Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Cranes Occurrence
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Boobies and Gannets
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Chickadees, Titmice
Martins, Swallows
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Flycatchers
Old World Sparrows
Longspurs and Snow Buntings
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Cranes
Sandhill Crane
Whooping Crane

Sandhill Crane(Antigone canadensis)
1934Summer Upson and DuToit contribute 0n interesting note about this species: "June 20, 19.34, Goose Lake, Polk County -The nest was situated in a marshy, rush-grown meadow a bout 20 yurds from o. sizeable grove • Surroundirig doa.d roods were prossed do"Wn over o. hummock, but no other attempt at a nest had boon made. Although tho ·two eggs had ha.tohcd when we located tho nest, ane wo.s nearly intact; one entire side ho.d been chipped out, but tho egg wns not broken in half. A co.ttlc herder who ho.d visited the nest on June 17th said tho eggs had not boon hc.tched o.t tho.t timc. 11
1935Summer The only observer reporting this rare bird was Ralph Woolsey, who found u nest with 2 eggs on June 22nd at Goose Lnke in Battl6~unty. This nest was later destroyed by grazing
1936Summer The sole report for this species crones from Arnold Erickson. A pair of adults and two young wore seen by him on September 16th as they winged their ~my across the st. Croix River in Pine Co.
1961FallMembers of the Avifaunal Club saw nine near Rothsay, Wilkin County on 12 Oct.
1962SummerSept. 3, North of Gully, along Clearwater River, Polk Co., one immature seen by R. Edevold.
1962FallSept. 20, Duluth, 6 seen, Karl Hankins and Janet C. Green; Oct. 6, west of Rothsay, Wilkin Co., about 40 seen, Avifaunal Club; Oct. 8, Two Harbors, 1 s·een, Dr. Gerald Church. (See Notes of Interest)
1963SpringApril 12, Rothsay, Wilkin County, R Oehlenschlager; April 20, Dakota County, 1 seen R. Janssen. Yellow Rail.-May 18, 1 mi. N. Salt Lake, LacQuiParle County,seen running and flying, Avifaunal Club; May 30, Becker County, S. of Waubun, Avifaunal Club.
1963FallSept. 29, Clay Co., about 600 birds, Avifaunal Club.
1964Spring4-12 Marshall Co, 25, DLO; 4-20 Warroad, JR; 5-17 Aitkin Co, 1, DM.
1964SummerNormally this species nests only in the very northwestern part of our state, but this summer a captive bird mated with a wild one at the Carlos Avery Refuge, Anoka Co, and raised 2y, MAS, DB, others. It has also been reported recently that this species may nest at the Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Aitkin Co.
1964Fall9-9 Roseau Co, 6, PEB, JLR; 10-3 Clay Co, (600) and Wilkin Co. (5), RO, RLH; 10-13 Wilkin Co, 300, FN; 10-15 (50) and 11-6 (2000) Clay Co, EGA; 11-11 Roseau Co, 1, JLR; 10-18 through 11-23, one imm at St. Francis, Anoka Co, seen by many observers, bird not particularly shy, photographed by DB.
1965Springmore reports than usual; 4-7 Hennepin Co, RDT; 4-9 Anoka Co, WHL; 4-12 Warroad, JLR; 4-14 McGregor, CEP; 4-16 Warroad, 16, JLR; 420 McGregor, CEP; 4-20 Holt, DLO; 428 Cass Lake, (15), JAM; 4-30 Holt, DLO; 5-8 (1) and 5-10 (9) Two Harbors, RK.
1965Fall9-5 Polk City, Polk Co, GSM; 10-3 Duluth, Don Higgins fide JCG; 10-10 Borup, Clay Co, about 1,000, EGA; 10-23 Sherburne Co, NMH.
1966Spring4-4 Carlos Avery Refuge, Anoka Co, 1, WHL; 4-13 Borup, Clay Co, thousands, BRK; 4-14 Rice Lake Refuge, 2, CEP; 4-24 Agassiz Refuge, 30, DLO; 5-1 Agassiz Refuge, 45, DLO; 5-13 Marshall Co, 2, EBH; 5-16 Agassiz Refuge, 4, DLO.
1966Summerthe well-publicized pair at Carlos Avery Refuge, Anoka Co, nest- March, 1966 ed again this year, seen by various observers.
1966Fall9-21 Roseau Co., 60, PEB; 10-8 Thief Lake Refuge, 25, MSB; 10-12 Wilkin Co., 300, EWJ; 10-20 Stearns Co., 2, RPR.
1967Spring3-25 Hennepin Co., VL; 3-31 Washington Co., WHL; 4-1 Lac qui Parle Co., 16, DB; 4-9 Wilkin Co., 250, EHH; 4-14 Stevens Co., JAH; 4-15 Lac qui Parle Co., 1, DB, BL; 4-22 Marshall Co., 10, AWR; 4-26 Roseau Co., PEB; 5-23 Marshall Co., 2, A WR; 5-29 Aitkin Co., 2, CEP.
1967Summer7-30 Salt Lake, LAC QUI PARLE Co., 1, JAH.
1967Fall 9-20(8), 9-25(27), 10-3 (6) Roseau Co., PEB; 9-23 Duluth, 1, PBH and Isabella, Lake Co., 2, Leroy Rutske fide RN; 10-7, 10-14 Thief Lake Refuge, Marshall Co., 24, MSB; 10-22 Borup, Norman Co., 3,000, EGA; 12-1 Carlos Avery Refuge, Anoka Co., 2, WHL.
1968Spring 3-30 Lac qui Parle Co., DB, EHH; 3-31 Lyon Co., 15, DB, EHH, and Anoka Co., WHL; 4-1 Aitkin Co., 2, CEP; 4-6, 4-14 Becker Co., fide EGA; 4-22 Marshall Co., 12, AWR; 4-25 Fargo-Moorhead, fide EGA.
1968Summer 7-5 Royalton, Morrison Co, 2, S.J. Grittner fide NMH; Anoka Co, Carlos A very Refuge, female returned again to mate with captive male, but nest not found - may have been flooded, WHL.
1968Fall9-17 -9-19 Mille Lacs 2 DMF; 10-3 Lake (Beaver Bay) 2 LM; 10-20 Aitkin (Rice Lake Refuge) 2 MC; 10-25-10-27 Duluth JCG; 10-31 Morrison (Buckman) 8 NMH.
1968WinterFemale remained all winter with flightless male at Carlos A very, Anoka Co. WHL.
1969Spring4-14 Roseau Co., PEE; PGW; 5-13 Anoka Co., FN j MAS.
1969Summer6-24 Buckman, Morrison Co., pair (EC).
1969Fall9-3 Morrison 4 EC; 9-6 Morrison 4 RBJ and TH; 9-11, 9-12 and 9-26 in Marshall County, 52, 68 and 34 cranes resectively, AR.
