American Three-toed Woodpecker(Picoides dorsalis) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1949 | Winter | | | White-breasted Nuthatch, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Blue Jay, Canada Jay, Black-capped Chick adee, Boreal Chickadee, Redpo!T, |
1962 | Fall | | | Dec. 3, 5.3 miles south of Washkish, Bel· trami Co., R. Huber, D. Dorn, Bill Littke. One adult male seen in close proximity with the above species in a Black Spruce-White Cedar swamp. A note of interest on this most de lectable of Minnesota woodpeckers will appear in the future issue of the Flicker. |
1962 | Winter | | | On Dec. 21, one seen in Hibbing by Harriet Micensky and Mrs. Oscar McCracken. See Christmas Census, elsewhere in this issue. This has been quite a winter for American Three-toed Woodpeckers. |
1963 | Spring | | | March 27 and 30, Hibbing, St. Louis County, Harriet Micensky. |
1964 | Winter | | | further invasion evidence; late Dec, Pillager, Cass Co, 1 ad male found dead, Mrs. Milton Mortenson; Dec and Jan, Wadena and Cass Co's, near Nimrod, 5 to 7 birds, several collected, RO, 2-28, Minneapolis, 1 ad male, FL, RBJ, HFH, southernmost Minn record. |
1965 | Spring | | | 3-26 Lutsen, Cook Co, LTM; the southern most state record at Minneapolis on 2-28 by FL, RBJ, HFH was equalled this spring when another adult male (possibly the same bird?) was seen in the T. S. Roberts' Sanctuary on April 19 by Art Bogren and again on 5-12 by Jo Herz, Rachel Tryon and Minnie Swedenborg. Excellent color-photos taken by Alison Bolduc. A fitting climax to the southward invasion of last winter! |
1968 | Summer | | | 6-8 Seagull Lake, Cook Co, 1 male,NMH. |
1968 | Fall | | | 1014- 10-17 St. Louis (French River) JCG for Helen Hendrickson; 10-25 Lake JGH, JCG for Bruce Hale; 11-2 Roseau PEB. |
1972 | Summer | | | 6-25 Nina Moose portage, St. Louis Co. JCG; 7·12 (4) Finland, Lake Co. John Green. |
1973 | Winter | | | The only report was of a male in Aitkin Co. on 12-31 (TS). |
1974 | Fall | | | 10-11 to 11-14 Crow Wing (up to 7) EC; 10-12 Duluth Dave Evans; 10-15 Duluth JG; 11-30 Clearwater LCF. |
1977 | Spring | | | 2 reports: 4-11 Lake CNS; 5-10 Lake D. Olson. |
1977 | Winter | | | Continues difficult to find; reported only from Cook Co. on 2-13 (S. Loch, T. Getz). |
1981 | Summer | | | Breeding data from Cook; seen in Lake of the Woods (Tl57R34). |
1981 | Fall | | | All reports: 9-19 to 11-1 Duluth m.o.b., 10-4 Cass E. Schmid, 10-15,20 Lake KE, 10-21 Cook KMH, 10-28 Duluth KE, 11-1 Hawk Ridge fide KE, 11-7 Itasca A. Bolduc fide DB, 11-23 Babbitt KE, St. Louis MH. |
1981 | Winter | | | Reported from Cook 12-14, Poplar Lake (KMH) and a most unusual report of one from 12-29 on the Carpenter Nature Center in Washington Co. (mob). This represents the most southerly occurrence recorded in the state. |
1982 | Spring | | | All reports-3-13 Washington JD, 3-18 St. Louis BLG, 5-3, 12 Cook MKH, 5-25 Tofte JD. |
1982 | Summer | | | Seen in Cook, Lake. |
1982 | Winter | | | Seven reports from five northern counties, Becker 12/22 (DJ), 2/28 (RBJ, RG), Beltrami 2/28 (AS), Itasca 12/27 (TL), Lake 12/22 (SWIMS) and Cook 12/18 thorugh 2/23 (KMH). |
