 4/25 St. Louis TW, 4/30 Aitkin WN, 5/6 Becker BBe. Late south 5/20 Brown JSp, 5/21 Wabasha JD, 5/25 Mower RRK. Late north 5/19 Aitkin PP, 5/20 Mille Lacs RJ, 5/25 St. Louis TW. |
1996 | Fall | | | Early north 9/12 St. Louis TW, 9/17 Aitkin CB. Early south 9/13 Winona CS, 9/21 Dakota TT. Peak numbers 9/19 in Beltrami DJo and Cass MRN. Late north 10/20 St. Louis NJ, TW, 10/26 Lake WM. Late south 10/23 Brown JSp, 11/6 Hennepin ABo. |
1996 | Winter | | | Reported 2/1 St. Louis fide KE, and on the Bloomington, Grand Marais and Hastings CBCs. |
1997 | Spring | | | Birds were two weeks late, south and north, then appeared everywhere quickly. Early south 5/2 Rice TBo and Washington DS, 5/3 in three more counties. One overwintered in St. Louis fide KE. Early north 5/3 Beltrami SCM, 5/5 Kanabec CM and Otter Tail SDM. Late south 5/22 Lac qui Parle FE, 5/27 Brown JSp. Late north 5/24 Aitkin CB, Clearwater TBr and Marshall mob. |
1997 | Summer | | | Unusual summer report, probably a very late migrant 6/24–25 Roseau (adult) BSi. |
1997 | Fall | | | Early north 9/10 Cook KMH, 9/14 St. Louis TW, 9/18 Becker BBe. Early south 9/20 Ramsey AH, 9/21 Big Stone LE, Hennepin TT and Lyon RgS. Late north 11/11 Becker BK, 11/16 Aitkin WN, and 11/27 Cook OSL. Late south 10/18 Washington RJ, 10/19 Dakota TT, 10/22 Hennepin SC. |
1997 | Winter | | | Only report: overwintered in Otter Tail (Fergus Falls) SDM. |
1998 | Spring | | | Early south 4/25 Jackson MJC, 4/26 Lac qui Parle FE and Pope SDM. Early north 4/30 St. Louis SL, 5/7 Becker BK, Cook OSL and Otter Tail SDM. Late south 5/16 Hennepin PBu, TT, 5/17 Mower RRK. Late north 5/18 Cook OSL, 5/25 Douglas SWa, GrK. |
1998 | Fall | | | Early north 9/7 Cook KMH and St. Louis KB, FN. Early south 9/12 Hennepin SC, 9/16 Washington DS, 9/19 Anoka JH. Late north 11/11 St. Louis JN, 11/24 Cook KMH. Late south 11/6 Olmsted DA/BE, 11/7 Goodhue PBu. |
1998 | Winter | | | Reported on the Bloomington CBC (2), and 2/26 Dakota KO. |
1999 | Spring | | | Arrived south later than usual, with only one April report. Early south 4/24 Stearns MJ/DT, 5/1 Dakota TT, then many reports over the next three days. Early north 4/12 (earliest north date, possibly overwintered) Kanabec CM, 5/2 Morrison WB, 5/4 in two counties. Late south 5/19 Washington DN, 5/21 Chisago SL. Late north 5/22 Clay GN, 5/24 St. Louis TW. The latest reports south and north were within one day of the recent median departure dates. |
1999 | Fall | | | Early north 9/15 Cook KMH, 9/17 St. Louis JN, followed by frequent reports beginning 9/19. Early south 9/11 Nicollet MF, 9/18 Scott SL, 9/22 Hennepin SC. Late north 10/16 Cook AH, 10/21 Lake AH and St. Louis LW. Late south 10/14 Jackson BBo, 10/15 McLeod DF, 10/17 Ramsey SL. The latest north this season is three weeks earlier than usual, but the latest south is earlier than any departure since before 1985! |
1999 | Winter | | | No reports. |
2000 | Spring | | | Observed in 19 south and 15 north counties statewide. Early south 4/15 Jackson MJC, 4/23 McLeod RbS. Early north (where recent median 4/21) 4/30 Otter Tail SDM and Pennington JJ. Although not seen anywhere in state this past winter, reports from Aitkin on 3/11 and 3/26 (WN) likely refer to an individual that overwintered, since earliest north date on record 4/12. Peak migration 4/30–5/2 in the south and 5/3–7 north. Departed state on time. Late south 5/22 Dakota TT. Late north 5/27 Beltrami PBD. |
2000 | Fall | | | Early north 9/15 Lake JWL, 9/16 St. Louis NAJ. Early south 9/17 Anoka KJB, 9/20 Rice TFB. Many north reports 10/17–22 followed by only two birds in Lake on 11/25+ (JWL, PHS). Similarly, one was found 11/21 in Dakota (KEO), even though no others were reported south after October. |
2000 | Winter | | | Reported 12/10–17 Lake (Two Harbors) mob, 1/4 Dakota KEO, 1/10 Murray JJS, and on the Duluth, Fergus Falls, and Rochester CBCs. |