1970Spring4-11-25 Wilkin EA; 5-25 Anoka (2) RG; 4-9 Washington (2) WHL; 4-25 Aitkin (1} MMC, RL; "late April" Mille Lacs (2) M I; 4-10 (1) and 4-25 (26) Marshall AR.
1970Summersummered at Agassiz NWR, MARSHALL Co.
1970Fall6 reports: 9-7 St. Louis (4) BH; 9-22 Marshall (75) 10-4 Cass (5) MMC; 10-18 Borup, Norman Co. 5000) LW; 11-14 Marshall (8) AR; 11-20 Washington (1) WL; more reports than usual.
1970Winter3-30 Hennepin FN.
1971Summer2 reports Agassiz Refuge, Marshall Co., MMC; this species may nest in small numbers in northwest Minne sota's bogs_
1971Fall10 reports, more than usu~l Cottonwood (45\, A. Setten; 10-8 Clav (400) EA; 10-27 Norman (4000) EA; 9-5 Marshall DB, KG; 8-2 Sherburne (2) BD; 9-6 (34\. 9-16 (104). 10-14 (1) Marshall AR; 10-17 Aitkin TS; 11-6 Duluth DB.
1972Summernested in (Aitkin Wildlife Refuge and NE of McGregor, fide TS). (Clearwater: young being fed in rice paddies at Kiwosay, RCD); seen also in Sherburne (6-17 ShNWR staff).
1973Summer Nested in Aitkin (Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge and NE of McGregor (TS), Mille Lacs (7-14 Mille Lacs Wildlife Refuge by Mgr., fide JCG); also seen in Sherburne (6-18 ShNWR staff).
1973Fall Fewer reports than usual. Seen in Sherburne, Aitkin and Marshall. Peak 10-22 Norman (1000) (KBZ).
1974Spring 9 reports: 4-4 Swift (93), 4-5 Chippewa (9) CLH; 4-5 Lac qui Parle (9) JS; 4-13 Anoka (2) GC; 4-13 Wilkin (11) DCF; 4-16 Marshall (3) AR; 4-20 Mor- rison (5) BH; 4-21 Benton (1) OJ; May Marshall ( 4) AR.
1974Summer Nested again in Aitkin Co. (TS); also 6-15 Mille Lacs (MI) and 7-29 Marshall (SV).
1974Fall 7 reports: 8-11 Aitkin; 9-13 Crow Wing; 10-3 Wilkin RBJ; 10-7 Marshall AR; 10-24 Clay, Norman KBZ; 11-10 Clay EW; 10-12 Norman (2000) JB.
1975Spring 5 reports: 4-12, 5-1 (66), 5-28 Marshall SV; 4-20 Wilkin (500) ABNGP; 4-24 Sherburne (3) PF.
1975Summer 3 reports: 6-1 Koochiching (R. Huber); 7-16 Roseau (BB); 2 present in Marshall Co. (SV).
1975Fall8·9 Marshall SV; 9-11 Duluth D. Evans; 9-20 Duluth Hawk Ridge; 10-9 Duluth (60) B. Murphy; 10-17 Marshall SV; 10-18 Beltrami; 10-1 Wilkin (350) SM; peak lOll Norman (3000) fide E. Anderson.
1976Spring 9 reports: 4-7, 5-21, 5-29 Marshall JCG, SV, DGW; 3-26 Stearns NMH; 4-19 Houston FL (rare in Miss. Valley); 4-22 Becker MS; 4-28, 5-16 Anoka BB, KL; 5-29 Polk ETS; 5-30 Roseau RBJ, KE.
1976Summer2 reports N. W. R. (SV) and Mahnomen Co. (3, J. Fitzpatrick).
1976Fall 6 reports: 8-20 Aitkin PH, 9-17 Aitkin RJ, 9-19 to 10-7 Duluth (13) MK, 10-1 to 10-14 Marshall (500) SV, 10-9 Wilkin GO, GW, 10-23 Marshall (200) sv.
1977Spring 17 reports, more than usual: 3-19 Anoka KLF earliest date on record; 4-8, 4-15 (200), 5-29 Marshall SVA, DGW; 4-8 Yellow Medicine; 4-10 Wilkin (22) GO; 4-10 Itasca (50) MS; 4-11 (4), 4-13 (9) Wilkin SM; 4-11 Freeborn (1) HK; 4-27 Sherburne (2) NH; 4-30 Mille Lacs (1) PH; 5-15 Morrison (3) DF; 5-25 Polk (2) RJ; 5-25 Morrison (3) PM; 5-28 Aitkin (2) TS; 5-30 Beltrami (2) DGW. Winter 1977
1977Summer Nested in Pennington (2 eggs in May, A. Gustafson); also reported from Kittson, Roseau, Marshall, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Polk, Mahnomen, Becker, Aitkin, Morrison and Anoka (Carlos Avery W.M.A.) (all fide C. Henderson); many more reports than usual thanks to a D.N.R. survey of this species.
1977Fall Peak at Borup, Norman Co. (5000), reports from the eastern half of state were 9-17 Freeborn (DG), until 9-23 Anoka (KL, BE); and 10-27 Wabasha (fide DWM).
1978Summer Breeding reported from Marshall, Beltrami and Sherburne; also seen in Kittson.
1978Fall 9 reports: 9-30 Wilkin RJ, 10-1 Aitkin PM, 10-4 Marshall ANWR, 10-5 Pennington DB, 10-8 Norman (2,000) JB, 10-15 Wilkin GO, 10-21 Wilkin DGW, 11-1 Marshall ANWR, 11-25 Otter Tail GW.
1979Spring Early south 4-1 Anoka BH, 4-8 Anoka KL, 4-15 Stearns EH; early north 4-8 Otter Tail GMO, Wilkin SM (130), Anoka KL, 4-10 Marshall ANWR.
1979Fall Peak 10-13 Norman (10,000) Jo Blanich. Late date: 10-21 Marshall KSS. Also reported from Anoka, Beltrami, Clay, Kittson, Pennington, Roseau, Stearns and Wilkin counties.
1979Winter Late migrants reported on 12-2, 50 individuals, from Lac qui Parle Lake (P. Joyce).
1980Summer Breeding reported from Kittson, Roseau, Pennington, Polk, Aitkin, Mille Lacs; also seen in Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Beltrami, Morrison, Pine, Sherburne, Anoka (Carlos Avery).
1980Fall Late date 10-8 Marshall (1,100). Also reported from Anoka, Duluth Itasca Kittson, Lake, Red Lake Sh~rburne' Wilkin counties. ' '
1981Spring Early south 3-22 Le Sueur HC, Anoka BH, 3-28 Anoka KL, GP, 3-30 Sherburne EH; early north 3-19 Lake of the Woods TA (?) 3-27 Marshall KSS, 4-1 Otter Tail SM and Wilkin FKS; peak 4-2 Otter Tail GMO (141).