1983 | Spring | | | 3/26 Nickerson, Pine Co. (I f.) RJ. |
1983 | Fall | | | 10/29 Cook (I) MH et al., 11/26 Bigfork Twp., Itasca Co. (2) AB, DB. |
1983 | Winter | | | Reported only from Staples, Todd Co., 1-9, R. Hoffman. (Needs details). |
1984 | Winter | | | Two reports: Gustafson Trail, Lake of the Woods Co. 12-27 and 12-30 (2) (M. Kehoe) and the Gunflint Trail Cook Co. 12-31 (MS). Black-backed VVoodpecker Reports of about 18 individuals in the north and central regions. The central reports were Stearns Co. near St. Stephens 1-5 (R BJ) and Todd Co. near Staples, 2-2 (KL). In the NE, seven individuals were found at five locations in St. Louis, two in Lake and three in Cook. NC region reports from Itasca Co., Big Fork 12-1 S (AB). Clearwater Co., 2-17 Copley Township |
1985 | Summer | | | Probable nesting at Sea Gull Lake, Cook Co. (7/11, pair with fledged juv., MS). Also seen near Cook, St. Louis Co. (7/30, KB). |
1985 | Fall | | | All reports: 8/18-919 Cook (max. 3) M. Stensaas, 10/6 to 11/14 Hawk Ridge and North Shore, St. Louis Co. (12±), m.ob. 11/15 Cook KMH, 11/17 to 11/30 Crow Wing (2) WN, m.ob. Black-backed VVoodpecker Reported from Carlton, Cook, Crow Wing, Hubbard, Itasca, Lake and St. Louis with 16 seen on 10/16 in Duluth MSt. |
1985 | Winter | | | Reported on the Beltrami Island, Crosby, Isabella and Gunflint Trail north CBCs. Additional north reports from St. Louis and Cook Counties and a central region report from Isanti, 2/5 (RG) for a total of at least 15 individuals during the period. American Three-toed Woodpecker, Cuyuna, Crow Wing County, February 16, 1986. Photo by Warren Nelson. Black-backed VVoodpecker Reported on the Beltrami Island, Duluth, Isabella, Gunflint Trail North and Grand Marais CBCs. Central region reports from Chisago 2/3 (RG) and Kanabec 2/9, (RBJ) (RG). Additional north reports from Crow Wing, Aitkin, Carlton and northern St. Louis for a total of about 25 individuals. |
1986 | Spring | | | 3/8 Becker TWP., Sherburne Co. (1 female) RG, RJ. |
1986 | Summer | | | Seen 6!11 Cook (three miles s.w. of Lima Mt., BE). |
1986 | Fall | | | All reports: 9/12 Duluth SDM, 10/5 Duluth KE, 11/22 Cook KE. |
1986 | Winter | | | Four reports: the Beltrami Island and Isabella CBC's; near Cook, St. Louis Co. on 12/15 (KB); and Cook on 1/4 (EH). |
1987 | Spring | | | 4/24 Lake SWIMS; only report. |
1987 | Fall | | | All reports: 10/20-28 Cook EH/RB, KMH, 11/10-26 Lake SW. |
1987 | Winter | | | Reported on the Beltrami Island CBC, and during count week on the Gunflint Trail and Grand Marais CBC's. Also reported at two locations in Lake (KE, SWMS). |
1988 | Spring | | | All reports: 3/21 -5/1 Cook (2) KMH, MS, 4/15-24 Lake (two locations) m.ob. |
1988 | Summer | | | Seen in Lake (Whyte Rd., two adults re- ported at apparent nest hole in late June, fide KE). |
1988 | Winter | | | Only report: 2/22, Lake of the Woods Co. MK. |
1989 | Summer | | | One individual seen 6/15 Little Bear Lake, Lake Co. fide SWIMS. |
