Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Gulls, Terns Occurrence
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Boobies and Gannets
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Chickadees, Titmice
Martins, Swallows
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Flycatchers
Old World Sparrows
Longspurs and Snow Buntings
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Gulls, Terns
Black-legged Kittiwake
Ivory Gull
Sabine's Gull
Bonaparte's Gull
Black-headed Gull
Little Gull
Ross's Gull
Laughing Gull
Franklin's Gull
Short-billed Gull
Ring-billed Gull
California Gull
Herring Gull
Herring Gull (American)
Herring Gull (Vega)
Iceland Gull
Iceland Gull (Thayer's)
Iceland Gull (Kumlien's)
Iceland Gull (Iceland)
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Slaty-backed Gull
Glaucous-winged Gull
Glaucous Gull
[Herring Gull X Glaucous Gull]
Great Black-backed Gull
Least Tern
Gull-billed Tern
Caspian Tern
Black Tern
Common Tern
Arctic Tern
Forster's Tern
[Sterna tern]
[Royal Tern]
Sandwich Tern
Elegant Tern
[Thalasseus tern]

Herring Gull(Larus argentatus)
1930SummerSeveral nests of the Herring Gull containing from one to three eggs, were found by Gustav Swanson along the North Shore of Lake Superior on May 1Oth. The -writer found a nest of this species north of Two Harbors on June 14th; contents two eggs.
1932SummerOn July 12 at lmchor Islands in Rainy Lake, Swanson found a colony of about 150 nests of this species. Sone had eggs (1 to 3), but in nost the young had hatched llnd were tu,nning abrut. Sone you."'1g wore already on -24-The Flicker, 1932 the wing. On Julx 8th near Two Harbors, Hr. Swedenborg found one downy young and two young about 1/3rd grOl-m.
1933Summer Fryklund visited the colony on Gull Rock, Lake;~ of the Woods, on May 20th, when there were n31 nests, with 1 to 3 eggs, 'With exception of one set with 4 eggs11, and adds that from a few of the larger sets collected he found all the eggs fresh. Swedenborg investigated a colony northeast of Two Harbors: on June 17th. He found nests with 3 eggs, 2 eggs, 1 egg and you~g, and young in various stages of development. 1/0ne nest in this colony still held three eggs on June 25th." The Flicker, 1933
1934Summer P. o. Fryklund found JO nests of this beautiful scavenger on May 19th, when he visited GUll nock on Lake of the Woods. They held from 1 to 4 eggs, the average being J. Of a few eggs collected, all were fresh. Exactly a month later Dobie visited this colony and found both eggs and young. Only 15 nests were in use at that time. Mr. and Mrs. Swedenborg reported nests from Two Harbors, Lake County, on June 17th, and four days later, with Dr. Prosser, they found these Gulls nesting near Grand Marais.
1935Summer Sl.-ranson, who gets around the state more than the other Bird Blubbers, 1vas on hand at Lake Superior Nay 21st to find 20 nests with 1 egg, 11 with 2 eggs, ru1d 12 with 3 eggs. On June 25th, Prosser and Swedwnborg wore on Lake Superior near Grand Marais, Cook County. There they found 11 nests with 3 eggs, 3 with 1 egg, and 1 with 1 egg. Upson visited Beaver Bay on Lake Suporior, July 9th -13th. He noted adults feeding large, dark young, all 9f which were out of the nest and some of which could fly.
1936Summer Dr. E. D. Swedenborg reports eleven nests found near Grand Marais on June 23rd. Five nests held three eggs each, fi'V'e containing two eggs each, and one.nest held one egg. On July 10th Alden Risser and party saw small young at Crooked Lake. 33 -The Flicker, 1936
1938SummerProsser and Swed­enborg saw nests on rocky islands in Lake Vermillion on June 10. At Lake of the Woods (Gull Rock) on June 7, G. Swan­son found many young but only a few nests with eggs. ·
1940SummerMr. and Mrs. K. Carlander caught and banded 23 young birds on June 30, at Gull Rock, Lake of the Woods. In the middle of June an adult female, whic~ had cared for a brood of 7 young, was kil!ecl by accident at Lake Kabetogama. Six of the young were transported to Sand Lake, Minnesota where the author saw them on July I. They all survived. Lakela, Graybeal, El­well, Maher, and Hero saw three young on July 3 at Silver Cliff, Lake Superior.
1945Summer132 nests containing 329 eggs and 30 young, Beaver Island, Lake Superior, May 26, Olga Lakela, Evelyn Jones; 146 nests, 327 eggs besides young, May 24, Lake Superior on Pancake Island, Olga Lakela, Mary I. JDlwell.
1945WinterPresent every winter in the Lake Superior region (Dr. Lakela) ; also in the Twin City region until the annual freeze-up.
1946Summer93 nests (total of 16 eggs, 82 young), June 4, Knife Is., Lake Superior, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boeder, and Mr. and Mrs. Joel Broenel; 2 eggs, June 5, St. Louis Co., Bro. Hubert; 135 nests (58 eggs, 44 young), June 22, Beaver Island, Lakela; 21 nests (17 eggs, 12 young), June 22, Mattson's Island, Lakela.
1947Summer93 nests, 73 young, 9 dead, 16 eggs, June 4, Knife Island, Lake Superior, Boeder and Bronoel; 135 nests, 40 young, 4 dead, 58 eggs, June 22, Beaver Island, Lake Superior, Northup, Roberts, Elwell, and Lakela; 21 nests, 11 young, 1 dead, 17 eggs, June 22, Mattesons' Island, Lake Superior, Northup, Roberts, Elwell, and Lakela.
1962WinterThe usual wintering population along the North Shore fluctuated in numbers this winter in direct accord with open water conditions. Most interesting record was one adult seen at Silver Lake, Rochester on Jan 19 by Avifaunal Club.
1963SummerLake Co., Knife Island, June 12, 425 banded, Jan Green, P. B. Hofslund, et al.
1964Summerbreeding in Cook (AEA) and St. Louis (HM, DM) Oounties.
1964Winter2 at Rochester until last week of Dec, DP, RLH; usual wintering flock at Knife River, Lake Co; peak ob· served there on 1-3, about 800, JCG.
1965WinterLake Superior: all winter -Lake Co., (6-800) until lake froze in late Jan., (10-50) after that, fewest in many years, no commercial fishing to attract them; Grand Marais, Cook Co. June, 1966 12/9 (500), 2/12 (42), JCG. North: early wanderers, 2/26 (3), Gunflint Lake, Cook Co., HH, not seen again. Central: hundreds until freeze-up on Mpls. lakes, 12/19; last on rivers, 1/5, Ramsey, DAB and Dakota, EMB; first wanderer, 2/19 (1 adult), Ramsey, WL. South: hundreds along the Mississippi until 1/1 (200), Goodhue, RG; greatest number 12/18 (1000), Wabasha, DGM; Xmas Counts, 12/29 (31), Wabasha and 1/2 (11), Winona; last, 1/4 (6), Wabasha, DGM and
1966Summernested in Mille Lacs, Stearns and St. Louis Co's; also reported from Roseau, Lake, Cook, Murray and Crow Wing Co's.
1966Winterreported from Lake, Cook, St. Louis, Hennepin, Dakota, Wabasha and Winona Co's; largest number reported was 800+ at Knife River on 1-28 by RPR.