1981Summer Breeding data from Aitkin. Also seen in Marshall, Pennington, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Koochiching, Sherburne, Anoka.
1981Fall Late dates: 10-15 Cook KL, Wilkin OJ, 10-19 Marshall JP, 10-16 Beltrami RJ, 10-28 Kittson RJ.
1981Winter A report from Polk, sec. 23, T149N, on 12-17 constitutes one of the very few winter records for this species (MH).
1982Spring Early south 4-2 Anoka BH, 4-12 Lyon HK, 4-25 Lac qui Parle SC; early north 3-31 Marshall ANWR KSS 4-14 Polk MH, 5-2 Lake of the Woods TW.
1982Summer Breeding data from Marshall. Seen in Kittson, Pennington, Polk, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Crow Wing, Aitkin, Carlton, Sherburne, Anoka.
1982Fall Late north 10/13 Marshall KSS, 10/23 Norman TS, 10/29 Wilkin SDM; peak 10/17 Norman (8-10,000) JB.
1983Spring Early south 3/19 Mower RJ, (earliest date on record), 4/2 Anoka SC, 4/19 Stearns EHISS; early north 4/6 Pennington KSS, 4/7 Otter Tail GMO, 4/8 Clay TI; first county record 4/30 Scott, Karol Gresser.
1983Summer Breeding data from Marshall, Anoka. Also seen in Kittson, Lake of the Woods, Pine, Mille Lacs, Sherburne, HOUSTON (6/5, two adults, Hokah, FL).
1983Fall Late north 10/6 St. Louis fide KE, 10/8 Marshall KSS, 10/16 Norman (5000 +) JB. Two south reports: 8/13 Houston (2) FL, 9/1 I Dakota (I) JD.
1984Spring Early south 3/25 Anoka JH, Hennepin RMR, 3/29 Anoka WL, 4/4 Chisago SC; early north 3/28 Red Lake KSS, 41 I Mahnomen MHa, Ottertail GMO, 4/2 Marshall ANWR, Mille Lacs MLWMA. Also reported from Duluth 5/3 and 5/5 KE.
1984Summernested in Anoka (6/6 Cedar Creek N.H.A. -JH); also seen in Marshall, Duluth (6/2 -KE), Roseau, Beltrami, Crow Wing, Isanti and Sherburne. Black-bellied Plover -last spring date 6/12 Duluth; first fall date 7/31 Anoka.
1984Fall Late north 10/21 Wilkin SDM, 11/3 Traverse RJ, 11/5 Pennington RJ. Reported from south 8/25 Chisago RE, Anoka (until early Oct.) KL, m.ob.
1985Spring Early south 3/16 Anoka JH, 3/20 Ramsey KB, 3/24 Anoka TTu; early north 3/20 Wilkin KE, SDM, 3/22 Marshall ANWR, Polk TT, 3/26 Red Lake TT.
1985Summer Probable nesting in Lake of the Woods (6/29, two ad., two juv., KH). Also seen in Roseau, Marshall, Polk, Clearwater, Sherburne, Anoka.
1985Fall Reported from ten counties. Late north 10/7 Itasca AB, 10/19 St. Louis KE, FL, 11/7 Clay MMo. Two south reports: 8/15 Lac qui Parle FE, 9/21 Anoka JH.
1986Spring Early south 3/28 Dakota TTu, 3/30 Ramsey KB, Anoka JH, 4/13 Wright RG; early north 3/25 Kittson KSS, 3/29 Marshall ANWR, Wilkin GAM, Clay MM. Unusual south date 5/30 Goodhue (1) KL.
1986Summer Nested in Sherburne (Sherburne NWR), Anoka (Cedar Creek NHA). Also seen in Aitkin, Lake of the Woods, Roseau, Kittson, Marshall.
1986Fall Reported from 13 counties. Late north 10/7 Norman (1000) BK, 10/25 Wilkin AB, 1/14 Clay MM; late south 10/23 Blue Earth MF, 1/18 Olmsted and Winona RJ, AP; peak 9/15 Marshall (2000) ANWR.
1987Spring Early south 3/21 Anoka and Chisago SC, GP, 3/29 Wabasha KR, 4/20 Hennepin AB; early north 3/29 Clay LCF, 4/10 Aitkin DB, 4/17 Marshall ANWR.
1987Summer Nested in Lake ofthe Woods(six mi. north ofWilliams, KH); probable nesting in Morri- son (Bellevue Twp.) Also seen in Roseau, Kittson, Marshall, Polk, Pennington, Beltrami, Clearwater, Aitkin, Anoka.
1987Fall Late north 9/7 Becker BK, 10/4 Marshall RJ, 10/17 Clay LCF; late south 10/13 Lyon HK, 10/19 Anoka GP, 11/21 Olmsted JEB, RSE; peak 9/27 Marshall ( 4000) ANWR.
1987Winter One in a field with a flock of geese from 12/1 through 12/20 (JB) was also recorded on the Rochester CBC.
1988Spring Early south 3/31 Anoka WL, 4/3 Benton AB, 4/5 Steams JMa; early north 3/22 Marshall ANWR, 3/27 Pennington SKS, 4/8 Aitkin WN.
1988Summer Seen in Kittson, Marshall, Pennington, Beltrami, Cass, Mille Lacs, Sherburne, Anoka.
1988Fall All reports: 8/6-10/9 Anoka RH, DS, 8/9 Kittson AB, 8/19 Lake of the Woods AP, RJ, 9/5, Goodhue AP, 9/21-10/28 Wilkin SDM, 10/1-16 Duluth m.ob., 10/3TraverseAB, 11/9 Otter Tail SDM.
1989Spring Early south 3/26 Anoka KB, 3/29 Cottonwood ED, 4/3 Hennepin OJ; early north 3/24 Kittson TR, 3/28 Marshall SKS, 3/30 Otter Tail SDM, 4/30 Steele (2) RG, AP; also 5/29 Wabasha KE et a!.
1989Summer One young with two adults 6/27, 7/1 Houston AP, RJ; also seen in Kittson, Marshall, Beltrami, Clearwater, Aitkin, Isanti, Anoka.
1989Fall Reported from 12 counties; late north 10/22 Clay LCF, Pine WL and Wilkin KE, 10/23 Pennington KSS, 11/2 Mille Lacs DO; late south 9/3 Anoka GP
1990Spring Early south 3/18 SNWR, 3/22 Anoka SC, 3/30 Dakota and Goodhue JD; early north 3/26 Aitkin DY, 3/29 Clay MM, 4/6 Pennington KSS.
1990Summer More reports than usual. Nested in Anoka; seen in nine other counties within range plus 6/7 Murray PL, 7/15 Redwood KE et al.
1990Fall Reported from 14 counties; all north reports 10/6-10/18 Marshall (max 5,000) KSS, RJ, 10/21 Wilkin (3,000) SDM, 10/23-10/28 Polk (max 2,000) RJ, DB, DJ; late south 10/7 Anoka JH, 11/3 Lac qui Parle CMB.