1989 | Fall | | | All reports: late Oct. Lake (I) JL, 11/18 Lake (1, different location) JL. |
1989 | Winter | | | Reported in Cook at Lace Lake, 11/5, 2/3, & 2/25 KMH and Seagull Lake 12/31 & 2/27 MS; in Lake along Kawishiwi Trail and SR 1 2/4, (3) mob; and in St. Louis at Birch Lake. |
1990 | Fall | | | All reports: 9/16-11130 Cook (1 female) KMH, 11/8 Lake of the Woods MK. |
1990 | Winter | | | Pair all season at Lace L., Cook KMH, only report. |
1991 | Spring | | | All reports: 4/21 Koochiching KB, throughout the period at Lace Lake, Cook Co. KMH. |
1991 | Summer | | | Nested in St. Louis SW/MS; also observed 6/19 Cook KE and throughout summer in Cook KMH. |
1991 | Winter | | | Only reports at Lace Lake, Cook Co. 12/13 & 2/16 KMH, and on Beltrami Island CBC. |
1992 | Fall | | | All reports: 9/27 Cook fide KE, mid-November Cascade River State Park, Cook County TD, 11/17 Cook KMH. |
1992 | Winter | | | Six reports (only two l.y.); the most reports since 1985–86. 12/6 Lake (Hwy 1) fide KE, 12/12 Roseau (Hwy 3/0) PS, 12/29 Cook (Sea Gull Lake) fide PB, 2/3 Koochiching (near Ray) PS, 2/4 Cook (Lima Mt. Rd.) fide KE, and 2/5 Lake (Co. 23) PB. |
1993 | Spring | | | All reports: four reports from Spruce Road in Lake County during the period. Also reported 3/21 Koochiching (2) KB. |
1993 | Summer | | | Nested along High Lake Road in St. Louis Co. SSc (only other fully documented nesting records for the state are from Cook in 1981 and St. Louis in 1991). Also one male observed on 6/23 along Gunflint Trail near S. Brule River in Cook Co. KE. |
1993 | Fall | | | Only report: 11/27 Cook JH. |
1993 | Winter | | | Only three individuals reported including 1/29 St. Louis SS (Cummings Lake), 1/23–30 St. Louis mob (Hwy 1) and 2/11 Lake fide PBa (County Road 2). |
1994 | Spring | | | Reported 3/12–4/23 along Spruce Road, Lake Co. mob. |
1994 | Summer | | | Nested along High Lake Rd. in St. Louis Co. SS (there is only a handful of nesting records for the state); also one female observed 6/25–7/7 along Spruce Rd. in Lake Co. KE et al. |
1994 | Fall | | | All reports: 9/24 Itasca AB, 11/5 Lima Mountain Road, Cook Co., DB. |
1994 | Winter | | | Four reports of about five individuals. Three were reported on 2/24 along the Spruce Road in Lake Co. DPV where one had been seen earlier on 2/4 PBa. Also reported on the Isabella CBC, and on 2/24 from within the Red Lake WMA, Beltrami Co. fide AH. |
1995 | Spring | | | All reports: 3/31 Lake (3) DBM, 5/14 St. Louis SS. |
1995 | Summer | | | Most reports in several years. Nested for third consecutive year (in same nest tree!) along High Lake Rd. in St. Louis, SS; one male observed on 6/9 along Toomey-Williams Rd. in Koochiching, AH; pair seen on 6/3 along Lima Mountain Rd. in Cook PS; and one female found on 6/20 near S. Brule R. in Cook. |
1995 | Fall | | | All reports: 11/24 Lake (2) MH, 10/29 St. Louis FN et al. |
1995 | Winter | | | Only reports from Lake mob and the International Falls and Grand Marais CBCs. |
1996 | Spring | | | All reports: 3/22 Lake JSt, 4/7 St. Louis KE et al. |