1967Springearly 3-20 Nobles Co., 4, HSH; 3-24 Houston Co., 17, FL and Rice Co., OAR; 3-25 Lake Vermilion, St. Louis Co., MMP and Lac qui Parle Co., JAH.
1967Summernested in Cook Co.; also reported from Lake, Washington, St. Louis, Crow Wing, Wabasha, Nobles, Cottonwood Co's.
1967Winter reported from Dakota, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Hennepin, Goodhue, Wabasha and Ramsey Co's.
1968Summer nested at Mille Lacs Lk, NMH; also reported from Lyon, Lake, Clay, Cook, St. Louis, Nobles, Washington, Pope, Carlton, Crow Wing Co's.
1968Fall10-2 Cottonwood (Mountain Lake) 1,000 in mixed flock LAF; 10-25 Ramsey 300+ MO; late north 11-23 Mille Lacs MSB; 11-30 Lake (Two Harbors) MC; late south 11-24 Hennepin (Lake Harriet) FNIMAS; 11-30 Washington WHL.
1968WinterLast 12-7 Hennepin (Minneapolis) CLH, VL; all winter Lake Superior.
1969Spring3-19 Nobles Co., HSH, and Mpls., EMB; 3-22 Goodhue Co., EIS; 4-5 (20) Chisago Co., FVS, St. Louis Co., NJH, and Mille Lacs Co., MI; 4-20 (15) Washington Co., DS; 422 Hibbing, HM; 5-3 Kanabec Co., RHJ; 5-24 (10+) Roseau Co., EIS; 5-25 Washington Co., DS.
1969Summerreported from St. Louis, Cook, Lake, Wright, Mille Lacs, and Nobles Co's.
1969Fall11-4 Winona 60 BTV; 11-8 Ramsey 8+ RHJ; 11-10 Pope 5 WH; 11-29 Hennepin 50+ ETS; 11-30 Wabasha 10 DG M.
1969WinterLast South on 12-27 (6) Ramsey BL; 1-6 Dakota EMB. Wintered on Lake Superior (maximum count, 500, 1-11, Lake, JCG).
1970Springearly south 3-3 Nobles HH; 3-22 Wabasha KE, PE, TV; 3-23 Dakota RG; early north 4-1 St. Louis NH; 4-5 Beltrami JM.
1970Summern~sted in St. Louis and Mille Lacs Co's. (2 nests on Mille Lacs, Ml}. Also reported from Pope, Lake, Beltrami, and Cook Co's.
1970Falllate 11·7 Wright PF; 11·15 Wright ES; 11-30 Hennepin ES; peak 11·7 Duluth (3000) )G.
1970Winterlast South 12-6 (25) Wabasha BTV, 12-8 (6) Dakota RC; one, Black Dog, Dakota Co. 12-26 (HFH) 1-1 (RBJ, RG) 2-20 (RBJ); peak wintering counts Lake Superior 12-1 3 (700) Eagles Nest Lake, rural Duluth, 1-16 (400) Knife River, 1-24 (175) Grand Marais, JCG, 2-17 (125) Duluth city dump MMC.
1971Springearly south 3-14 Wabasha KE, PE and Dakota KJG; 3-28 Houston FL; early north 3-31 Crow Wing JB; 4-4 St. Louis NJH.
1971Summernested in Cook; also reported from St. Louis, Pope, Marshall, Beltrami, Wright, Houston and Roseau.
1971Falllate south 11-14 Cottonwood; 11-27 Hennipen; 11-28 Dakota; late north 11-27 Crow Wing; 11-29 Douglas; peak 11-12 Duluth (3000) JG.
1971Wintermigrants 1-1 Ramsey JAB; 1-1, 2-13 Dakota VL; 1-2 (2) Dakota RG. Lake Superior: 12-6 (400) Duluth: mid-Dec. to mid-Jan. (100-150), mid-Jan. to mid-Feb. (50) Duluth- Two Harbors area; 2-27 (200) Two Harbors; 1-30 (130) Grand Marais. Rina-billed Gull: 12-5 Dakota KRE; 12·6 Duluth JCG: 12-5 (200), 12-11 Wabasha DGM; 12-12 Henne pin VL. Mournina Dove: North last. 12-30 Cook Co. K. Carr; all winter, 12-1 -2-18 Duluth MMC. South all winter, reported by 23 neoplP. in 17 counties; nsuallv 1 or 2; largest number: 15 three places in Twin Cities and 46 on one farm (12-19 Sherburne).
1972Summernested in N. St. Louis; seen also in S. St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Mille Lacs, Pope (6-4HCK), Cottonwood (7-22 Mrs. LAF), Ramsey (REH), Hennepin (EWM).
1972WinterMigrants (3) Read's Landing FZL; 12-31 Rochester JAB. Lake Superior: 12-17 (142) Duluth; 12-27 (150) Grand Marais; 12-28 (175) Silver Bay; 1-9 (200) Grand Marais; 1-10 (100) Knife River; 1-27 (25) Cook Co.; 2-24 (200) Lake Co.
1973Summer Nested in St. Louis; seen also in Lake, Cook, Itasca, Aitkin, Mille Lacs, Washington, Dakota, Winona, & Lac qui Parle. ICELAND OR THAYER'S GULL 6-5 St. Louis (Stony Pt. MMC).
1973Fall Reported from 11 counties. Peak 11-5, 11-17 St. Louis (2000) (JCG, RBJ). Late 11-26 Anoka (SC).
1973Winter Not as common on L. Superior as in most winters; also seen on the Bloomington, St. Paul and Hastings Christmas Counts; also on 12-3 in Scott (RH) and Anoka (SC).
1974Spring Early south 3-1 Houston FL; 3-3 Wabasha DWM; 3-3 Dakota DR; early north 3-2 St. Louis GJN; 3-10 St. Louis BH.
1974Summer Nested in St. Louis and Lake; also reported from Cook, and non-breeding birds and migrants seen in Aitkin, Mille Lacs, Pope, Washington, Dakota, Goodhue.
1974Fall Peak 9-3 Duluth (3000) MMC.
1974Winter Seen in Cook, Lake and St. Louis Co's on Lake Superior as usual, but migrants also lingered inland on the Minneapolis, St. Paul (152), St. Paul N.E., and Bloomington (311) Christmas Counts; last seen 1-8 Dakota (RG).
1975Spring Early south 3-1 Dakota BDC; 3-21 Dakota RAG; early north 3-4 Cook MMC; 3-14 Cook ETS; 4-10 St. Louis GJN.
1975Summer Nested in Lake, St. Louis (DM) and Mille Lacs (6-24, Hennepin I., NH); also reported from Cass, Itasca, Cook and Washington (7-14 to 19, WL; early migrants?).
1975Falllate north away from Lake Superior 11-9 Ottertail LCF; 11/7 Mille Lacs Ml; late south 11·26 Hennepin CH; 11-30 Wabasha DWM; peak 11-29 Cook (2000) RJ, JG, PE.
1975Winterdown in numbers in all 3 Lake Superior counties; apparently overwintered at Black Dog L., Dakota Co.; lingered until 1-1 in Washington and Ramsey Co's (Afton Christmas Count, RH); late fall and early spring migrants in Wabasha Co. on 12-6 and 2-26 (WDM, RL).
1976Spring Early south 3-14 Wabasha WM; 3-19 Rice OR; 3-20 Swift RBJ; early north 3-29 St. Louis NJH; 4-1 Mille Lacs MI.