2001 | Spring | | | Observed in 23 south and 14 north counties. Early south 4/17 Rice FVS, KNS, 4/25 Stearns MAJ, DCT. Early north 4/21 Pine KIM, BAP, and 4/29 Clay RHO. Apparently overwintered in St. Louis, where seen 3/14 Duluth fide KRE; compare with earliest north date (4/12). Peak migration dates 4/28 – 5/6 in south. Departed state 7–10 days earlier than usual. Late south 5/12 Brown JJS. Late north 5/18 St. Louis TPW. |
2001 | Fall | | | Early north 9/12 St. Louis KJB, 9/14 St. Louis (same as 9/12?) NAJ, 9/17 Lake PHS. Early south 9/10 Hennepin OLJ, 9/19 Hennepin TAT, 9/22 Rice TFB. Many north reports though 10/28, then only 11/3 Lake JJS. Late south 11/4 Wright (2) DFJ, 11/26 Brown JSS. |
2001 | Winter | | | All reports: 12/22 Faribault CBC (2), 12/29 Roseau CBC (1). |
2002 | Spring | | | Reported from 25 south and 16 north counties. Early south 4/24 Washington DFN, 4/26 Hennepin OLJ. Early north 4/25 Kanabec CAM, 4/26 Cass WLB and Todd JSK, SDu. Late south 5/20 Hennepin DWK, 5/21 Lac qui Parle FAE. Late north 5/21 Lake JWL, 5/26 Roseau AXH, PHS. |
2002 | Fall | | | Early north 9/12 Lake KRE, 9/15 St. Louis SWe, JWL. First report from the North-central or Northwest not until 10/5. Early south 9/21 Scott SWe, 9/22 Dakota TAT. Late north 11/2 Lake CRM, 11/8 Lake JWL. Away from the Northeast, last reported north in Cass 10/24 (MRN). Late south 10/31 Hennepin SWe, 11/3 Nicollet LWF, 11/16 Winona PWP, but also see winter report. |
2002 | Winter | | | All reports: 12/14–1/1 Olmsted (maximum 6) CBe et al., 12/20 Lamberton CBC (1), 2/1 Houston CRG (2), 2/1 Grant SPM, and the Mountain Lake CBC count week. |
2003 | Spring | | | Observed in 25 south and 16 north counties. Early south 4/24 Carver RMD, 4/27 Lac qui Parle FAE. Early north 4/27 Aitkin WEN, 5/3–6 in six counties. Late south 5/20 Lac qui Parle BJU, 5/21 Watonwan DLB. Late north 5/24 Aitkin SLF, 5/28 Cook JMP. Highest reported count 5/14 Traverse (23) KJB. |
2003 | Fall | | | Found in all regions. Early north 9/8 St. Louis SLF, 9/10 Lake JWL. First north report away from the North Shore of L. Superior 9/21 Clay RHO and Kittson JMJ. Early south 9/21 Rice TFB, 9/25 Olmsted PWP. Late north 11/2 Cook KRE, 11/7 Lake JWL (overwintered at different location in Lake, please see winter report). Late south (but see CBC data) 11/13 Rice DAB, 11/18 Dakota ADS, 11/21 Nicollet LWF. |
2003 | Winter | | | One seen 1/2 Lake (Castle Danger) JWL apparently overwintered fide JWL. Also reported 12/13 New Ulm CBC. |
2004 | Spring | | | Observed in 33 south and 21 north counties. Early south 4/19 Washington DPS, 4/24 Hennepin OLJ. Early north (but see winter report) 4/27 Aitkin CLB, 4/28 Kanabec CAM and St. Louis NAJ. Late south 5/27 Big Stone BJU, 5/30 (ties latest south) Hennepin SLC. Late north 5/27 Carlton NAJ and Itasca EO, 5/28 Clay RHO and Kittson AXH, PHS. Highest reported count 5/12 Cook (100 estimated) DJS. |
2004 | Summer | | | Late spring migrants 6/2 Clay RHO, 6/6 Polk (Rydell N.W.R.). |
2004 | Fall | | | Reported from 10 north and 14 south counties. Record-early north 8/20 Cook KRE, a single adult at a feeder. Otherwise, 9/9 St. Louis NAJ. Early south (only September reports) 9/30 Sherburne PLJ and Dakota JPM. Late north (but see winter report) 10/24 Lake ADS, 10/31 Cook JWL. Late south (also see winter report) through 10/25, then only 11/3 Hennepin SLC. |
2004 | Winter | | | All reports: 1/2 Lake fide JWL, (no date) Fillmore NBO. |
2005 | Spring | | | Reported from 26 south and 16 north counties in all regions. Early south 5/1 Freeborn AEB, 5/3 Washington DPS; peak migration 5/6–7. Early north (also see winter report) 4/15 Marshall DVE, eight days ahead of the median (4/23). Late south 5/20 Brown JSS and Ramsey NSp. Late north 5/20 St. Louis TPW, 5/22 Lake JWL. |
2005 | Summer | | | Late spring migrant 6/5 Cook (Judge C.R. Magney S.P.) fide JWL. |
2005 | Fall | | | Reported from 20 north and 15 south counties. Extraordinary north report 8/7 Carlton JMP is 13 days earlier than previous record; compare with median of 9/11. Early south 9/17 Scott RBJ, 9/23 Benton HHD. North reports through end of October, then 11/15 Cook CJT. No south reports after mid-October. |
2005 | Winter | | | All reports: 12/4 Otter Tail SPM, 2/12 Olmsted (adult) CH, JWH. |