1996 | Summer | | | All reports: 6/5 Lake SS, 6/18 Cook (Gunflint Trail) KE et al. |
1996 | Fall | | | No reports. |
1996 | Winter | | | Only report along the Spruce Road, Lake Co. mob. |
1997 | Spring | | | No reports. |
1997 | Summer | | | Only report: 6/9 St. Louis (Echo Trail) GK. |
1997 | Fall | | | No reports. |
1997 | Winter | | | Seven individuals reported from Lake and St. Louis. |
1998 | Spring | | | Only report: 4/11 Itasca (Big Fork) ABo. |
1998 | Summer | | | All reports: 6/23 Lake (two males along Spruce Rd.) DBe, KE; 7/10 Cook (male near Twin L. on Gunflint Trail) SL. |
1998 | Fall | | | No reports. |
1998 | Winter | | | Only reports: International Falls CBC, and 2/14 Lake fide KE. |
1999 | Spring | | | Only report: male in nest cavity along the South Brule R. 5/30+ Cook KE, MBW. |
1999 | Summer | | | Nested along Gunflint Trail near S. Brule R. in Cook Co. KE et al. (The Loon 72:3). |
1999 | Fall | | | Only report: 10/27 Cook DF. |
1999 | Winter | | | As many as seven individuals reported: mid-January Cook (Lima Mt. Road) fide KE, 1/16–30 Lake (near Isabella) fide KE, 1/17 Lake (Co. Rd. 2 and state highway 1) BrN, late Jan. Roseau fide AH, 1/29 Lake (FR 373) GSk, 1/29 Lake (Greenwood Lake) JLi, CM, and the International Falls CBC. |
2000 | Spring | | | No reports. |
2000 | Summer | | | All reports: 6/4 Cook (Gunflint Trail; also reported in early July) MSS et al., 6/24 Lake (Spruce Rd.) KRE. |
2000 | Fall | | | Numerous reports from Cook: 10/1 (Gunflint Trail) DBz, 10/23 (FR 3/5) PHS, 10/30 (Grand Portage) KRE, 11/24 (five miles north of Grand Marais) fide KRE. |
2000 | Winter | | | At least eight individuals reported from Cook (Pike Lake), Lake (Endless Waters Road, Spruce Road), and the Isabella, Roseau, and Beltrami Island CBCs. |
2001 | Spring | | | Reported until 5/30 Lake (Spruce Rd.) KRE. |
2001 | Summer | | | Only report: 6/1 – 7/14 Lake (Spruce Rd.) KRE et al.
2001 | Fall | | | All reports: 9/15 Lake (Spruce Road) SJR, 9/21 Lake (N. Wilder L.) SES. |
2001 | Winter | | | Only about six individuals reported from Roseau, St. Louis, Lake, and Cook. |
2002 | Spring | | | All reports: St. Louis (county road 16) m.ob., 5/18 Lake of the Woods (Faunce F.R., 2.2 miles south of Stoney Corners) MHK. |
2002 | Summer | | | All reports: 6/8 Lake (male along Spruce Rd.) KRE et al., 6/23 Cook (Seagull L.) CBe. |
2002 | Fall | | | Only report: 10/24 St. Louis (H.R.N.R., Duluth) fide FJN. |
2002 | Winter | | | Both a male and a female reported along the Spruce Road, Lake Co. JWL, CRM, KRE et al. |
2003 | Spring | | | No reports. Common name becomes American Three-toed Woodpecker next season. |
2003 | Fall | | | Only report: 11/24 Lake of the Woods (Gustafson Camp S.N.A.) MHK. |
2003 | Winter | | | Two reports: 1/8 Lake of the Woods (pair, Gustafson Camp S.N.A.) MHK, 2/23 Koochiching (Twomey-Williams F.R.) KJB. |
2004 | Spring | | | Only report: 5/21 Lake of the Woods (Hand Dug Ditch, 1.5 miles southeast of Gustafson Camp S.N.A.) MHK. |
2004 | Summer | | | One summer report: 6/22 St. Louis County JWL. |