1991Spring Early south 3/14 (earliest date on record) Washington WL, 3/18 Sherburne SWR, 3/23 Anoka KB; early north 3/17 Wilkin SDM, 3/31 Polk AB, 4/4 Pine RG.
1991Summer Nested in Kittson, Roseau, Polk; also seen in Marshall, Lake of the Woods, Aitkin, Sherburne, Anoka, 6/22 Lake SW/MS.
1991Fall Reported from nine counties; late north 10/12 Becker BK, 10/18 St. Louis AB, 10/23 Wilkin KB; all south reports 8/3 Anoka TT, 8/13 Anoka RH.
1992Spring Early south 3/20 SNWR, 3/24 Washington WL, 3/27 Anoka JH and Winona CS; early north 3/25 Norman PS, 3/29 Clay LCF, 3/31 Becker BBe; peak of 3000+ 4/10–11 Polk KE.
1992Summer Many reports. Nested in Kittson, Marshall, Polk, Anoka; probable nesting in Pennington. Also seen in Roseau, Lake of the Woods, Red Lake, Aitkin, Morrison, Mille Lacs, Sherburne; plus three at Caron L., Rice Co. on 7/11 DD.
1992Fall Reported from 15 counties; late north 10/10 Aitkin WN, 10/17 Kanabec CM, 10/24 Pennington mob and Wilkin (300) DC, EL; late south 9/11 Anoka KB, 9/26 Wabasha RJ, 9/27 Sherburne AB.
1993Spring Early south 3/28 Hennepin KB, 3/28 Stearns KSS, 3/31 Houston EMF. Early north 3/28 Wilkin SDM and Kanabec CM, 4/7 Roseau PS.
1993Summer Many reports, similar to previous year. Nested in Kittson, Roseau, Anoka; seen in Marshall, Polk, Pennington, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Hubbard, Aitkin, Morrison, Kanabec, Sherburne. Also seen away from breeding range: 6/3 Rice TB, 6/27 Wabasha (fide PB).
1993Fall Reports up: late north 10/16 Roseau KB, 10/21 Kanabec CM, 10/25 Polk RJ; late south 9/25 Anoka RH, 10/2 Chisago LF, 10/8 Washington RG.
1994Spring Early south 3/14 Washington WL, 3/21 Dakota DB; early north 3/22 Otter Tail CS, 3/26 Marshall, 3/29 Kanabec CM. Nested in Rice RG.
1994Summer Many reports, similar to past two years. Nested in Becker BB, Washington RHo; probable nesting in Anoka, Wabasha ML, Houston FL, Pope fide JSc. Also observed in Roseau, Marshall, Pennington, Red Lake, Aitkin, Kanabec, Sherburne, 6/8 Lake.
1994Fall Reported from ten north counties. Late north 11/11 Pine CM, 11/12 Norman CF. Late south 10/20 Kandiyohi RF, 11/15 Washington MB.
1995Spring Reported from 14 south and 18 north counties; early south 3/14 (ties record early date) Chisago RG, 3/15 Anoka KB, 3/29 Lincoln RG; early north 3/18 Aitkin WN and Crow Wing SD, 3/19 Kanabec CM.
1995Summer Over twice the usual number of reports. Nested near Mound Prairie in Houston RO (first nesting record in southeast); also nested in Anoka. Probable nesting in Freeborn ABa, and Todd counties. Seen in 12 northwest and north central counties plus St. Louis, Kanabec, Stearns, Benton, Sherburne, Washington, Rice.
1995Fall Reported from seven north and five south counties. Late north 10/21–22 Polk SKS, mob. Late south 9/24 Anoka DBS, 10/8 Ramsey RH.
1996Spring Early south 3/13 (earliest date statewide) Anoka PKL, 3/17 Wabasha JSt, 3/23 Houston JD. Early north 3/23 Morrison RgS, 4/5 Otter Tail SDM, 4/6 Kittson PS and Crow Wing PP.
1996Summer Many reports, similar to previous year. Nested in Rice (fide JL), Wabasha (fide CS). Seen in 19 other counties roughly along a line from Winona to Roseau.
1996Fall Late north 10/18 Pennington SKS, 10/19 Polk BBe, 10/27 Wilkin AH. Late south 9/15 Scott KHe, JoW, 9/29 Anoka JH, 10/14 Sherburne JJB. A total of 37 were seen during the season at Hawk Ridge, St. Louis Co. FN. A peak count of 1200 on 10/3 Polk KB.
1997Spring Early south 3/15 Freeborn ABa, 3/20 Houston FL, 3/21 Anoka WL. Early north 3/28 Pine KE, 3/29 Todd JSK/SDu, 3/30 Wilkin SDM.
1997Summer Many reports, similar to previous two years. Seen in 20 counties as far northeast as St. Louis, and as far southwest as a line through Polk, Stearns, Houston. Probable nesting in Kanabec, Isanti.
1997Fall Late north 10/19 Aitkin WN, 10/21 Kanabec CM, 11/9 Pine CM. All south reports: 8/12 Anoka GS, 8/17 Waseca JSe, 10/10 Sherburne DJe.
1998Spring Early south 3/1 (record early date) Sherburne DoS, 3/25 Washington KB, 3/28 Wabasha PJ, DN. Early north 3/25 Crow Wing PP, 3/26 Todd JSK/SDu, 3/27 Cass WB. Peak count 4/11 Big Stone (280) LE.
1998Summer Many reports, for fourth consecutive year. Observed in 22 counties as far northeast as St. Louis, and as far southwest as a line through Polk, Stearns, Freeborn. New nesting records in Crow Wing WN, Dodge DA, BE; probable nesting in St. Louis, Todd, Anoka, Rice, Freeborn. No fewer than 188 (168 at one location!) were counted on 6/29 during a breeding bird survey in Kittson Co. PS.
1998Fall Late north 10/24 Marshall JJ, 10/25 Morrison MJ/DT, 11/29 St. Louis AE. Late south 10/4 Anoka JH, 11/21 Stearns MJ/DT. Peak count 10/12 Kittson (870) KB, PS.
1998Winter Reported 12/6 Sherburne (Sherburne NWR) PKL. Fourth winter record.
1999Spring Early south 3/10 (second earliest date) Houston FL, 3/14 Anoka NWi and Hennepin MA. Early north 3/22 Cass MRN and Todd JSK, SDu, 3/23 Kanabec BA. Peak count 4/10 Polk (3,000) MBW. Unusual report 5/30 Steele (near Rice Lake S. P.) ABa.
1999Summer Seen in 18 counties within an area enclosed by a line from Kittson through Kandiyohi, Dodge, Pine, and Lake of the Woods; plus unusual sighting 7/19 Wilkin PS.
1999Fall Numerous reports through mid-October, then only 10/31 Wadena PBi. Numbers up at HRNR in Duluth (148) FN. Reported from only six south counties, where last seen 10/9 Mower RRK (The Loon 72:54).