1976Summernesting in St. Louis and Lake; also reported from Cook. Cass, Mille Lacs, Itasca, Pope (late migrants at Glenwood, BSH), Washington (WL) and Lyon (7-15, 2nd year imm., JG).
1976Fall Late north 11-7 Otter Tail, 11-14 Crow Wing; late south 11-26 Washington, 11-28 Big Stone, 11-30 Ramsey.
1977Spring Early south 3-5 Dakota SH; 3-6 Dakota DGW; 3-12 Freeborn RK and Washington LF; early north 3-22 St. Louis KLF; 3-24 St. Louis HPD; 3-25 St. Louis MH and Crow Wing DK.
1977Summer Nested in St. Louis, Lake and Cook; also reported from Lake of the Woods and Roseau.
1977Winter Overwintered on L. Superior and at Black Dog L.; also December sight- ings from Big Stone, Hennepin, Wabasha, Houston and Mower.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Cook, Lake, St. Louis (Duluth harbor, 23 pair, GN); also seen in Big Stone, Marshall, Otter Tail, Roseau, Beltrami, Anoka.
1978Fall Late north 10-30 Itasca MS and 1031 St. Louis RJ (1,000+); late south 11-25 Wabasha OJ, 11-26 Black Dog RJ (300+ ).
1978Winter Fewer than normal wintered on L. Superior (only 2 were seen at Grand Marais on the, M. 0. U. trip!); also seen 12-5 Olmsted (VH) and 2-19 Goodhue (WL).
1979Spring Early south 3-6 Wabasha DWM, 3-17 Dakota RE, Goodhue DGW, Wabasha RJ; early north 4-2 Bemidji JM, 4-4 Traverse SM.
1979Summer Breeding reported from Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Mille Lacs; also reported from Itasca, Lac qui Parle, Dakota, Wabasha.
1979Fall Reported from these counties: Cass, Cook, Beltrami, Hennepin, Itasca, Olmsted, Otter Tail, Ramsey, Stearns, Wabasha, Washington. Tha,yer's Gull Three reports 11-17 St. Louis KE, JG, 11-20 St. Louis JG.
1979Winter Down in numbers in the three Lake Superior counties. Also reported from Sherburne, Hennepin, Washington, Dakota, Ramsey and Wabasha.
1980Spring 3-1 to 4-26 reported from 16 counties.
1980Summer Breeding reported in Lake, St. Louis; also seen in Cook, Pine, Chisago, Anoka, Aitkin, Crow Wing, Itasca, Beltrami.
1980Fall Reported from 18 counties. Late north 11-30 St. Louis LW.
1980Winter Reported from Cook, Lake, St. Louis (absent from Duluth from mid January to mid February. Reported also from Anoka, Ramsey, Dakota, Swift, Wabasha and Houston.
1981Spring Reported from 14 south counties and 12 north counties.
1981Summer Breeding data from Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Lake of the Woods. Scattered reports in the North plus Pope, Washington.
1981Fall Reported from 29 counties. Late north 11-28 Itasca TL.
1981Winter Late inland north migrants in Itasca 12-16 fide (TL) and Mille Lacs 12-5 (KL). Lake Superior reports from Grand Marais, Cook County until 1-27 and 2-17 on (KMH); Lake 1-11 and 2-20 (SWMS) and Duluth where there were 552 on the CBC, 300 at the dump until 1-9 and returning showed up on 2-23 (KE). migrants
1982Summer Breeding data from Cook, Lake, St. Louis. Seen in 11 other counties including Washington (WHL), Ramsey (OLJ).
1982Fall Reported from 12 north and eight south counties.
1982Winter Late north migrants inland from Lake Superior were recorded on 12/5 in Hubbard (JP), Crow Wing and Mille Lacs (PKL). In the Twin Cities area and the SE late migrants remained until 12-25. Spring migrants returned to theSE on 2/12, Wabasha, (JB, BE) and the Twin Cities area on 2/13, Dakota (MW). On Lake Superior 681 were recorded on the Duluth CBC, 50+ overwintered in Lake and 200 in Cook. Returning migrants increased the Cook Co. numbers to 500 by late Feb. (KMH).
1983Spring Reported from 16 counties south, 12 north.
1983Summer Breeding data from Mille Lacs, Lake, Lake of the Woods. Also seen in Goodhue, Washington, St. Louis, Cook.
1983Fall Reported from nine north and eight south counties.
1983Winter Overwintered in Cook and absent in Duluth from late December until 2-12. One in Lake on 1-1 (SWMS). In the south, December migrants lingered until the St. Paul CBC and spring migrants returned to Dakota on 2-21 (RG) and Wabasha 2-25 (KL).
1984Spring Reported from eleven north and 15 south counties.
1984Summernested in Cook, Lake and St. Louis; also seen in Koochiching, Roseau, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Stearns and Anoka.
1984Fall Reported from nine north and eight south counties.
1984Winter Late inland north in Koochiching 12-2 (KL). Along Lake Superior they were absent from late January and February in Cook (KMH) and present in Lake until 1-8 (SWMS) and in St. Louis until early Jan. (KE). Two in Duluth on 2-9 (KE) may have been early migrants. Late December migrants remained in the Twin Cities until 12-4 (500) (SC) and in Houston until 12/5 (33) (FL).
1985Spring Reported from ten north and 17 south counties.
1985Summer Nested in Cook, Lake, St. Louis. Also seen in Cass, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, Roseau, Wilkin, Hennepin, Nicollet, Cottonwood.
1985Fall Reported from seven north and eight south cqunties.
1985Winter The only non-Lake Superior report was from Dakota, 17 on 12/8 (TI). Along the Lake they overwintered in Grand Marais but were quite scarce by late February. In Duluth most left by early December with the last on 1/9 (KE).
1986Spring Reported from ten north and 18 south counties.
1986Summer Nested in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Koochiching (FS). Also seen in Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Itasca, Hubbard, Todd, Pope, Freeborn (6/2, NHo).
1986Fall Reported from seven north and nine south counties.
1986Winter Seven reports of migrants in the Twin Cities area with the last on III (AB,TT). Returning migrants in Houston 2/28 (FL) and Ramsey 2/27 (TT). In the northeast up to 500 were present in Duluth (KE) and 100 + overwintered in Grand Marais (KMH). For a detailed discussion of this and the following gull species in the Duluth area see The Loon 59: 100-101.
1987Spring Reported from 15 north and 21 south counties .
1987Summer Nested in Cook, Lake, Lake of the Woods. Also seen in St. Louis, Koochiching, Beltrami , Wilkin, Todd, Washington, Wabasha.
1987Fall Reported from II north and ten south counties.
1987Winter A late migrant in Lake of the Woods on 12/3 (KL). Overwintered in Grand Marais, Cook Co., but scarce in February (KMH). CBC reports include Grand Marais (274), Duluth (745), St. Paul (96) and Winona (22). Also reported in December in Anoka, Houston and Dakota counties and an additional Dakota report on 1/19 (2, TT).
1988Spring Reported from 13 north and 18 south counties .
1988Summer Nested in Duluth, Cook. Also seen in Roseau, Lake of the Woods, Koochiching, Lake, Hubbard, Todd, Stearns, Swift.
1988Fall Reported from nine north and 12 south counties.
1988Winter Recorded on the Grand Marais, Duluth and St. Paul CBCs. Present throughout the period on Lake Superior. In the Twin Cities a high count of 2,500 in Hennepin 12/5 SC, and last recorded in Ramsey on 12/23 RJ. Farther south in Wabasha they remained until 12/24 WDM.