2006 | Spring | | | Reported from 33 south and 16 north counties. Early south 4/21, 4/22 Lac qui Parle BJU, 4/22 Dakota PEB. Early north 4/30 Clay PBB, 5/1 Kanabec CAM. Bulk of south reports began 4/28 and stopped after 5/22 Ramsey LMS (same as median). North reports steady throughout May and ceased as of 5/23 Kanabec JMP (median 5/25). |
2006 | Fall | | | Reported from 14 north and 24 south counties. As in the preceding species, fewer reports than normal. Early north 9/9 St. Louis SLF, 9/13 Lake JWL, 9/16 Lake of the Woods RJS (median 9/11). Early south 9/16 Scott RBW, 9/21 Washington RBJ (median 9/16). High count 10/14 Cook (50 imm. in Grand Marais, including 10 at one feeder) AXH, PHS. Late north 10/23 Lake JWL, 10/26 Cook RBJ, 10/28 Cook JWL. Please see winter report for late south migrants and probable overwintering. |
2006 | Winter | | 2 | All reports: 12/1–1/1 Rice TFB, and a possibly overwintering bird 2/16 Lac qui Parle BJU. |
2007 | Spring | 16 | 29 | Early south 4/20 Rock RBW, 4/21 Hennepin CMB (median 4/3). Early north 4/14 Marshall JMJ, 4/19 Marshall (same bird?) GT, 4/23 Cass DAY (median 4/23). Late south 5/19 Steele NFT, 5/20 Washington HHD, 5/20 Hubbard MAW (median 5/22). Reported north through 5/24. |
2007 | Fall | 12 | 22 | Early north (median 9/10) 9/8 Lake EEO, 9/12 St. Louis ERo, 9/13 St. Louis ABL, SMC. Early south (median 9/16) 9/15 Pope HHD, 9/24 Washington RBJ, 9/25 Sherburne PLJ, 9/27 Dakota JEB. Late north 10/30 Cook SLF, 11/2 Lake LS, ADS, 11/3 St. Louis SLF (median 11/14). Late south 10/21 Dakota SWe, 10/28 Scott BAF, 11/3 Rice DAB (median 11/30). Only a few records for this species were reported during the subsequent winter (see winter report). As with the previous species, there were fewer reports than normal and the number of birds was low. |
2007 | Winter | 1 | 5 | Only report north was from the Grand Marais CBC. All south reports include 12/21 Dakota (Burnsville) DEn, 12/25 Meeker TNe, 12/28 Washington LMS, and probable overwintering 2/28 Rice TFB. Overwintering reported 1/7–2/29 Dakota (2 in Empire Twp.) ph. BSe, m.ob. Both were immature birds and particularly interesting as each appeared to belong to different subspecies: one, the dark lored Z. l. leucophrys, and the other, a pale lored Z. l. gambelii. Also recorded on the Hutchinson (2) CBC. |
2008 | Spring | 26 | 29 | Possibly overwintering or a very early migrant was one in Rice beginning 2/28+ TFB. Early south (median 4/21) 4/21 Kandiyohi JoS, 4/27 Lac qui Parle BJU, 4/28 Meeker DMF, 4/29 Fillmore RTP. Early north (median 4/22) 4/27 St. Louis fide JWL, 4/30 Clay RHO, Otter Tail fide JMJ. Late south 5/20 Dakota JLO, Lac qui Parle FAE, Meeker HHD, Steele LS, 5/21 Anoka RLR, Carver JCC (median 5/21). Late north 5/24 Aitkin DPG, Lake JWL, 5/25 St. Louis DAB, 5/26 Cook JWH (median 5/25). |
2008 | Summer | 3 | | Three late north observations: 6/14 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) fide JMJ, 7/8 Cass ph. HMS, SMP, and 7/15 St. Louis (at feeder, still present through 8/2) ph. WLi. |
2008 | Fall | 19 | 18 | An individual found in mid-July lingered until 8/2 St. Louis WLi. Early migrant north (median 9/10) 9/12 Lake JWL, 9/14 Kittson fide JMJ, St. Louis TPW, 9/15 St. Louis ABL. Early south (median 9/16) 9/16 Nicollet RMD, 9/21 Anoka DPG, 9/27 Hennepin, Lac qui Parle and Pope. Late north 10/18 Cass RMD, JEB, St. Louis TPW, DWK, 10/19 Mille Lacs HHD, LS (median 11/14). Late south 11/16–19 Anoka CKB, 11/29–30 Rice TFB (median 11/30). Reports for this species continued into December for south regions (see winter report). Number of reports and individuals continue to be low. |
2008 | Winter | | 3 | All reports: 12/20 McLeod PRH, 12/1–15 Rice TFB, 12/20 Sibley (Henderson CBC) ph. ABS. |
2009 | Spring | 18 | 35 | Early south (median 4/21) 4/28 Meeker DMF, 4/30 Blue Earth RBJ, DAC, Fillmore RTP, Mower ARW. Early north (median 4/22) 4/26 Wadena PJB, 5/6 Cass BAW, 5/7 Todd MSK, 5/8 Marshall GT, St. Louis PHS, SLF. Late south 5/17 Anoka SIv, Carver JCy, Meeker LS, Nobles CRM, Steele NFT, Swift WCM, 5/18 Fillmore HHD, Hennepin MDu, ABL, Rock CRM (median 5/21). Late north 5/23 Marshall HHD, JCC, CRM, 5/24 Pennington HHD, St. Louis SMC, 5/25 Carlton DAB, JWH (median 5/25) |