1999Winter All reports: Late north 12/8 Morrison †SDu. Late south 12/4 Stearns (Albany) fide AH. Record early migrants 2/29 Anoka (Carlos Avery WMA) JDa.
2000Spring Reported from 19 south and 20 north counties in all regions except the southwest. Early south 3/2 Sherburne LC/RN, 3/3 Rice TBo, but see winter report! Early north 3/13 (earliest ever) Aitkin CB, 3/18 Otter Tail SDM and Cass MRN, 3/19 Todd PHe. Lingered south through at least 5/26 in Houston where recently seen during summer, but most unexpected 5/19 Dakota (2) DBS, 5/20 Rice TBo.
2000Summer Record high number of reports. Observed in 24 counties roughly along a line from the northwest corner of the state to the southeast corner; plus 6/17 Lake SS.
2000Fall Seen in all regions except the southwest. Numerous north reports through 10/20, then only 11/3 Wilkin SDM, 11/4 Pine DPS. Reported from 12 south counties, compared to only 6 during fall 1999. Only south report during November: 11/19 Steele NFT.
2001Spring Seen in 20 south and 24 north counties but none in Southwest. Early south 3/14 Freeborn AEB and Anoka PKL, 3/17–21 in six counties. Early north 3/18 Todd JSK, 3/22 Morrison/Cass (Camp Ripley) WLB. Lingered into late May in Houston, Winona, and Wabasha, where recently seen during summer.
2001Summer Record high number of reports for second consecutive year. Observed in 26 counties roughly along a line from Kittson to Houston.
2001Fall Observed in 10 north and 11 south counties. Many reports from Polk (Glacial Ridge project) through 11/4, including peak count 1800 on 10/10 (fide BAB). Injured bird 11/28+ Clay RHO. Late south 11/25 Houston PEJ.
2001Winter One injured bird overwintered 11/28 through 2/18 Clay (Moorhead) †CMN, RHO. Only previous overwintering record was in 1968–1969 (The Loon 41:45). Also seen 12/13–14 †St. Paul CBC (count week); second latest south date.
2002Spring Observed in 25 south and 22 north counties and in all regions, but only Jackson in the Southwest. Early south 3/12 Rice DAB, 3/13 Freeborn AEB. Early north 3/16 Marshall fide BAB, 3/19 Lake of the Woods fide GMM. High count 4/17 Polk (4000 at Tilden Jct.) EEF.
2002Summer Observed in 22 counties roughly along the diagonal from Marshall to Winona; plus 6/16 and 7/10 Lyon (4 at Coon Creek W.M.A.) fide RJS, 6/18 Lincoln (4) fide RJS, 7/6 Lake JWL. New nesting record in Stearns WC, PDH.
2002Fall Observed in 18 north and 9 south counties. No significant peak counts. Total 1/4 at H.R.N.R., Duluth (FJN, DSC) between 9/10 and 9/29. Unusual reports 9/25 Lake (3) RBJ, 10/6–11 Lake (2) JWL, m.obs. Late north 11/11 Pine (250) BAK, only November report. Late south 10/27 Benton HHD.
2003Spring Observed in 24 south and 21 north counties, and in all regions except the Southwest. Early south 3/13 Freeborn AEB, 3/15 Wabasha OWB. Early north 3/16 Otter Tail TSm, 3/17 Todd BWF, 3/18 Polk DLT. Late south (but see summer report) 5/26 Brown BSm and Waseca JPS. Highest reported count 4/19 Marshall (3000 by Old Mill S.P.) LJo.
2003Summer Record-high number of reports. Seen in 26 counties roughly along a line from the northwest corner of the state to the southeast corner; plus 6/8 Lac qui Parle BJU, St. Louis (2 locations, no date) M.C.B.S., Lake (4 locations, no date) M.C.B.S., 6/11 Cook M.C.B.S. New nesting records in Hennepin PRS, Waseca JPS.
2003Fall Reported from 19 north and 11 south counties. No reports from the Southwest. Peak 10/15 at H.R.N.R., Duluth (58, TSm, DSC). Unusual reports 10/7 Cook KRE, 10/13 Lake (24 at Two Harbors) JWL. Highest reported count 10/19 Wilkin (450) SPM. Late north 11/1–2 Lake (1) m.obs. Late south 11/11 Mower RDK, RCK, only November report.
2003Winter Third earliest date: 2/29 Houston (12) SPM.
2004Spring Reported from 22 south and 24 north counties. No reports from the Southwest. See winter report (!) for first migrants; additional early south 3/12 Steele fide NFT, 3/15 Carver, Goodhue. Early north 3/18 Todd JSK, SID, 3/21 Pine JMP. Highest counts 4/13 Norman (1490 near Agassiz-Olson W.M.A.) DDM, BJM, plus >1000 near the Marshall/Pennington county line 4/11–17 fide JMJ and ~1000 near Melo 4/17–18 Polk MH et al.
2004Summer Reported in 26 counties statewide except Northeast and Southwest; new nesting records from Isanti REH, Pine JMP, Kanabec JMP, Todd JSK, Winona NJK.
2004Fall Reported from 15 north and 12 south counties. No reports from the Southwest. Best season ever at H.R.B.O, Duluth (total 277, including peak of 98 on 10/16) FJN. No significant counts elsewhere. Late north 11/4 Otter Tail SPM. Late south 11/25 Sherburne (6) †ES, but also see winter report!
2004Winter Record-late 1/13 Chisago (1) †JMP. Also unusual was a lingering individual 12/17–18 Rice (Faribault CBC) m.ob., †DAB fide RJS. Record-early south 2/24 Houston (Pool Slough, MN/IA border) FZL.
2005Spring Reported from 25 south and 25 north counties in all regions. Early south 3/8 Sherburne HHD, 3/9 Houston JJS. Record-early north 3/6 Todd fide BWF, then 3/25 Wadena PJB, 3/26–31 in eight counties. Highest reported count 3/31 Polk (4,000) DLT.
2005Summer Seen in 25 counties in all regions except Southwest.
2005Fall Reported from 25 north and 18 south counties. No reports from Southwest. Late north 11/4 Kanabec JMP, 11/8 Marshall (20) GT. Late south 11/11 Sherburne (672) ASc. High count 9/3 Roseau (680) KRE et al.
2005Winter Only report: single bird foraging in field 12/26 Lac qui Parle BJU.
2006Spring Reported from 30 south and 27 north counties. Early south 3/2 Goodhue JJS, 3/5 Lac qui Parle (2) BJU. Record-early north 3/9 Roseau (Roseau River W.M.A.) RPr; then 3/21 Pine JMP, 3/22 Mille Lacs ASc. Peak migration in Cass 3/26 (5 flocks) MRN.
2006Summer Reported from 43 counties throughout state. New nesting records for Red Lake SAS, Pope BJU, Morrison MRN.