1989Spring Reported from 15 north and 21 south counties.
1989Summer More reports than in recent years. Nested in Cook; seen in 14 other counties in all regions except central, southwest, south central. Only reports; 7/27 Dakota and SABINE'S GULL Washington.
1989Fall Reported from eight north and ten south counties.
1989Winter Recorded on the Duluth, St. Paul, and Hastings-Etter CBCs. Overwintered on Lake Superior in St. Louis. Late migrants in Hennepin 12/12 SC and Wabasha 12/3 CS. Early arrivals in Houston and Dakota by 2/7 and Hovland, Cook Co. by 2/26.
1990Spring Reported from 15 north and 20 south counties .
1990Summer Seen in Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Koochiching, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Cass, Morrison, Carver, Goodhue.
1990Fall Reported from 12 north and nine south counties.
1990Winter Overwintered on L. Superior in Cook and St. Louis (a few); recorded on the Carlton CBC with December records from Mille Lacs L. in Crow Wing and Aitkin, Sherburne, Wright, Hennepin, Dakota, Anoka, Wabasha, Rice and Winona.
1991Spring Reported from 18 north and 22 south counties.
1991Summer Probable nesting in Cook; seen in seven other counties in northeast and north central plus Roseau.
1991Fall Reported from 11 north and 13 south counties.
1991Winter CBC counts of 1 on Bloomington, 1 on Rochester, 34 on St Paul, 37 on Duluth and 220 on Grand Marais. Overwintered in Cook at Grand Marais, and in Lake at Knife River (but most individuals apparently wintering in Superior, WI). Seen in Ramsey until 1/3 KB, and in Olmsted from 12/14–1/18 BSE & 2/11 KB (injured). Returning migrants in Hennepin 2/18 KB (earliest migrant on record) and in Dakota, Goodhue, and Wabasha on 2/29 mob.
1992Spring Reported from 18 south and 20 north counties.
1992Summer Observed in seven northern counties plus Wright, Hennepin, Ramsey, Dakota.
1992Fall Reported from 9 counties north and 13 counties south.
1992Winter Overwintered along the North Shore in Cook, Lake and St. Louis (but number unknown). Thousands still present 12/4 Lake Pepin, Goodhue/Wabasha KB, and last seen in southeast on the La Crosse, Rochester, and Winona CBCs. In the Twin Cities area, peak of 2,000 on 12/11 at Lakes Calhoun/Harriet, Hennepin Co. KB, and last seen there 12/22 SC. The 450 at Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. present 12/22 KB reduced to only 3 by 1/5. One lingered at Black Dog Lake until 2/5 RJ et al., but apparently did not overwinter. Also present in mid-winter 1/22 Colville Park, Goodhue Co. (six) TBe.
1993Spring Reported from many north and 17 south counties.
1993Summer Nested in Lake of the Woods; observed in eight other northern counties plus Hennepin, Carver, Cottonwood.
1993Fall Reported from five north and 14 south counties.
1993Winter Overwintered along the North Shore in St. Louis and Cook but scarce in late Jan. in Cook. In the Twin Cities area, peak of 4,000 at Lakes Calhoun/Harriet, 12/4–9 Hennepin KB, and last seen there 12/23 SC. The 1,000 at Black Dog Lake, 12/22–24 Dakota KB reduced to only 1 by 1/4. Late migrants also noted 12/13 Winona CS, 12/17 Rice TBo, 12/19 Wabasha WDM. Early migrants noted 2/19 Winona TBr and 2/19 Dakota TT.
1994Spring Reported from 13 north and 21 south counties.
1994Summer Probable nesting in Roseau; observed in 12 other counties as far south as Cottonwood, Winona.
1994Fall Reported from six north and five south counties.
1994Winter Overwintered on Lake Superior in St. Louis, Lake and Cook counties. Late north migrants reported 12/3 Cass and Crow Wing PKL. December migrants noted in eight counties south, with many using the Mississippi River in St. Paul where 1,160 recorded on St. Paul CBC. Still 50+ on 1/2 Dakota TT. At least one bird lingered through late January at Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co., but there were no February reports.
1995Spring Reported from 15 south and 14 north counties. Early north 3/12–13 Koochiching SLM, GM.
1995Summer Nested in St. Louis; seen in eight additional northern counties plus Lac qui Parle, Washington, Jackson.
1995Fall Reported from 11 north and 11 south counties.
1995Winter Present along Lake Superior in December and January but by early February these birds were almost entirely gone. Peak of 3,000–4,000 noted on 12/2 at Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. BF, and last reported in Twin Cities on 1/2 Dakota KB. Early migrant noted 2/23 Winona CS.
1996Spring Reported from 19 south and 14 north counties. Early south 3/12 Waseca JZ. Early north 3/29 Cook OSL.
1996Summer Nested in St. Louis; also seen in Koochiching, Cook, Itasca, Hubbard, Crow Wing, Carlton, Isanti, Hennepin, Cottonwood.
1996Fall Reported from 11 counties north and 12 south.
1996Winter Peak of 3,600 noted 12/1 Grand Marais, Cook Co. PS, and last reported on the North Shore 1/8 Cook AH. Twin Cities peak only 1,815 on 12/2 Black Dog Lake, Dakota Co. KB; last reported in south 12/21–28 on the St. Paul, Bloomington and Winona CBCs. Possible early migrants noted 2/22 Silver Bay, Lake Co. (2) SL.
1997Spring Reported from 18 south and 15 north counties. Early south 3/11 Renville KB. Early north 3/11 St. Louis NJ. Peak 3/29 Koochiching (1,200) PS.
1997Summer Seen in 15 counties in all regions except south central.
1997Fall Late north 11/8 Beltrami DJo, 11/20 Cook KMH, 11/22 Aitkin WN. Late south 11/30 Hennepin SC and Ramsey DS. High count of 5,000+ on 11/20 Cook (Grand Marais) KMH.
1997Winter Overwintered along the North Shore of Lake Superior. May have also overwintered in the Twin Cities (would be first time ever) since reported as late as 1/18 Dakota DN and as early as 1/31 Washington KB, but it is unknown if the same individuals remained throughout the season. The buildup of migrants on the St. Croix River at Point Douglas, Washington Co. steadily climbed from six birds on 1/31 to 100 on 2/16, and then 500 by 2/27 (KB). Unusually widespread in December, with a CBC total of 2,397. There were still 1,500 present 1/1 Dakota KB.
1998Spring Reported from 18 counties in the south. Unusually high numbers reported in the Twin Cities area for the spring; KB reported at least 1,000 individuals on 3/7 at Spring Lake and again on 4/9 at Pine Bend Landfill, both Dakota Co.
1998Summer Probable nesting in Cook; seen in ten other counties scattered statewide.
1998Fall See winter report for late north migrants. Peak count 10/14 St. Louis (2,888) KB.
1998Winter Reported from a total of 21 counties. Overwintered in Cook, Lake, and St. Louis. Late north (away from Lake Superior) 12/13 Otter Tail SDM, 12/17 Clay RO, and 12/17 Aitkin CMG. Late south 1/1 Hennepin SC, and 1/3 Dakota mob. CBC total 1,088. Peak 12/26 Dakota (1,200) KB. Early south 2/10 Olmsted BBr, 2/15 Winona RJ, 2/20 Ramsey (4) BL, 2/27 Anoka SC.