2009 | Fall | 16 | 26 | Early north (median 9/10) 9/15 Cook CRu, 9/19 Cass BAW, 9/23 Aitkin KCR. Early south (median 9/16) 9/25 Hennepin BAF, 9/26 Sherburne BAF, 9/29 Hennepin DWK, Ramsey REH. Late north 10/19 Cook DBM, St. Louis ASc, PHS, 10/20 Crow Wing JSB, 10/22 St. Louis SLF (median 11/14). Late south 10/28 Dakota ADS, 10/29 Blue Earth ChH, 10/31 Olmsted JWH (median 12/13). Season high counts 10/8 St. Louis (46) PHS, 10/19 St. Louis (13) PHS. Bulk of reports for this species occur from the last week of September through the third week of October. |
2009 | Winter | 3 | 1 | All reports: 12/3 Carver JCy, 12/19 St. Louis (adult of Gambel's subspecies, Z. l. gambelii) †PHS, MLH, 12/20 Two Harbors CBC. One with an injured wing over-wintered in Cass MRN. |
2010 | Spring | 17 | 31 | Early south (median 4/21) 4/11 Olmsted DBM, 4/24 Lac qui Parle BJU, 4/25 Mower LS, 4/27 Washington LMS. Early north (median 4/23) 4/16 St. Louis LiM, 4/28 Cass DAY, 5/1 Otter Tail ARo, Roseau JTi. Late south 5/22 Fillmore AEK, Steele PSu, 5/23 Yellow Medicine BJU, 5/24 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 5/21). Late north 5/24 Beltrami LBF, 5/25 Clay PHS, 5/27 Morrison FGo (median 5/25). Bulk of reports south are from the last week of April to the third week of May, north mostly the month of May. |
2010 | Fall | 17 | 32 | Early north (median 9/10) 9/12 St. Louis ABL, 9/13 Lake KRE, Morrison JWH, 9/14 Cook EEO, Polk SAu. Early south (median 9/16) 9/18 Sherburne ASc, 9/21 Hennepin TAT, 9/22 Lac qui Parle BJU, 9/24 Carver JCy. Late north 10/23 Mahnomen JMJ, 10/27 St. Louis ERo, 10/29 St. Louis WCM, 11/27 St. Louis NAJ (median 11/14). Late south 10/31 Olmsted JWH, 11/14 Freeborn RBW, 11/21 Olmsted JWH (median 12/13). Bulk of reports for this species occur from mid-September through the end of October. |
2010 | Winter | 2 | 3 | All reports: 12/8–2/21 Rice (overwintered, backyard feeder) TFB, 12/18–2/6 St. Louis (immature overwintered at feeder, Grand Lake) ph. NP fide JWL, CWG, 12/31 Hastings-Etter CBC, 1/1 Pine (immature at feeder, Sturgeon Lake) HHD, RAE, 1/20 Stearns FGo. |
2011 | Spring | 27 | 41 | Overwintered in Rice TFB. Early south (median 4/21) 4/24 Lac qui Parle FAE, 4/28 Big Stone and Lac qui Parle BJU. Early north (median 4/23) 4/26 Marshall MA, 4/28 Morrison FGo, 4/30 Otter Tail ARo, Polk (2) SAu, Todd JeM. High count 5/3 Hennepin (30, Westwood Hills N.C.) ThM. Late south 5/24 Carver JCy, Isanti DPG (median 5/21). Late north 5/26 Wadena (2) MGo, 5/27 Wilkin JWH, BWF (median 5/25). |
2011 | Summer | | 1 | Remarkably late migrant 6/18 Rock †AXH. |
2011 | Fall | 20 | 32 | Early north (median 9/10) 9/7 St. Louis (Ely) BET, 9/8 St. Louis (5, Brighton Beach) JLK, (5, Stoney Point) JLK. Early south (median 9/16) 9/13 Sherburne PLJ, 9/15 Hennepin RBW, 9/17 Ramsey REH. High counts 9/15 St. Louis (13) JLK, 10/9 St. Louis (9) JLK. Late north 11/4 Polk (2) HHu, 11/5 Lake KRE, RZi, KRo (median 11/14). Late south 11/1 Hennepin BeS, 11/2 Lyon (5) GWe, 11/4 Lac qui Parle BJU, Washington (4) JHg. |
2011 | Winter | 2 | 5 | More reports than any of the previous five years. All north reports: 12/15 St. Louis fide JWL, 12/17 St. Louis (Duluth CBC) (different birds?), 2/19 Lake (Two Harbors) JWL. All south reports: ;12/17 Northwest McLeod (Hutchinson) CBC, Hennepin (near Elm Creek P.R.) fide SSC (who submitted documentation based on interview with observers), 1/16 Winona MJB, 2/18 Anoka (3, Krypton) JaM, and one overwintered 1/4–2/27 Olmsted (3) LAV, m.ob. |
2012 | Spring | 25 | 36 | Overwintered in Olmsted. Possibly overwintering 3/15 Dakota (3) SBM 3/25–27 Lac qui Parle BJU. Subsequent south reports 4/11 Dakota DMo, 4/14 Hennepin ShM. Probably overwintered in Lake, then record early report 4/6 St. Louis SES, followed by 4/24 Otter Tail BDE, 4/25 Polk SAu. |