2006Fall Observed in 18 north and 18 south counties, including Murray in the Southwest. Late north 11/3, 11/22 Mille Lacs ASc. Late south 11/17 Sherburne ASc, 11/19 Anoka (900) ES. No significant concentrations reported.
2006Winter1 Report of an injured crane (no details) 12/3 Aitkin (north of Floodwood) fide SWe.
2007Spring3031 Early south 3/11 Dakota ADS, LS, 3/11–12 Steele m.ob., 3/13 Dakota JPM. Early north 3/20 Crow Wing MRN, 3/22 Cass MRN, 3/24 Hubbard MAW. High count 4/22 Polk (2,400 at Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) EEF.
2007Summer2515 Reported from all regions except the Southwest. High count 6/10 Marshall (125, seen along county road 12 in wheat fields) JMJ. First county nesting record for Steele NFT.
2007Fall2416 High counts 10/6 Kittson (1,000) LW, 9/17 Marshall (500) GT. Late north 11/17 Mille Lacs ASc, 11/24 Pennington JMJ (median 11/4). Late south 11/4 Lac qui Parle (Walter Twp.) BJU, 11/21 Mower JEM (median 11/4).
2008Spring2833 Early south (median 3/14) 3/2 Swift BJU, 3/15 Sherburne MJB. Early north (median 3/22) 3/18 Otter Tail ARo, 3/20 Mille Lacs ASc, NSc, Morrison fide MRN. High count 4/15 Polk (2,000) NGE. First county records: 3/27 Faribault (3) WAF, 4/4 Renville RBW.
2008Summer2217 Found in all regions except Southwest. First county breeding records for St. Louis SES, Carlton DCr, Douglas JPE, Scott RPR, Le Seuer DAB.
2008Fall2624 High count 8/31 Marshall (545) PHS. Late north 11/15 Mille Lacs HHD, 11/20 Mille Lacs MHe (median 11/4). Late south 11/20 Hennepin (3) DDo and Sherburne (3) ASc, 11/24 Sherburne (185, Sherburne N.W.R.) ASc (median 11/4).
2009Spring3034 Early south (median 3/14) 3/14 Meeker DMF, Rice (2) DAB, TFB, Winona ASM. Early north (median 3/21) 3/8 Wadena DBM, 3/15 Mille Lacs ASc. No significant counts.
2009Summer2719 Reported from all regions except Southwest. New summer record 6/29 Swift (2) RMD. All observations in South-central, Southeast: 6/11 Mower (CR 2) PMa, 6/16 Mower (CR 61) JEM, 6/28–30 Le Sueur JCC, JLO, TAT, 7/16 Freeborn (adults with fledged young) RoJ, 7/25 Steele (Rice Lake S.P.) MJB. First county breeding records for Dakota MSw, Freeborn fide BBA, Itasca fide BBA, Mahnomen DBM, Mower MCBS, Wadena fide BBA, Kandiyohi RPR, Sherburne PLJ.
2009Fall2221 High count 11/7 Sherburne (450, Santiago) MJB. Last reported north 11/30 Mille Lacs (83) ASc (median 11/4). Last reported south 11/30 Sherburne (98) ASc (median 11/8). See winter report for late migrants north and south.
2009Winter2 Very late south 12/6 Anoka/Isanti (100, flying along county lines) DWK, JLO.
2010Spring2935 Early south (median 3/14) 3/4 Wabasha (14) HHu, 3/7 Anoka (2) DWK. Early north (median 3/21) 3/12 Pennington (2) PMu, 3/16 Kanabec CAM. High count 4/9 Polk (500, Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) DOL.
2010Summer2421 Reported from all regions except Southwest. First county breeding records for Lake JWL, Wright fide BBA.
2010Fall2821 High counts 10/22 Sherburne (4,314, Sherburne N.W.R.) fide BAB, 10/24 Pine (3,000) JZa. Late north 11/18 Mille Lacs ASc, 11/24 Mille Lacs (3) ASc (median 11/4). Late south 11/21 Big Stone (2) BJU, 11/23 Sherburne (2, Sherburne N.W.R.) BAB and Washington (30, Mahtomedi) BRL (median 11/8).
2010Winter See Undocumented Reports.
2011Spring3140 Early south (median 3/14) 3/4 Dakota (12) ADS, 3/6 Houston DJa, 3/8 Chisago MHe. Early north (median 3/21) 3/17 Morrison (4, Bowlus) MJB, 3/19 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) MA, Morrison FGo, Pennington (2) JMJ. High count 4/24 Clay (400, Moorhead) RHO.
2011Summer2423Found in all regions except Southwest. First county breeding records for Chisago fide BBA, Otter Tail CCa.
2011Fall2523 High counts 11/16 Sherburne (7,000 at Sherburne N.W.R.) refuge staff; also 1,500 on 10/12 and 1,344 on 10/19 in Marshall HHu. Late north 11/7 Kanabec MJB and St. Louis KJB, 11/14 Kittson CiC (median 11/4). Late south 11/29 Sherburne ASc (median 11/8), but see winter report. [Corrected]
2011Winter24All south reports: 12/1 Washington (50 in flock flying over Carpenter N.C. LEC; 20–30 in circling flock, Hwy. 36 and C.R. 36 ADS), 12/2 Sherburne (14, Sherburne N.W.R.) ASc, 12/3 Anoka (53, flying over Linwood C.P.) DPG, 12/16–17 Kandiyohi (1 foraging in alfalfa field, east side of U.S. Hwy. 71 south of Sibley S.P.) †RAE, also reported from same location on or about 1/9 fide RAE. ;See Undocumented Reports for north records.
2012Spring3035 South reports 3/2 Blue Earth (Mankato) ChH, 3/3 Houston (Houston) SPu, 3/6 Wabasha (2) PEJ, 3/7 Lac qui Parle (2, Hantho Twp.) BJU, Sherburne (Sherburne N.W.R.) ASc and Winona (Prairie Island) ANy, 3/8 Dakota ANy, CMB, MGo, 3/9 Anoka CKB all before recent median 3/14. North reports 3/11 Morrison (Crane Meadows N.W.R.) KEm, 3/13–14 Cass JWM, 3/14 Mille Lacs ASc and Morrison JeM, DTM, 3/15 Hubbard MAW and Todd JeM, DTM, then 3/16 in many locations all before recent median 3/21. High count 4/2 Polk (~300, Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) AFo.
2012Summer3227 Found in all regions except Southwest. First county breeding record from Meeker fide BBA.
2012Fall2624 High count 10/13 Marshall (est. 1,600) SAS. Late north 11/6 Marshall GT, 11/9 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) PBB (median 11/4). Late south 11/9 Lac qui Parle BJU, 11/10 Wabasha PEJ, DFN, 11/12 Anoka PSm, 11/22 Sherburne RZi, MHu, 11/23 Anoka CKB and Sherburne ACr, 11/26 Anoka DvS all after recent median 11/8.