1999Spring See winter report for early south migrants. Few north reports except for the northeast region, where this species overwinters on L. Superior.
1999Summer Few reports. 562 nests at ten sites in Susie Island archipelago near Grand Portage JMc, and about 20 pairs at Silver Creek Cliff colony JLi; also observed in St. Louis, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Grant, Cottonwood, Goodhue.
1999Fall Reported from 7 north and 18 south counties. Peak counts 11/15 and 11/21 Cook (3,000+ in Grand Marais) RJ, PS.
1999Winter Reported from 25 counties in all regions except the northwest and west central. Overwintered along the North Shore in Lake and St. Louis PS. Late north (away from Lake Superior) 12/13 Mille Lacs Lake KB, 12/18 Grand Marais CBC. Late south 1/17 Dakota SC, 1/18 Goodhue SL. Early south 2/22 Dakota (1) KB, 2/26 Ramsey (5) KB, plus four additional counties 2/28–29. By 2/28, many had returned to North Shore colonies in Cook (319) and Lake (210+) KB. Peak 12/17 Dakota (1500–2000) KB.
2000Spring Reported from 25 south and 13 north counties. See winter report for migration summary.
2000Summer Few reports; observed in Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Aitkin, Carver, Wabasha.
2000Fall Reported from 8 north and 13 south counties, principally in east and central regions. High count 10/20 St. Louis (1750) PHS.
2000Winter Overwintered on Lake Superior in St. Louis, Lake, and Cook. Late south 1/7 Dakota CRM, plus one that lingered to 2/5 Olmsted PWP. Apparent early migrant seen 2/6 Washington (Point Douglas) KJB, although no subsequent February reports.
2001Spring Reported from 18 south and 19 north counties. Probable migrants 3/14 Dakota KJB, PEJ, 3/15 Hennepin OLJ, but see winter report. Overwintered on Lake Superior but arrived 3/14 Becker BRK. Peak migration 4/1 at the Hastings-Prescott Bird Count (294) KJB.
2001Summer Fewest reports in 20+ years; almost half the previous ten-year average. Observed in Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Cass, Crow Wing, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Carlton. Also found south in Blue Earth. [Corrected]
2001Fall Reported from 10 north and 19 south counties, mostly in eastern and central regions. High count 11/24 St. Louis (2400) PHS.
2001Winter Reported from 4 north and 17 south counties. Numbers at western end of L. Superior at Duluth-Superior variable, but overall number greater than normal (PHS). For the first time, a significant flock (170–200) overwintered away from L. Superior at Black Dog L., Dakota Co. (and adjacent Minnesota R. in Hennepin, and Mississippi R. along Hardman Ave. dike in Ramsey and Washington counties) m.ob. One pushed ahead of the season on 2/6 Anoka (Mississippi R. at Anoka) KJB. Only report of potential early migrants: 2/23 Goodhue RBJ.
2002Spring Seen in 26 south and 13 north counties. Overwintered north and south. First influx 3/12 Washington (150) KJB. Early north (away from L. Superior) 4/6 Polk EEF, 4/7 Wadena PJB.
2002Summer Observed in Cook, Lake, St. Louis, Cass, Traverse, Wright, Houston.
2002Fall Reported from 11 north and 13 south counties, mostly in eastern and central regions. Early south 8/24 Dakota (3) ADS, TAT.
2002Winter Reported from St. Louis, Lake and Cook counties in the north. Reported from six south counties through 12/29 Wabasha CBC, 1/20 Dakota KJB. Maximum reported number 12/26 Dakota (1,800) KJB.
2003Spring Seen in 14 south and 18 north counties. Early south 3/15 Dakota PEJ, 3/16 Dakota JPM and Hennepin SLC, OLJ. Early north (away from L. Superior) 3/26 Beltrami DPJ, 4/6 Clay RHO and Polk EEF.
2003Summer Reported in Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Stearns, Big Stone.
2003Fall Reported from 17 north and 11 south counties in all regions except Southwest. Highest reported counts 11/21 Cook (3000 at Grand Marais) and 11/26 Dakota (1532) KJB. Late north (away from L. Superior) 11/17 Todd JSK, SID.
2003Winter Overwintered in Lake and St. Louis but no reports from Cook. Reported from nine south counties through 1/24 Dakota PEJ. Peak 12/3 Dakota (1300) KJB. Early migrants reported from Dakota beginning 2/26 PEJ.
2004Spring Reported from 22 south and 16 north counties statewide. Please see winter report for early south migrants. Early north (away from Lake Superior) 3/28 Beltrami DPJ, 3/29 Otter Tail DTT, SMT. Numbers up at H.P.B.C. (2694 for the season, peak 403 on 3/27) KJB. Unusual local concentation 4/14 St. Louis (2055 at Baily's L. and Silver L., Virginia) SLF.
2004Summer Observed in Lake of the Woods, St. Louis, Lake, Itasca, Cook, Mille Lacs, Polk, Big Stone, Lac qui Parle, Chippewa.
2004Fall Reported from 11 north and 13 south counties in all regions. Highest reported count 10/15 St. Louis (2300 at Duluth) PHS.
2004Winter Overwintered Lake and St. Louis; late north away from L. Superior 12/11 Mille Lacs SPS. Apparent influx of migrants 2/12 Lake (150 at Knife Island) JWL. Reported from six south counties thru 1/22 Dakota (6) PEB. Total of 361 still present 1/8 Dakota PEB.
2005Spring Reported from 26 south and 13 north counties statewide. Early south (but see winter report) 3/6 Freeborn AEB, Jackson DFN and Rice DAB, FVS, 3/7 Rice TFB. Early north (away from Lake Superior) 4/3 Wadena PJB, 4/5 St. Louis (1,960 in Virginia) SLF.
2005Summer Fewest reports ever: 6/1 St. Louis ALE, TPW, 6/3, 7/8 Hennepin ADS, SWe, 6/3 Dakota ADS, 6/18, 7/2 Lake LS, MCA, 7/11, 7/16–17, 7/25 Cook PHS, HHD, DCZ, LBF.
2005Fall Reported from 17 north and 13 south counties. High count 11/27 Dakota (2,200 at Black Dog L.) KJB.
2005Winter Present through at least mid-winter and probably overwintered in Cook, Lake, and St. Louis. High count north 1/7 St. Louis (500) PHS. Reported from six south counties with a high count 12/2 Dakota (2,590 at Black Dog Lake) KJB. As many as 300 still present at Black Dog Lake 1/15 BAF. Probable early migrants 2/5 Goodhue (290, Lake Pepin) BAF.
2006Spring Reported from 26 south and 16 north counties statewide. Early south (but see winter report) 3/5 Rice TFB, 3/10–12 in six counties; peak migration 3/25 Dakota (425) and 3/28 Goodhue (455) KJB. Early north (away from Lake Superior) 3/26 Otter Tail (3) DTT, SMT, 3/27 Beltrami (3) DPJ, PJR. Highest reported count 4/7 St. Louis (2,361 on Bailey's and Silver lakes, Virginia) SLF, DBF.
2006Summer Seen in six counties in North-central, Northeast, plus Mille Lacs, Stevens, Swift, Lac qui Parle, Chippewa.
2006Fall Reported from 16 north and 25 south counties in all regions. No significant counts.