2012 | Fall | 22 | 37 | Early north (median 9/10) 9/7 St. Louis (Everett Woods, immature) JLK, 9/12 Polk (immature) SAu, St. Louis (H.R.N.R.) KJB. Early south (median 9/16) 9/8 Hennepin (Wood Lake N.C., immature) TAT, 9/17 Anoka CKB, Hennepin (Mother Lake, immature) TAT, Ramsey (immature) TAT, 9/18 Hennepin (Veterans Memorial Park) SBM. High count 10/5 Cook (13, Grand Marais) EEO. Late north 10/27 Cass BAW, 10/28 Cook (Taconite Harbor) ANy, DBM, (2, Grand Marais) JWH, 11/1 St. Louis JLK, 11/4 St. Louis ACr, 11/7 Lake RAE (median 11/14). See winter report for one more late north and many south individuals. |
2012 | Winter | 2 | 7 | More reports than any of the previous five years. North reports 12/2–6 Polk ph. †SAu, 12/16 Fargo-Moorhead CBC. South reports from mid-November through 12/17 in Olmsted (1 to 3 individuals, Cascade Lake) LAV, m.ob., 12/8, 12/13 Lac qui Parle FAE, 12/15 Lyon GWe, 12/29 Litchfield CBC, 1/18 Winona HCT, 2/18 Houston RMo, 2/21 CRM, and several reports from Dakota including 12/11 (2 immatures, near Cannon River) GHo, 12/29 Hastings-Etter CBC (immature and adult), KDS, DwS, and 2/24 (adult, 205th and Joan Ave., likely the same bird seen on the Hastings-Etter CBC) TAT. |
2013 | Spring | 30 | 46 | Overwintered south in three counties. Presumed first migrants (median 4/21) 4/27 Dakota ASi, PNi, 4/29 Hennepin MaC, CMB, ABL, KOk, 4/30 Fillmore DBz, Houston SHo, Meeker JAn, Olmsted LAV, Rice TFB, Wright ToL, then nine counties on 5/1. Early north (median 4/23) 4/28 Beltrami FGo, Marshall DSm, 4/29 Marshall GAK, 4/30 Hubbard MaH, Lake JWL, Otter Tail DST, JsS, JSw, Pine JMP. High counts 5/22 St. Louis (18, Park Point) JLK, 5/1 Hennepin (15, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) DAd, 5/14 Carver (15) CRM. Late south 5/23 Steele PSu, 5/24 Olmsted KeH (median 5/21). Late north 5/31 St. Louis DAB, JDx, KDx, ALo (median 5/25), but also see summer report. |
2013 | Summer | 2 | | Reported 6/2 Itasca PLe, Marshall CCr. |
2013 | Fall | 20 | 26 | Early north (median 9/10) 9/8 Cook LCM, 9/9 Itasca SC, 9/10 Polk SAu, St. Louis KJB. Early south (median 9/16) 9/21 Hennepin AxG, RCB, SBM, 9/22 Hennepin TAT, CRM, DPa, SuB, Ramsey DPa, 9/27 Olmsted JWH. High count 10/5 St. Louis (24) CAR. Late north 11/2 Cook ClN, St. Louis DWK, PEB, 11/3 Cook KRE, 11/4 Polk SAu (median 11/14). Late south 10/25 Olmsted DMs, 10/30 Hennepin ACr, 11/1 Hennepin KOk, Washington JHg (median 12/13). |
2013 | Winter | 2 | 4 | All north 12/14 Grand Marais CBC (2), 12/28 St. Louis ph. JWd. All south 12/14 Henderson CBC (5), 12/21 Lamberton CBC, 12/28 Dakota (Ravenna Twp.) ADS, 12/31 Dakota (Marshan Twp.) KDS, 2/3–17 Steele (first–winter) NFT, DBM. |
2014 | Spring | 24 | 45 | Overwintered south in two counties. Presumed early south migrants (median 4/21) 4/8–10 Olmsted LAV, 4/20 Wright LNi, 4/22 Scott MSw. Early north (median 4/23) 4/29 Wadena PJB, 4/30 Douglas LGl, 5/4 Wadena PJB. High count 5/9 Hennepin (20, Clifton French R.P.) RBu. Late south 5/29 Pope AnS, 5/30 Steele PSu (median 5/21). Late north 5/24 Cook SLP, 5/27 St. Louis EBr (median 5/25). |
2014 | Fall | 14 | 30 | Early north (median 9/10) 9/11 Lake DaE, 9/12 St. Louis AM, 9/13 Polk SAu, St. Louis RZi, JLK. Early south (median 9/16) 9/15 Hennepin KMa, 9/22 Anoka DPG, Hennepin TAT, JGg, Sherburne SMC. Migration peaked along the North Shore 10/4–5, as evidenced by high counts 10/4 St. Louis (40, Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB, 10/5 Lake/St. Louis (69: 36 in Lake, 33 in St. Louis) MLH, PHS, 10/4 St. Louis (35, residential yard) LME. Late north 11/3 Lake DWK, 11/30 Morrison KEm (median 11/14). Late south 11/9 Hennepin BRo, 11/17 Meeker BNn (median 12/13). See winter report for late individuals north and south. |
2014 | Winter | 3 | 3 | Observed in several eastern counties north and south. All north 12/14 Two Harbors CBC, 12/20 Grand Marais CBC, 12/20 Duluth CBC, 1/1 St. Louis SLP. All south 12/20 Rochester CBC, 12/27 Hastings-Etter CBC, 12/28 Red Wing CBC. |