2004 | Fall | | | Pair with one juvenile throughout August and September in Koochiching (county road 13) m.ob. Only other report: 10/28 St. Louis (near Virginia) †SLF. |
2004 | Winter | | | All reports: 12/29 Beltrami (male and female on Beltrami Island CBC) fide MHK, 1/22–2/12 St. Louis (McDavitt Rd, Sax-Zim Bog) m.ob. |
2005 | Spring | | | All reports: through 3/25 St. Louis (McDavitt Rd) m.obs., 5/28 Lake (female near Isabella) DAG, JWL. |
2005 | Summer | | | Only report: 6/7 Koochiching (2) BJM, DDM. |
2005 | Fall | | | All reports: 9/21 Koochiching (county road 13) JEB, 10/1 Beltrami (county road 1/1 off state highway 72) BJU. |
2005 | Winter | | | All reports: 12/29 Lake of the Woods (Beltrami Island CBC) fide MHK, 1/6 Lake of the Woods (3) MHK, 2/19 Koochiching (female, CR 13 north of Big Falls) BWF. |
2006 | Spring | | | All reports from Koochiching (CR 13) in March. |
2006 | Summer | | | No reports. |
2006 | Fall | | | Largest irruption since the mid-1970s with approximately 24 individuals reported this season, primarily along the North Shore of Lake Superior beginning third week of October, plus Koochiching and Lake of the Woods in the North-central region. St. Louis locations away from the North Shore included four birds near Virginia †SLF, one near Ely MPi, and one west of Tower JCC. At least three birds were at Lighthouse Point, Two Harbors and five were in Cook 10/27–29 m.ob. |
2006 | Winter | 10 | | An irruption year for this species with 19 individuals observed in 10 counties, including males as far south as the Pine/Carlton line 12/20–27 MCA, CKR, and 2/1–11 Pine JMP. None strayed outside of the coniferous forest zone. Up to four individuals found along Hedbom Forest Road in 12/2–1/28 Aitkin m.ob. |
2007 | Spring | 3 | | All reports: 3/8 Pine JMP, 3/17 Aitkin WEN and Cook CJT fide JWL, 4/15 Cook EEO. |
2007 | Fall | 5 | | Reported from Aitkin, Cook, Koochiching, Lake, and St. Louis beginning 10/9 Cook fide JWL. High count 10/22 St. Louis (3, H.R.B.O.) EMG, KJB; statewide count of 20 for the season. |
2007 | Winter | 8 | | Reported county total was down slightly, but the irruption first noted last year became a full-scale invasion based on the number of birds observed. At minimum, a staggering 35 individuals were reported! Up nearly double the 19 reported last year. Reports were from the North-central and Northeast regions only and included 12/17 Cass (2) DAY, 12/29 Wadena HHD, several reports at various locations in Aitkin 1/4–2/11 m.ob., and 1/27 Itasca SC. St. Louis accounted for nearly one-third of all the reports with numerous birds observed in the Sax-Zim Bog area from 12/28–2/24 m.ob. Away from Sax-Zim on 1/12 St. Louis (3, a male at Manganika Lake continuing from the fall season, another male a mile farther south, and a female about half-way between these locations) SLF, 12/8 Lake (White Pines picnic area along C.R. 2) fide JWL, 12/15 Lake (Spruce Rd.) SES, and 1/5 Lake ( Little Lake Rd. west of the Birch Lake Dam) fide JWL. Lastly, 2/17 Cook (2, in a burned area on Fishhook Island on Seagull Lake) fide JWL. Also observed on the following CBCs: Beltrami Island N.F. (4), Duluth (2), Grand Marais (2), Grand Rapids, Virginia (2, one bird from Manganika Lake, above), with the high count from Rice Lake N.W.R. (5). |
