Black-throated Gray Warbler(Setophaga nigrescens) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1991 | Fall | | | Third state record. 8/31 Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis SC, TT (The Loon 63:272-273). |
1994 | Fall | | | Photographed 10/29 Amador Township, Chisago County, LWa (fourth state record, The Loon 66:207). |
2000 | Spring | | | Fifth state record 5/23 Lake (Two Harbors) †JLi, SLi, †KE, †PS (The Loon 72:241–242). [Corrected] |
2005 | Fall | | | Sixth for the state and third fall record 10/14 St. Louis (Virginia) †SLF. |
2010 | Spring | 1 | | An adult male was briefly seen at Park Point, Duluth 5/25 St. Louis ph. †KJB. This represents the 7th state record and 4th spring record for this species. |
2014 | Spring | | 1 | Eighth state record 5/10 Mower (near Austin) ph. BPl. |
2019 | Spring | | 1 | The ninth state record was a five-minute wonder 5/5 Dakota (Spring Lake P.R., Schaar†™s Bluff) ph. † JEd, DTr. |
2020 | Fall | | 1 | Minnesota’s 10th state and fourth fall record found 9/3–4 Ramsey (Sucker Lake) †EzH, ph. †AXH, ph. †ASu, ph. †LBa, †NMe, †PCC, m.ob. (The Loon 92:145–147) |
  | Ten records: six spring and four fall. Recorded in three of the last ten years, most recently 2020. Formerly Accidental. |