2015 | Spring | 26 | 40 | Early south (median 4/21) 4/23 Rice DaG, 4/24 Le Sueur ACh, 4/25 Hennepin ChE, Stevens JFl. Early north (median 4/23) 4/26 Pine RTe, 4/30 Cass JWM, and in Becker, Douglas, Itasca on 5/1. High counts 5/3 Todd (60, Spier Lake) ALu, 5/15 St. Louis (14) JLK. Late south 5/20 Hennepin ABL, 5/21 Fillmore NBO, Steele (median 5/21). Late north 5/23 St. Louis BHo, 5/31 Becker JKy, Cook WCM (median 5/25). |
2015 | Summer | 3 | | Seen 6/2 Clay JKy, 6/11 Roseau BSi, 6/20 Itasca v.t. SC. |
2015 | Fall | 28 | 38 | Early north (median 9/11) 9/10 St. Louis SMC, 9/11 Lake DaE, 9/12 St. Louis JLK, KJB, 9/15 Itasca SC. Early south (median 9/16) 9/18 Sherburne JlB, 9/22 Hennepin BrW, SBM, 9/23 Winona DAB, 9/24 Freeborn PSu. High counts 10/24 Rock (25, Blue Mounds S.P.) KEm, MEm, 10/8 Hennepin (20, Bass Ponds, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) DTM. Late north 11/9 Lake HCT, m.ob., St. Louis JPR, 11/14 Clay RHO (median 12/15). Late south 11/20 Hennepin TAT, 11/20–28 Hennepin (max. 2) SKe, 11/27 Washington ERH, (median 12/19). See winter report for late individuals north and south. |
2015 | Winter | 3 | 5 | Widely scattered reports from several regions. Unusual winter records: 12/19 Clay (Fargo Moorhead CBC), 12/27 Goodhue JFR, 12/26 Ramsey (St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) CBC), 1/25 Stearns (Melrose) AaL, 12/24 Washington (Stillwater) JuW. |
2016 | Spring | 25 | 45 | Many early south preceding median (4/21) of recent arrivals: 3/13 Hennepin (record early, Maple Grove) †JBs, 4/3 Rice DAB, 4/17 Lyon GWe, 4/18 Redwood EBo. Early north (median 4/25) 4/21 Todd SDi, 4/23 Cass DAY, 4/24 Crow Wing JPR. High count 5/11 Otter Tail (15) KiF. Late south 5/23 Stearns AaL, 5/28 Lincoln DPk, Rock m.ob. (median 5/21). Late north 5/26–28 St. Louis (Park Point) JFc, m.ob., 5/28 Cook DFN (median 5/26). |
2016 | Summer | 1 | | Seen 7/14 St. Louis (immature, W. Ideal St.) JLK. |
2016 | Fall | 25 | 39 | Early north (median 9/11) 9/10 St. Louis DFe, 9/11 St. Louis PSk, 9/13 Lake JWL, St. Louis JLK, JPR. Early south (median 9/16) 9/18 Waseca PSu, 9/19 Ramsey CHi, 9/22 Hennepin EGB. High counts 10/6 Aitkin (23, Rice Lake N.W.R.) EGB, 9/24 Anoka (21, Coon Rapids Dam P.R.) EGB, 10/15 Hennepin (20, Clifton French R.P.) RMu. Late north 11/16 Koochiching JPR, 11/26 Lake ToL, CEl (median 12/15). Late south 11/19 Hennepin SKe, 11/26 Washington ERH (median 12/20). See winter report for overwintering individuals north and south. |
2016 | Winter | 2 | 2 | Fewest reports since 2009 when also reported from four counties. All reports 12/21 Lake (Agate Bay, Two Harbors) SBE, LiH, 1/15–29 Lake (Two Harbors, same individual?) JWL, m.ob., 1/17–1/26, 2/16 Cook (Grand Marais) JWL, m.ob., 1/18, 2/23 Scott JEB, 1/21 Fillmore JWH. |
2017 | Spring | 22 | 43 | Apparently overwintering individual 3/9+ Winona was joined by another individual (migrant?) 4/1 GSm. Early south migrants (median 4/21) 4/15 Olmsted LHl, 4/18 Hennepin KvB then multiple reports beginning 4/21. Early north (median 4/25) 4/26 Cass DWy, Todd SDi, 4/29 Otter Tail WyR. High counts 5/7 Rock (40, Blue Mounds S.P.) VKl, 5/11 Polk (23) SAu. Late south 5/23 Hennepin KBg, Ramsey OGo, 5/24 Rice TFB (median 5/21). Late north 5/22 Norman DBz, ANy, St. Louis JPR, Todd FGo, 5/24 Cook LSd, JSd (median 5/26). |
2017 | Summer | 1 | 1 | Observed 6/6 St. Louis (Wolf Lake Roadless Area) AKO, 6/8 Washington (Afton S.P.) DVe, GUn, KDS. |
2017 | Fall | 25 | 38 | Early north (median 9/10) 9/6 St. Louis (H.R.N.R.) KSz, 9/7–8 St. Louis (H.R.N.R.) ALx, 9/8 Pine JyS, Polk SAu. Early south (median 9/16) 9/8 Hennepin TAT, 9/13 Hennepin JWl, Stearns JOs. High counts 10/2 Hennepin (20) CDg, 9/28 Lake (16, Two Harbors) JWL, 10/9 Cook (16) JaJ. Late north 11/4 Lake GLa, CRM, 11/5 Cook KRE, m.ob. (median 12/17). Late south 11/18 Rice NiR, 11/29 Washington ERH (median 12/19). See winter report for overwintering individuals north and south. |
2017 | Winter | 1 | 3 | Reported from an identical number of counties as last year and somewhat below 10-year average of six counties. All reports: 12/4 Sibley ph. DWK, 12/5–11 Stearns HHD, 12/5–2/25 Winona ph. GSm, m.ob., 12/17 Lake ASu, LiH. |
2018 | Spring | 1 | 2 | Three reports of the western subspecies 5/9 Renville LiH, 5/10 Ramsey LiH, and 5/12 Cook LiH. |