2008 | Spring | 4 | | Reported from Aitkin, Itasca, Lake of the Woods, and St. Louis. |
2008 | Summer | 1 | | Found 6/22 Itasca MCBS. |
2008 | Fall | 2 | | All reports: 10/26 Cook KRE, LS, 11/7 Lake JLO, DWK, 11/16 Lake fide JWL. |
2008 | Winter | 5 | | Following last year's invasion (total of 35!), this season's number's were much lower but a still respectable 11 individuals. Birds were found in a triangle formed by Aitkin, Lake of the Woods, and Lake counties, including a high of 3 found 2/7 Itasca fide JWL. A total six individuals recorded on these CBCs: Beltrami, Ely, Grand Marais, and Rice Lake N.W.R. (3). [Corrected] |
2009 | Spring | 3 | | Reported in Itasca, Koochiching, Lake of the Woods as late as 5/27 Koochiching (2, pair on territory) DBW. |
2009 | Summer | | | No reports. |
2009 | Fall | 2 | | All reports: 10/4 Clearwater (3, Itasca S.P.) PBB, 11/19 Koochiching CRu. |
2009 | Winter | 5 | | All north reports: 12/19 Lake ABu, 1/2 Roseau (4) JMJ, ph. †MHK, 1/12 St. Louis FKB, 2/13 Koochiching (CR 13) JCC, 2/14 Lake of the Woods (Faunce Rd.) JCC, 2/17–19 Lake (Spruce Rd.) fide JWL, ph. TJL. |
2010 | Spring | | | No reports. |
2010 | Summer | 3 | | Observed 6/7, 6/26 Lake MCBS, 6/17 Koochiching (2) DBM, 6/27 St. Louis NLM. First county breeding record from Koochiching DBM. |
2010 | Fall | 3 | | All reports: 8/18 Itasca (Scenic S.P.) BCS, 10/25 St. Louis (Hoyt Lakes) NAJ, 11/1 St. Louis (Duluth Twp.) JCG, 11/1 St. Louis (Knute Lake) DMK, 11/9 Lake (C.R. 2) BJU. |
2010 | Winter | 4 | | Only 7 individuals: 12/26, 2/20 St. Louis (max. 2, along the Cloquet Line near the Low Lake boat access) NLM, 1/1 Lake (female, F.R. 387 about five miles east of S.R. 1) MM, 1/3 Lake of the Woods (2, Faunce Rd.) DWi, 1/8 St. Louis (male, McDavitt Rd., Sax-Zim Bog) DWK, ph. RTe, KRE, m.ob., 2/11 Itasca SC. |
2011 | Spring | 1 | | Only report 5/6 Roseau TAF. |
2011 | Summer | 1 | | Observed 7/8 Beltrami (Knutson Dam) JKe. |
2011 | Fall | 2 | | Three individuals reported north: 10/29 Lake (male, Two Harbors) ph. KRE, ph. RMD, m.ob., 10/30 Cook (female, Paradise Beach) ARW, BWF, DBz, JWH, RMD, 11/23 Lake (Superior Hiking Trail near Caribou Wayside) fide JWL. |
2011 | Winter | 5 | | Only 6–7 individuals: 12/18 ;Two Harbors CBC, 12/23 ;Ely CBC, 12/30 ;Beltrami Island CBC, 1/15 infrequently until 2/18 Lake (Sawbill Landing Rd, 1.3 mi NE of Isabella) KRE, ph. MLH, m.ob., 1/15 St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog) JWa, 2/4–11 Crow Wing HHD, MJB, ph. ABi, m.ob., 2/19 St, Louis CAB. ; |
2012 | Spring | 3 | | Only 4 individuals reported: 3/3 Crow Wing (C.R. 1 & Lows Lake Road) †ACr, MBS, the same individual reported 3/10 CMB, 4/9 Lake (3 miles north of Two Harbors off C.R. 2) fide JWL, 4/23 Cook (Lutsen) ph. DMB, 5/12 Lake SES. |
2012 | Summer | 2 | | Reported 6/2 Lake of the Woods RAE, 7/15 Cook (2) NCr. |
2012 | Fall | 2 | | All reports: 8/28 Lake of the Woods MRN, 9/26 Lake SC. |