2006Winter37 Overwintered north in Lake and St. Louis m.ob. In the south, present most of January in Dakota, Hennepin, and Washington at usual open water sites. Larger than normal numbers lingered into late January, e.g. 1/23 Dakota (42, Black Dog Lake) DWK.
2007Spring2016 Early south 3/8 Dakota ADS, PEJ, 3/10 Goodhue DAB. Early north (away from Northeast) 3/24 Clay RHO, 3/25 Pine JMP. High count 4/2 St. Louis (2,840 on Bailey's Lake in Virginia) SLF.
2007Summer63 Reported from Lake of the Woods, Cass, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Mille Lacs, Big Stone, Lac qui Parle, Dakota.
2007Fall1726 Early south 8/5 Goodhue LEC, 8/6 Big Stone (3rd-cycle in NW Prior Twp.) BJU (but also see summer report). High counts 10/10 St. Louis (4,100 at Superior Entry, mostly in Minnesota) KJB, 9/22 St. Louis (2,529; total includes Minnesota and Wisconsin sides of Superior Entry and Park Point, Duluth) PHS.
2007Winter49 Overwintered St. Louis and Lake. High count north 1/12 St. Louis (1,540 in Duluth harbor) PHS. High count south: 12/8 Dakota (2,000 at Black Dog Lake) BAF. Statewide total for CBCs down 14% percent from 20-year average.
2008Spring1735 High count 4/9 St. Louis (3,265, Silver Lake and Bailey's Lake, Virginia) SLF. Last reported south 5/29 Hennepin (Purgatory Creek) DWK.
2008Summer102 Observed in northern regions plus Mille Lacs, Anoka, Dakota. High count 7/24 St. Louis (1,020) PHS.
2008Fall1820 High count 11/7 St. Louis (4,587, Duluth and Minnesota side of the Superior Entry) PHS.
2008Winter28 High counts: 12/12 Dakota (1,500, Black Dog Lake) BAF, 12/5 St. Louis (560, 378 at 27th Ave West and 182 at Canal Park, Duluth.) PHS. Only January report north 1/18 Lake (41) RPR. Indicative of cold conditions, last reported south 1/6 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) MDu.
2009Spring1639 Late south 5/10 Goodhue SWe, 5/13 Lac qui Parle ASc and Stearns FGo, but see summer report. High count 4/6 St. Louis (2,740) SLF.
2009Summer63 Reported from Cass, St. Louis, Lake, Cook, Mille Lacs, Kanabec in north. All south reports: 6/3 Goodhue (2) WOS, 6/8 Meeker (1) DMF, plus scattered reports from Hennepin.
2009Fall1013 Observed north throughout the season. First reported south 8/11 Watonwan CRM, 9/13 Dakota BAF. High count 11/29 St. Louis (2,900, Minnesota side of Superior Entry) KJB.
2009Winter510 Near record numbers north. Large numbers over-wintered in Duluth area. High count 1/2 St. Louis (2,443, best estimate from multiple counts, plus an additional 1,280 at the Superior Landfill (Douglas County, WI), so the total number in the Duluth-Superior area was probably 4,000 – 4,500) PHS. Lingered south in larger than normal numbers as well. Non-CBC high count 12/16 JPM Dakota (600, Black Dog Lake). Large number for so late in the season 1/3 Dakota (325, Hastings, Lock and Dam #2) BAF.
2010Spring1738 Last reported south 5/15 Pipestone (Pipestone) DAC, RBJ, 5/25 Big Stone CRM. High count 3/3 St. Louis (1,412 at Duluth) KJB.
2010Summer124 Seen in North-central and Northeast plus Dakota, Lac qui Parle, Mille Lacs. First county breeding record from Crow Wing PSP.
2010Fall1425 First reported south 8/8 Houston AKe, 8/9 Ramsey (Vadnais Lake) BNW. High count 11/24 St. Louis (3,660, Duluth) KJB.
2010Winter33 Only found near Lake Superior (Cook, Lake, St. Louis) and near the Twin Cities (Dakota, Hennepin, Washington). North December high counts of 2,867 (12/25, Superior Entry, (MN and WI) KJB) and 1,807 (12/23 St. Louis (Canal Park) PHS) tapered off to 940 in January (1/16 St. Louis KJB) and 100 in February (2/23 St. Louis LKn). Last reported south 1/19 Dakota (21) KSm. South high counts 12/18 Dakota (600, Black Dog Lake) PEB, 12/26 Dakota (500, Black Dog Lake) JPM, 1/1 Dakota (295, near Hastings) BAF.
2011Spring2434 Last reported south 5/21 Pope RPR, 5/29 Pope HHD, RAE, but see summer report.
2011Summer126Observed in all regions except Southeast. Rooftop nesting documented in downtown Duluth ph. PHS.
2011Fall1323 Observed north throughout the season. First reported south 8/6 Winona (2, Waterworks Park) MGo, 9/12 Hennepin JCC. High count 11/22 St. Louis (4,435, Duluth) KJB.
2011Winter610Many overwintered St. Louis (Duluth area), with January high counts 1/4 (1,000) and 1/13 (900) Canal Park JLK, and February high count 2/6 (957, 27th Ave. West) PHS, JLK. As many as 3,508 were in Duluth/Superior area 12/18 (2,550 in Duluth) KJB. Also overwintered north in much smaller numbers in Lake (up to 35), Cook (up to 30). No north reports after mid-December away from Lake Superior. Many reports south (all but one from East-central and Southeast) with December high counts 12/17 and 12/23 Dakota (500, Black Dog Lake) MDu, CMB. Numbers dwindled to 10 or fewer after mid-January except 1/25 (30, Black Dog Lake) PEJ. A few individuals were reported in February, including 2/23 Dakota (3) PEJ. CBC high counts 12/17 Duluth (1,750), 12/17 Bloomington (253).
2012Spring1732 Last reported south 5/5 Washington (2, Warner N.C.) PSm, 5/26 Wabasha (2, Lake City) JCC, but see summer report. High count 3/3 St. Louis (400) TPr, TKe.
2012Summer112 Reported from all northern regions plus Chisago, Dakota, Otter Tail.
2012Fall1727 Observed north throughout the season. First reported south 8/2 Rice TFB, 8/6 Freeborn RTP. High count 11/4 St. Louis (6,300, Duluth, record high count) KJB.
2012Winter511 As in recent previous years, large numbers overwintered St. Louis (Duluth) with January high counts 1/1 (750, Canal Park) PHS, 1/6 (405, Superior Entry) KJB, and February high counts 2/8 (163) CRM, 2/2 (160 Canal Park) KJB. Also overwintered Lake with midwinter high count 2/4 (142, Two Harbors) KJB, and Cook with midwinter high count 2/2 (40, Grand Marais) CLW, m.ob. There were no midwinter north reports away from Lake Superior. Large numbers reported south through mid-December in the Twin Cities, but numbers dwindled quickly by the end of December. January south high count 1/5 Dakota (75, Black Dog Lake) BAF, and only one south report after mid-January: 2/5 Dakota (1, Black Dog Lake) PEJ.High counts 12/8 St. Louis (1,110, Canal Park) KJB, 12/15 Hennepin (1,000, Lake Harriet) BAF, 12/18 Dakota (1,000) TAT, Hennepin (1,000, Lake Harriet) RDa. CBC high counts 12/15 Duluth (1,167) CBC, 12/15 Bloomington (225), 12/22 Two Harbors (98).