2013Spring3139 Early south (median 3/14) 3/10 Scott (2) PEJ, 3/16 Dakota SBM, Houston ANy, Wabasha JPr, Winona MGo. Early north (median 3/21) 3/17 Morrison KEm, 3/23 Pennington JMJ. High count 4/5 Hennepin (300, flying over General Mills Nature Preserve) AMa.
2013Summer3128 Found in all regions except Southwest. First county breeding records from Carver WCM, Cook ARu.
2013Fall2929 High count of 6,500 on 11/5 in Sherburne (Sherburne N.W.R.) BAB was the fifth highest count in the state and the second highest November count (c.f. 7000 at Sherburne N.W.R. 11/16/2011). Late north 10/25 Mille Lacs (4) ANy, 10/26 Mille Lacs MHe, 11/7 St. Louis (Hawk Ridge/Lester River Census) KJB (median 11/4). Late south 11/11 Hennepin (50, single flock over Bloomington) BFi, 11/12 Houston RTP, 11/23 Washington (250, 3 flocks over Mahtomedi) BRL (median 11/8).
2013Winter1 One report: 12/11 Hennepin (Hannan Lake, St. Louis Park) fide ALD. This was a recently deceased bird delivered to Westwood Hills N.C. on 12/13, estimated from tracks in snow to have died 12/11.
2014Spring2939Early south (median 3/14) 3/15 Wabasha PEJ, DFN, Washington PNi, 3/17 Wabasha DBz, Winona (2) ANy. Early north (median 3/21) 3/3 Morrison DLP, 3/20 Crow Wing (3) JPR, 3/21 Otter Tail (4) WVE, High count 4/11 Clay (230, Cromwell Twp.) PBB.
2014Summer2730Found in all regions of state. First county breeding record from Sibley DWK.
2014Fall2929 Very few reports southwest of a line from Wilkin to Waseca. High count 10/30 Sherburne (8,797, Sherburne N.W.R., a refuge record high count of staging birds) AHw. Late north 11/1 Marshall JMJ, Pine (5) SBE, 11/9 Otter Tail (5) BDv (median 11/4). Late south 11/13 Ramsey (73) BRL, Washington (100) JHh, EzH, 11/14 Houston (6) SRo, JRo, 11/15 Anoka (83) CKB (median 11/8).
2014Winter1 One report: 12/13 Anoka (Prairie Knoll north of Bunker Lake) RHn.
2015Spring3040 Early south (median 3/14) 3/13 Washington PSm, 3/14 Carver (2) MJa, Hennepin CRM, Winona DBz. Early north (median 3/21) 3/20 Crow Wing JPR, Douglas (2) BEc, Morrison (6, 140th Ave.) KEm, (2, Crane Meadows N.W.R.) KEm, Otter Tail (2) SPe, Todd ALu. New county record 3/20 Rock (Edgerton) AMi. High count 4/11 Polk (2,000, Brandt-Angus Impoundment; rough estimate) SAu.
2015Summer2932 Reported from all regions except Southwest. High count 6/1 Anoka (145, Carlos Avery) REH. First county breeding records from Blue Earth ChH, Goodhue AXH.
2015Fall2834 Unusual report 9/13 Rock (4, Schoeman Park) MFu. High count 10/25 Sherburne (7,000 at Sherburne N.W.R.) fide BAB. Late north 11/14 Pine (18) SBE, 11/21 Mille Lacs (6) JCC, 11/25 Marshall (5,000, just west of Agassiz N.W.R.) CSt (median 11/9). See winter report for late south migrants.
2015Winter8 December reports from five south counties including 12/3–15 Olmsted (2–3, Silver Creek Reservoir) m.ob., 12/9 Anoka (7) BAb, 12/17 Washington (20) PSm, 12/19 Sherburne NWR CBC (18), La Crosse-La Crescent CBC. One midwinter report 1/31 Sherburne (2, Sherburne N.W.R., Blue Hill Trail) ph. ABm, JlB. Presumed early migrants starting late February include 2/26 Wabasha (2) DBz, 2/27 Olmsted MiD, 2/28 Fillmore JWH, Goodhue PEJ.
2016Spring3343 First south migrants appeared in late February. Early north (median 3/18) 3/9 Pine TJo, 3/10 Douglas JPE, Mille Lacs (2) KNo, Todd (2) CSh. High counts 4/16 Clay (300) JSc, 4/9 Norman (290, Agassiz-Olson W.M.A.) JCC.
2016Summer2831 Reported from all regions. First county breeding record 6/10 Olmsted AEK.
2016Fall3138 High counts 10/16 Benton (3,000) DPG, 10/28 Sherburne (2,000, Sherburne N.W.R.) JlB. Late north 11/8 Crow Wing (75) KeM, Hubbard (45, Spider Lake) MAW, Wadena PJB, 11/13 Pine (3) EEO, 11/19 Hubbard (3) REn (median 11/9). Late south 11/21 Olmsted (3, Silver Creek Reservoir) LAV, 11/27 Anoka DWK, Hennepin (3, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) JAB (median 11/19).
2016Winter217 Reported from a season-record 19 counties statewide (previous high was eight, last winter). December reports (through 12/8) from five south counties, with peak 12/7 Washington (70) PSm. Early spring migrants starting 2/19 to end of month from 16 south and two north counties, with high count 2/19 Washington (13) JZj. The north reports included 2/22 Morrison FGo, 2/25 Pine LEv. Previous high county total for February was four (last winter).
2017Spring3345 First south migrants appeared in 16 south and two north counties in mid to late February, with additional early north (median 3/18) 3/3 Kanabec (2) KrM, 3/5–9 (max. 7) Morrison SEm. High counts 4/15 Polk (1,200, Kertsonville Twp.) SAu, 4/12 Norman (est. 1,100, Spring Creek, flock loafing in field) ShG, HeH.
2017Summer3229 Reported from all regions. First county breeding records 5/27 Hubbard AXH, 6/4 Koochiching AXH.
2017Fall3235 Very few reports southwest of a line from Traverse to Faribault. High count 11/8 Sherburne (11,286, record high count by the Sherburne N.W.R. Sandhill Crane Census; total was from counts completed at 6 different locations that were targeting birds roosting on pools west of C.R 5) SKa. Late north 11/5 Kanabec ABL, 11/6 Morrison (41) SEm, 11/10 Douglas JPE (median 11/10). Late south 11/20–21 Olmsted (9, Silver Creek Reservoir) SHk, m.ob., 11/21 Anoka (50, Circle Pines) ebd (median 11/22).
2017Winter5 No December reports. One January report 1/1 Dakota (Lake Byllesby) ADS; possibly overwintered, with another report from Acacia Park Cemetery 2/21 EzH, IsH. Late February reports of presumed early migrants (1–5 birds) starting 2/27 from Dakota, Houston (seven locations), Rice, Wabasha, Wright.