2018 | Fall | 28 | 32 |  Early north (median 9/10) 8/26 Cook ebd, 9/8 Cook ebd, St. Louis IVa, 9/15 Lake JWL, SLL, St. Louis ebd. Early south (median 9/16) 9/13 Anoka DPG, 9/18 Ramsey ebd, Sherburne ebd, 9/21 Washington JZj. High counts 10/6 Lake (46, Two Harbors) JLK, 10/12 Pine (40) ebd, 10/6 St. Louis (37) RHg. Late north 11/12 Cook JaJ, Polk SAu, 11/15 St. Louis JLK (median 12/17). Late south 11/21 Olmsted DoH, Stevens DLP, 11/22 Carver VWe (median 12/19), but see winter report for additional records north and south. Z. l. gambelii reported north 10/6 Becker JCC, 10/28 St. Louis FFb and south 10/6 Hennepin FFb, 10/15 Rice MZa. |
2018 | Winter | 1 | 6 | Reported from seven counties, close to ten-year average of six, mostly from Mississippi River watershed. Only north report 12/27, 1/5 Douglas LGl. Many January and February reports indicate a number of overwintering birds. High count 1/15 Dakota (3) IVa. |
2019 | Spring | 30 | 47 | Overwintering birds reported from Dakota, Fillmore, Winona. Early south migrants (median 4/21) 4/13 Carver ebd, 4/20 Dakota DEv, Olmsted ebd, Hennepin JQn. Early north (median 4/26) 4/20 Otter Tail JsS, 4/26 Cook ebd, 4/27 Crow Wing SDz, Otter Tail RTo, St. Louis ALu, JPR. High counts 5/6 Pipestone (25, Split Rock Creek S.P.) VKl, 5/11 Washington (13, Lake Elmo R. P.) ebd. Late south 5/24 Hennepin IVa, 5/28 Hennepin ebd (median 5/21). Late north 5/28 Lake BDo, 5/29 Grant CNn (median 5/27). Two reports of †œGambell†™s† subspecies: 5/19 Sherburne IVa and 5/24 Hennepin IVa. |
2019 | Summer | 1 | | Â Seen 6/6 Lake (2, Tettegouche S.P.) AFo. |
2019 | Fall | 28 | 46 | Early north (median 9/10) 9/6 Wadena BDo, LiH, 9/14 Clay CMk, Lake ebd, 9/15 St. Louis JLK. Early south (median 9/16) 9/7 Hennepin TAT, 9/8 Anoka ebd, 9/10 Wright ebd. High counts 10/7 St. Louis (24, 40th Ave. West) ebd, 10/6 Sherburne (17, Sherburne N.W.R.) ebd. Late north 11/14 St. Louis NPo, 11/17 Lake DWK (median 12/17). Late south 11/19 Hennepin RSA, 11/28 Wright ToL (median 12/20). Majority of all reports occurred from the last week of September through the third week of October. See winter report for overwintering individuals north and south. Gambelii subspecies reported 9/28 Rice (Carleton College Cowling Arboretum) MZa. |
2019 | Winter | 1 | 4 | Â Observed in five counties, similar to ten-year average of six. Only north reports 12/11 Cook ebd, 12/14 Grand Marais CBC. South reports 12/13–14 Freeborn (Alden) DaS, 12/16 Dakota (Marshan Twp.) KDS, 12/21 Red Wing CBC, 12/29 Dakota (Rosemount) MwT, 1/2–26 Dakota (Ravenna Twp.) KDS, AJF, m.ob., 1/15 – 2/26 Carver (Chaska) JWZ. |
2020 | Spring | 22 | 49 | Early south (median 4/21) 4/5 Olmsted LAV, 4/7 Washington ASu, 4/14 Pipestone VKl. Early north (median 4/26) 4/23 Grant CNn, 4/28 Todd SDi, 4/29 Polk ebd. High counts 5/7 Lac qui Parle (26) KeL, 5/3 Fillmore (20, Lost Creek Hiking Trail) KeA. Late south 5/24 Dakota DVe, Hennepin MZa, Rice DAB, 5/25 Blue Earth ChH, Goodhue ebd (median 5/21). Late north 5/25 St. Louis (W.S.H.C.) FJN, 5/26 Cook LWd, St. Louis (Park Point) JfD, JWL, NPo, PHS (median 5/27). “Gambell’s” subspecies reported south 4/28 – 5/10 Fillmore ToM, 4/30 Hennepin VRL, Scott BHe, 5/4 Yellow Medicine GWe, 5/5 Lyon GWe, 5/18 Hennepin BAF. |
2020 | Fall | 27 | 49 | Reports came from all regions with a 40% increase from the 10-year average number of southern counties. Early north (median 9/10) 9/7–9 Lake ebd, JWa, 9/10 St. Louis (Ely) ebd. Early south (median 9/16) 9/11 Hennepin ebd, 9/13 Blue Earth MiO, 9/15 Hennepin ebd. High count 9/25 St. Louis (75, Meadowlands) IaG. Late north 11/11 St. Louis JLK, 11/13–15 Polk TJJ (median 12/17). Late south 11/20 Cottonwood KEm, Scott RiC, 11/22 Dakota RBW (median 12/20). See winter report for overwintering birds in the north and south. Subspecies Z. l. gambelii reported from 9/17 — 10/30 in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Lyon, Ramsey, Rice. Counts of gambelii did not surpass six birds. |