2013Spring2337 High counts 3/29 Lake (850, Knife River Marina) KJB, 4/17 Sherburne (800, Lake Orono) ADB. Last reported south 5/21 Stearns RAE, 5/22 Lyon (Sham Lake) GWe.
2013Summer136 Observed in all regions except South-central, Southeast. Rooftop nesting documented in downtown Duluth for third consecutive year JCG, PHS.
2013Fall1527 First south reports in late July. High count 11/2 St. Louis (2,000, Superior Entry) TRK, RJ. Found north well into winter near Lake Superior. Late north away from Lake Superior 11/9 Roseau JWH, 11/10 Beltrami HHD, 11/13 Mille Lacs (6) ToL.
2013Winter36 Overwintered in much smaller numbers St. Louis (Duluth) than in recent winters, with very modest post-December high count 1/19 (49) JLK. A few reports after December from Cook (Grand Marais) including 2/24 (18) MJM, and a few of singles from Lake. No north reports away from Lake Superior. South reports after December included 1/4 Dakota (35, near Prescott WI) BAF, but no further reports after 1/5. High counts 12/1 St. Louis (1,000, Canal Park) JLK, 12/1 Wabasha (600, Maple Springs) HCT. CBC high count 12/14 Duluth (371). One report 12/8 St. Louis (Canal Park) of what was thought to be an adult Vega Gull (L. a. vegae) ph. †MLH, ph. †KJB, PHS, an eastern Asian subspecies previously unrecorded in Minnesota that may be elevated to full species status in the future.
2014Spring2342Last reported south 5/28 Anoka (4) KSk, 5/30 Hennepin (2) KdB. High count 4/22 Anoka (110, Centerville Lake) SBM.
2014Summer92Observed in North-central, Northeast, plus Mille Lacs, Sherburne, Wright.
2014Fall1528 Seen north throughout the season. First south reports 8/11 Sherburne (4) TSh, 8/23 Hennepin (6) PTn. High counts 11/22 St. Louis (1,500, Canal Park) PHS, JLK, MLH, 11/23 St. Louis (1,050, Canal Park) PHS.
2014Winter36 Overwintered St. Louis (Duluth) with peak January count 1/11 (450) JLK and peak February count 2/8 (200) TRK. Overwintered elsewhere along North Shore, with peak midwinter numbers 2/2 Cook (63, Grand Marais) LSz, 2/1 Lake (150, Two Harbors CBC) KDr. There were no north records away from Lake Superior counties. December high count north 12/21 St. Louis (1,600, Canal Park) KJB. All south reports were from Twin Cities counties and Goodhue. South high counts were from Dakota (Burnsville landfill): 1/1 (250) MJI, 12/31 (125) MJI, 1/2 (100) BAF. Numbers dwindled quickly in early January, and the last south report was 1/19 (9) PEJ. [Corrected]
2015Spring2436 Early south (median 2/23) 3/10 Dakota PEJ, 3/12 Ramsey DVi, Rice DAB. Overwintered north. High count 4/20 Lake (610, Knife Island, counted by fives) JWL. After 5/21 Dakota SPy, only reported south from Wahibo Marsh in Carver where found into the summer season.
2015Summer126 Seen in all regions except West-central, South-central, Southeast.
2015Fall1724 Reported north and south throughout the season. High counts 10/17 St. Louis (3,000, Superior Entry) KMS, RJ, 11/13 St. Louis (1,595, Superior Entry) JLK, JPR.
2015Winter618 Reported from 24 counties statewide, the most in at least the past ten winters. December high counts north 12/5 St. Louis (2,400, Superior Entry) RJ, JLK, 12/12 (1,200, Superior Entry) TRK. Overwintered St. Louis (Duluth) with peak January counts (Canal Park) 1/3 (725) JLK, 1/24 (475) JLK, MLH, and peak February count 2/21 (310) JWL. Also overwintered in smaller numbers in Cook and Lake with high counts in each county 1/25 Cook (52) KDS, 2/12 Lake (270, Two Harbors) JWL. The only north reports away from Lake Superior include 12/3 Beltrami DPJ, 12/16 Cass (3) DAY, 12/19 Walker CBC. High counts south: 12/30 Hennepin (1,775, Lake Harriet) PEB, 12/6 Hennepin (1,500, Lake Harriet) EzH. South numbers dropped quickly in early January, with peak 1/8 Washington (86) KvM but only a few scattered singles after that until late February. CBC high counts 12/19 Duluth (666), 12/26 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (150), 12/20 Two Harbors (120), 12/19 Willmar (96).
2016Spring2440 Overwintered north and early south migrants appeared in February. High counts 3/29 Lake (975, Knife River Marina, counted by fives) JWL, 3/27 Isanti (800, pig farm; about 4,000 gulls, estimate 20% Herring Gulls) RCl.
2016Summer133 Seen in all northern and central regions. Breeding confirmed 7/4, 7/10 St. Louis (Miller Hill Mall area, Duluth, probably nesting on rooftops) JLK.
2016Fall1730 Observed north throughout the season. Scattered reports south in late July, becoming more frequent in mid-August. High counts 9/29 St. Louis (1,000, Superior Entry) JLK, 10/25 St. Louis (900, Superior Entry) RJ.
2016Winter318 North reports only from Cook, Lake, St. Louis. December north high count 12/4 St. Louis (850, Duluth) JLK. Large numbers overwintered St. Louis (Duluth), with high count 1/22 (1,500, Canal Park) JLK. Numbers declined after that, with February high count 2/5 (380) JPR. Also overwintered in smaller numbers Lake (up to 196) and Cook (up to 120). In the south, December high counts were relatively low, with peak 12/8 Hennepin (250, Lake Calhoun) BAF. Numbers dwindled through December to just a few by the end of the month. There were no January reports south, and none until an influx of presumed early spring migrants starting 2/17; seen in 13 south counties by month's end, with peak 2/18 (22, Wabasha) DBz. CBC high counts 12/17 Duluth (461), 12/17 Grand Marais (80), 12/18 Two Harbors (35).
2017Spring2440 Overwintered north along the North Shore. Early south migrants appeared in February. High counts all from the Knife River Marina in Lake County: 5/3 (785) JWL, 4/13 (665) JWL, SLL, 4/9 (525) JWL.
2017Summer156 Seen in every region except South-central, Southeast.
2017Fall2027 Scattered summer south reports increased in late July. High counts 11/21 St. Louis (1,700, mouth of Miller Creek) JLK, 11/12 St. Louis (1,500, St. Louis River) KMi.
2017Winter418 One north report away from Lake Superior: 12/2 Cass DAY. December north high count 12/17 St. Louis (365, Duluth) JLK. Overwintered along Lake Superior, with post-December high counts by county: 1/29 Cook (108, Grand Marais) FJN, m.ob., 2/24 Lake (790) JWL, 1/1 St. Louis (130, Duluth) JLK. Peak midwinter numbers in Duluth were the lowest since winter 2013, and much lower than in the previous three winters. Reported from 16 south counties in December, with season high count 12/8 Hennepin (900, Lake Harriet) BAF, IVa. Numbers decreased rapidly after early December, and none were reported from January to mid February. Presumed early migrants 2/28 Wabasha (35), Winona (25) PEJ. CBC high counts 12/16 Duluth (911), 12/17 Two Harbors (39), 12/16 Grand Marais (27).
2018Spring2642 Overwintered north; early south migrants appeared in February. High counts all from the Knife River Marina in Lake County: 5/1 (590) SLL, JWL, 3/10 (580) JLK.