2018Spring3448 First south migrants appeared in February in 5 counties. Early north (median 3/17) 3/3Morrison (2, Pondarosa) SEm, 3/4 Wadena FGo, MJB, 3/5 Douglas (5) BEc. High counts 4/25 Becker (153, Fig Lake) ShG, HeH, 3/19 Olmsted (120, Silver Creek Reservoir) JoP.
2018Summer3235 Reported from all regions, but scarcest in Southwest. First county breeding record 6/30 Grant AXH.
2018Fall3238 Scattered reports southwest of a line from Yellow Medicine to Faribault. High count of 11,194 on 11/8 in Sherburne (GDe, CyC) was the second highest count for the state (Sherburne N.W.R. Sandhill Crane census completed by refuge staff and volunteers from 5 different roosting locations in the refuge). Late north 11/8 St. Louis (56, H.R.N.R.) JPR, 11/12 Mille Lacs (150, near Kunkel W.M.A.) DOr, 11/24 Mille Lacs (3, Kunkel W.M.A.) ToL, MJB (median 11/10). Late south 11/14 Sherburne (19) SMC, 11/17 Dakota (7) DVe, 11/25 Ramsey (12) ebd (median 11/22).
2018Winter14 One north report: 12/28 Polk LnT. All south reports: 12/31–1/5 Wright (Deer Lake, possibly injured?) ph. ChF, m.ob., 1/1 Isanti REH, 1/8 Winona (2, Winona) † LRd, 12/15 LaCrosse-LaCresent CBC.
2019Spring3449 Early south (median 3/10) 3/12 Ramsey ebd, Scott BHe, 3/12–16 Houston ebd, SHo, m.ob., 3/14 Winona (2) DBz, 3/14–16 Dakota DVe, JuW. Early north (median 3/17) 3/21 Todd TLu, 3/22 Pine KrM, and from six additional counties on 3/23. High count 4/15 Norman (400, Agassiz-Olson W.M.A.) REn, AxB.
2019Summer3335 Found in all regions. Unusual report 7/19 Rock (4, Blue Mounds S.P.) ebd. First county breeding record: 6/26 Swift JoS.
2019Fall3237 Very few reports southwest of a line from Traverse to Faribault; found in all but two counties northeast of this line. Record high count 10/31 Sherburne (14,578, Sherburne N.W.R. Sandhill Crane Census) CyC. Late north 11/3 Pine (30) NSn, 11/4 Becker (96) ShG, HeH, 11/18 Beltrami ASu (median 11/11). Late south 11/11 Ramsey (200, flyovers by several flocks) ANy, 11/11 Blue Earth (20) ebd, Hennepin (24) ebd, Houston DWK, Wabasha (35) PEJ, DFN (median 11/24).
2019Winter2 Two south reports without details: 12/2 Wabasha (Pool 4) PEJ, 12/17 Mower PMM.
2020Spring3344 Early south (median 3/10) 3/6 Houston (2) ebd, 3/7 Hennepin (2) CRM, m.ob., Ramsey (2) LiH, Rice (max. 7) DAB, MZa, Washington (max. 4) KvM, m.ob. Early north (median 3/17) 3/8 Pine ebd, 3/11 St. Louis (4) LSh, 3/12 Morrison DLP. High counts 3/21 Wabasha (100, near Wabasha) ebd, 4/7 Clay (100, Spring Prairie Preserve) LSl.
2020Summer3138 Found in all regions. High count 6/16 Kanabec (160, near Ogilvie) MWS.
2020Fall3240 The highest number of reports statewide since 2015. High count 10/29 Sherburne (11,244, Sherburne N.W.R. official census) CyC. Late south 11/28 Hennepin (11) ebd, Scott (2) ebd, Sherburne (18) HHD, MAJ, 11/29 Carver (49) JCy (median 11/24).
2020Winter13 All reports: 12/3 Scott (heard, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Louisville Swamp) AHr, 12/5 Scott (30, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Louisville Swamp) ABL, Carver (33, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Rapids Lake; probably the same flock reported from Scott) JCy, 1/12–14 Mille Lacs (near Princeton) JTo, REn, RLF, 2/26 Houston (Reno Bottoms, probable early migrant) SHo.
2021Spring3449 First south migrants appeared in late February in Houston. Early north (median 3/17) 3/6 Clearwater BAb, 3/9 Carlton ebd, 3/11 Todd (3) BEc. High counts 4/17 Polk (1,000, Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) SAu, JCJ, 4/11 Clay (838) PBB.
2021Summer3242 Found throughout state. Unusual number of summer records in Southwest. First county breeding record: 5/25 Brown ARW. High counts 6/24 Clearwater (198 along 580th St.) CRM, 6/14 Polk (190 near Thief River Falls) ebd.
2021Fall3345 Reported throughout the state though with only scattered reports from the Southwest. High count 11/9 Sherburne (13,130, Sherburne NWR; official refuge crane survey) CyC. Late north 11/12–20 Mille Lacs (max. 3) MAJ, ebd, 11/17 Hubbard (4) REn, ebd, (median 11/14). Late south 11/27 Benton DOr, 11/27 Sherburne (6) PLJ, 11/29 Houston ebd (median 11/29), but also see winter report.
2021Winter3 All records: 12/1 Scott (3) RBW, 12/4 Benton (Sauk Rapids, appeared injured; continuing from November) DOr, HHD, MAJ, ca.12/18 Rochester CBC (count week record).
2022Spring3446 Early south (median 3/6) 3/3 Nicollet (1) BTS, Washington (6) JHe, 3/4 also in Dakota (18), Hennepin (5), Houston (2), Ramsey (2), Scott (2). Early north (median 3/16) 3/13 Pine ebd, 3/15 Douglas (2) BEc, 3/15 Todd (2) TLu. High count 3/21 Washington (789, Afton S.P., total of 18 separate flocks) BDo.
2022Summer3438 Reported from all regions. High count 6/12 Sherburne (212, Sherburne N.W.R.) PLJ. First county breeding record: 6/2 Jackson KEm.
2022Fall3239 Reported throughout the state with only scattered reports from the Southwest. High counts 11/8 Sherburne (29,256, Sherburne N.W.R., official refuge crane census) CyC. Late north 11/17 Crow Wing (3) PSP, 11/19 Wadena PJB, 11/21 Marshall (near Warren) HHu (median 11/14). Late south 11/25 Sherburne (38, near Santiago) PLJ, 11/27 Chisago (2, Wild River S.P.) ebd (median 11/29).
2022Winter4 Two late fall migrants: 12/5–6 Hennepin ABL, 12/12 Meeker / McLeod (4). PKF. Early migrants 2/26 Houston (2, Lawrence Lake) ebd, 2/28 Houston (2 at Lawrence Lake, 3 just south of La Crescent) SHo. This species was reported in nine of the previous ten winters.
 Breeds north, central, and east. Migrant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.