2020 | Winter | 4 | 8 | Observed in a season-high 12 counties, well above the ten-year average of six. All north 12/17 Clay DPW, 12/19 Fargo-Moorhead CBC, Grand Marais CBC, 12/20 Grand Forks-East Grand Forks CBC, 2/2 St. Louis JDx. Midwinter reports from Dakota, Lyon, Ramsey, St. Louis, and Wabasha indicate several overwintering birds. High count 1/25 Dakota (5, 140th St. Marsh) MwT. |
2021 | Spring | 23 | 47 | Found statewide. One reported 3/5 Dakota (Apple Valley) ebd may have been an undetected overwintering bird. Possible early south migrants (median 4/20) 3/19 Houston ToM, 4/6 Lac qui Parle FAE, 4/15 Hennepin KEi, ebd. Early north (median 4/26) 4/18 Douglas LGl, 4/27 Traverse ANy, Wilkin LSl. High counts 5/12 Ramsey (15, Battle Creek Park) ebd, 5/1 Polk (12, NW Minnesota Pollinator Garden) HHu, 5/2 Lyon (12, 150th Ave. Ponds) REn, RLF. Late south 5/21 Hennepin (two locations) TFi, ebd, Ramsey ebd, JHe, 5/23 McLeod BHa, 5/26 Olmsted ebd (median 5/22). Late north 5/31 Cook ebd, St. Louis (two locations) ebd (median 5/27). Gambel’s subspecies seen south 5/4 Washington EzH, 5/9 Murray GWe, 5/13 Steele PSu, 5/13–16 Hennepin (two locations) †ClB, ebd. One northern Gambel’s report: 5/6–8 Clay PBB. |
2021 | Fall | 27 | 47 | Found statewide. Early north (median 9/9) 9/6 Lake JWL, 9/9 Cook ebd, 9/10 St. Louis (two locations) ebd. Early south (median 9/16) 9/8 Hennepin ChP, 9/9 Ramsey (two locations) BAF, NSg, Renville ebd. High counts 9/26 Lake (32, Castle Danger W.T.P.) JWL, 10/2 Cook (25, Grand Marais Harbor) LWd, 10/4 St. Louis (23, Duluth Lakewalk) PHS. Late north 11/15 St. Louis (near Sax-Zim Bog) AVa, ebd, 11/17 Mille Lacs HHD (median 12/17). Late south 11/28 Dakota RBW, 11/29 Goodhue AJF (median 12/20). See winter report for lingering or overwintering birds in north and south. Subspecies Z. l. gambelii reported 9/15 – 10/24 in the following north counties: Lake (two locations) IDv, JWL, St. Louis (three locations) SCB, PHS, m.ob. All south: Hennepin BAF, Ramsey (three locations) ToM, GWe, m.ob., Scott BHe. Maximum count was five individuals. |
2021 | Winter | 1 | 12 | Observed in a season-high 13 counties, exceeding last year’s season-high 12 (ten-year average 7). Only north report 1/3 Marshall (Warren) HHu. Midwinter observations from Dakota, Fillmore, Goodhue, Meeker, Olmsted, Scott, Winona and Wright indicate many overwintering birds. High counts 12/31 Dakota (6, 205th St.) KDS, CTS, 12/31 Olmsted (5, Eyota) ebd. CBC high count 12/31 Hastings-Etter (6). |
2022 | Spring | 29 | 49 | See winter report for multiple overwintering birds south. Early north (median 4/26) 4/2 Traverse (overwintered? Calvary Cemetery, Browns Valley) LiH, 4/15 St. Louis LSh, 4/19 Grant CNn. High counts 5/8 St. Louis (26, Park Point R.A.) FJN, 5/22 Aitkin (21, Rice Lake N.W.R.) ebd. Late south 5/22 Hennepin ebd, Washington TFe, 5/23 Fillmore SDz, Lyon RJS (median 5/22), but see summer report. Late north 5/27 Cook ebd, Lake JlB, 5/29 St. Louis (Church Rd.) ebd, 5/30 St. Louis (Park Point R.A.) StK, JWL, LBa, SeM, ALw, JHn (median 5/27). Gambel’s subspecies reports south: 5/9 Carver CRM, m.ob., 5/1–2 Fillmore (two locations) ToM, 5/8 Lyon (3) GWe, 5/14 Hennpin CRM, m.ob. All north reports of Gambel’s: 5/8 Lake JWL, 5/12–13 St. Louis (max. 5, Southworth Marsh and Park Point R.A.) PHS, 5/17 St. Louis (Peabody St., Duluth) JWL, FJN, PHS. |
2022 | Summer | | 1 | Seen 6/2 Hennepin (Lake Hiawatha Park) WPe. |
2022 | Fall | 27 | 48 | Early north (median 9/9) 9/7 Cook LSw, 9/9 Lake ebd, St. Louis (2) ebd. Early south (median 9/16) 9/10 Renville ebd, 9/11 Hennepin ebd, Ramsey DnS. High counts 10/9 St. Louis (30, Park Point R.A.) NGi, 10/11 Carver (23, Minnesota Landscape Arboretum) ebd. Late north 11/4 Lake ebd, 11/6 Cook (Lutsen Resort) KRE, VRL, KOC, 11/7 Cook (2, Grand Marais Harbor) LWd (median 12/17). Late south 11/25 Yellow Medicine (3) ebd, 11/27 Lyon RJS, 11/29 Dakota KDS (median 12/20). Subspecies gambelli reported between 9/12 and 11/25, from St. Louis and Lake north, and from Yellow Medicine, Hennepin, Ramsey, and Dakota south; highest tally was 7 on 9/27 in St. Louis ClN. |
  | Migrant throughout. |