2018Summer155 Seen in all northern and central regions, but primarily in Northeast and North-central.
2018Fall2332 Observed north throughout the season. Scattered reports south in late July, becoming more frequent in early August. High counts 10/12 St. Louis (700, Superior Entry) EzH, IsH, 11/6 St. Louis (680, Superior Entry) JLK.
2018Winter49 December north high count 12/1 St. Louis (650, Duluth) JLK. Overwintered along Lake Superior with high counts after December by county: 1/4 Cook (45, Grand Marais) m.ob., 2/23 Lake (355) JWL, 1/6 St. Louis (330, Duluth) EzH. In Duluth, February counts were 65 or fewer. Reported from 9 south counties in December from Sherburne southeast to Houston, with high counts 12/9 Hennepin (111, Lake Harriet) IVa, 12/1 Washington (53, Grey Cloud Island gravel pit) PNi. No south reports after 1/6. CBC high counts 12/15 Duluth (434), 12/16 Two Harbors (187), 12/15 Grand Marais (23), Bloomington (8).
2019Spring2645 Overwintered north. Early south (median 2/23) 3/2 Goodhue PEJ, m.ob., 3/14 Sherburne MAJ, 3/17 Dakota (2) LiH, MwT. High counts 3/24 Lake (550, Two Harbors) JWL, 3/22 Dakota (500, Spring Lake) EzH, m.ob.
2019Summer144 Found in all northern and central regions. High count 7/24 Lake (325, Knife River Marina) BAF.
2019Fall2425 Observed north throughout the season. Scattered reports south in late July, becoming more frequent in early August, but few of these observations were supported by any details. High counts 11/13 St. Louis (900, Canal Park) AVa, 11/15 St. Louis (750, Canal Park) JLK.
2019Winter411 December north high count 12/26 St. Louis (528, Duluth) PHS. Overwintered along Lake Superior, with high counts after December by county: 1/25 St. Louis (1,500, Duluth) AVa, 2/23 Cook (220, Grand Marais) m.ob., 1/4 Lake (42, Two Harbors) m.ob. New winter county record 12/24 Morrison (Little Falls) BWF. Reported from 11 south counties in December, with high count 12/4 Hennepin (600, Bde Maka Ska) MZa, FFa. Reported from four south counties in early January, with high count 1/1 Dakota (48, Black Dog Lake) BAF. No south reports after 1/4. CBC high counts 12/14 Duluth (359), Grand Marais (66), 12/15 Two Harbors (56), 12/14 Bloomington (18).
2020Spring2441 Overwintered north. Early south (median 2/23) 3/5 Scott RBW, 3/7 Le Sueur RBW, Rice DAB. High counts 5/13 St. Louis (2,000, Park Point R.A.) NMt, 4/4 Isanti (1,000, pig farm, Stanford Twp.) RCl.
2020Summer136 Found primarily in northern half of state, but also Big Stone, Carver, Chisago, Hennepin, Ramsey, Swift. High count 7/3 Lake (1,090, Knife Island) KJB.
2020Fall2430 Observed north throughout the season. Scattered reports south in late July, becoming more frequent in early August, but few of these observations were supported by any details. High counts 8/28 St. Louis (1,250, Port Terminal) PHS, 10/10 St. Louis (1,200, Superior Entry) PHS, m.ob.
2020Winter414 North reports from the three Lake Superior counties plus 12/2 Hubbard (Kabekona Lake) REn, RLF. December north high counts 12/11 St. Louis (1,001, Duluth Port Terminal) PHS, 12/20 St. Louis (550, Duluth Port Terminal) JLK. Overwintered along Lake Superior with high counts after December by county: 2/28 Cook (200, Grand Marais) ALx, 2/27 Lake (260, Knife Island) JLK, St. Louis (450, Duluth harbor) REn, RLF. South high counts 12/22 Wabasha (400, Lake City, counted by 10s) SDz, 12/3 Sherburne (312, Elk River landfill) PLJ. There were only four south reports after December (of 1–3 birds); the latest was 1/17 Hennepin KMS. CBC high counts 12/20 Duluth (379), 12/19 Bloomington (155), Grand Marais (102).
2021Spring2743 Overwintered north. Early south (median 2/26) 3/4 Anoka (2) SRo, 3/6 Houston ebd. High counts 4/17 Lake (750, Knife River Marina) JWL, 5/30 Lake (750, Knife River Marina) TLz, ebd. Last reported south 5/30 Goodhue ebd, 5/31 Sibley KEm, but also see summer report.
2021Summer127 Observed in all regions except Northwest, Southeast. High counts 7/29 St. Louis (550, Duluth, Port Terminal) PHS, 7/31 Lake (300, Knife River Marina) StK.
2021Fall2528 Observed north throughout the season. Scattered reports south in late July, becoming more frequent in mid-August. High counts 10/30 St. Louis (1,124, Superior Entry) MLH, 8/28 St. Louis (632, Port Terminal) PHS.
2021Winter415 North reports from the three Lake Superior counties plus 12/1–4 Beltrami (Lake Bemidji) m.ob. Overwintered along the North Shore, with high counts by county: 2/12 Cook (139, Grand Marais) PAl, 2/15 Lake (120, near Two Harbors) JWL, 1/8 St. Louis (350, Duluth) ebd. Reported from 15 south counties in December (including JacksonPope), with high count 12/3 Hennepin (300, Bush Lake) ebd. Reported from four south counties after December, with high count 1/1 Ramsey (36, Lower Landing Park) BDo, LiH. Last south report 1/6 Dakota (6, Hastings) AJF. CBC high counts 12/18 Grand Marais (256), 12/19 Two Harbors (176), 12/18 Duluth (170).
2022Spring2647 Early south (median 2/27) 3/4 Ramsey (3) ebd, 3/14 Goodhue RBW. High count 4/4 Lake (800, Knife River Marina) JLK.
2022Summer1510 Seen in all regions except Southwest, South-central. High count 7/16 Lake (330, Knife River Marina) ALw.
2022Fall2427 Observed north throughout the season. Scattered reports south in late July, becoming more frequent in mid-August. High count 9/15 St. Louis (1,500, Port Terminal) PHS.
2022Winter410 North reports from the three Lake Superior counties plus 12/2 Douglas (3, Lake Carlos) BEc. Overwintered along the North Shore, with high counts by county: 1/22 Cook (215, Grand Marais) JlB, 12/29 Lake (100, Two Harbors) DHs, 12/4 St. Louis (585, Duluth, W.L.S.S.D.) JLK. Reported from ten south counties in December, with high counts 12/4 Wabasha (75, Lake City) KEm, 12/11 Washington (75, Point Douglas Park) PNi, 12/4 Dakota (70, near Coates) AnB, MwT. Only two south reports after December: 1/17 Dakota (Hastings) RBW, 2/26 Wabasha (early migrant) PEJ. CBC high counts 12/17 Duluth (516), Grand Marais (126), 12/18 Two Harbors (96), 12/17 St. Paul (North) (2).
2023Spring2541 Early south (median 3/1) 3/3–4 Winona (max. 3) ebd, 3/4 Dakota (2) SSp, ebd, Goodhue PEJ. High count 3/29 Dakota (500, Spring Lake P.R.) BLz.
2023Summer188 Found in all regions except South-central.
 Breeds north-central and northeast. Migrant throughout and winter visitant.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.