2012 | Winter | 2 | | Five individuals found by MHK in Lake of the Woods over the period 12/29–1/2; two of these also seen 12/30 Beltrami Island CBC (2). Only other reports: 1/29 Itasca (Old Hwy 6 Bog, north of Deer River) SC, 2/27–28 Itasca DBM, CRM (same bird as 1/29?). |
2013 | Spring | 1 | | Only report 3/1 Lake of the Woods (Beltrami Island S.F.) MHK. |
2013 | Summer | 2 | | Seen 6/28 Cook (Kek Trailhead) LGr, 7/29 Lake (Whyte Road, adult female feeding male fledgling) MSS. |
2013 | Fall | | | No reports. |
2013 | Winter | 1 | | Only report: 1/8 Lake of the Woods (4, south of Gustafson Camp) MHK. |
2014 | Spring | | | No reports. |
2014 | Summer | | | No reports. |
2014 | Fall | 1 | | Only report: 10/26 Lake (Beaver Bay, Cove Point Loop Trail) BMy. |
2014 | Winter | 3 | | All reports: 1/1 Lake of the Woods (Rapid River Rd.) DBW, 1/16 Lake (Tettegouche S.P.) LLv, 2/3–10 St. Louis (Three Lakes Rd.) MSS, KMS. |
2015 | Spring | 2 | | Two reports: 4/5 Lake (Lake County Demonstration Forest) ph. JWL, 4/7 St. Louis (Big Lake) WPe. |
2015 | Summer | 1 | | Observed 6/15 Beltrami (pair, Big Bog State R.A.) MBS. |
2015 | Fall | | | No reports. |
2015 | Winter | 3 | | All reports: 12/30 Lake (C.R. 2, Sand River) JuW, 1/2 Fredenberg CBC, 1/2 Isabella CBC, 1/9 Lake of the Woods CMc, 2/13 Lake (C.R. 2, Sand River) †SkH, m.ob. CBC high count 1/2 Fredenberg (3). |
2016 | Spring | | | No reports. |
2016 | Summer | 1 | | Observed 6/19 Koochiching HHD, RAE. |
2016 | Fall | 1 | | Only reports 11/11–13 Koochiching (max. 4, 2 pairs along C.R. 13) RAE, HHD, AMe. |
2016 | Winter | 3 | | Single individuals found only in three northern counties, continuing a five-year stretch with three or fewer reporting counties. All reports: 12/11–12/31 Lake (Tomahawk Road) JWn, JWH, m.ob, 12/22 Beltrami fide JMJ, 2/11 St. Louis JPr. |
2017 | Spring | 2 | | All reports: 3/2–4, 3/25 Koochiching (max. 2, Toomey Williams Rd., Pine Island S.F.) HHD, m.ob., 3/2–5/20 St. Louis (max. 2, east of Cook) ph. JuG, ph. GHo, m.ob., 5/21 Koochiching (C.R. 13, Pine Island S.F.) HHD, RAE, CRM. |
2017 | Summer | 2 | | Found in Koochiching, St. Louis. |
2017 | Fall | 2 | | Many more reports than usual. Frequently reported from mid-October through the end of the season in St. Louis: migrants observed at Stoney Point beginning 10/10 KJB, TRd, StK, m.ob.; one to two settled in and were observed here through 11/18; migrants were also frequently seen at H.R.N.R., at Everett Woods (10/17 JLK), and various points along the Lake Superior shoreline; one was found in the Sax-Zim Bog 11/9 MSS. All other reports: 11/18 Lake (Two Harbors, Lighthouse Point) PSk, JGz, 11/23 Lake (Snowbank Rd.) NLM. |
2017 | Winter | 3 | | For fourth consecutive year reported from only 3 counties with majority of reports from St. Louis, especially Sax-Zim Bog. All reports outside of St. Louis Co: 1/15 Koochiching SC, 1/19 Koochiching FGo, 1/27 Lake FJN, JPR, m.ob. High count 2/10 St. Louis (4) JSf. |
2018 | Spring | 3 | | All reports included (max. 3) birds from winter still feeding in St. Louis at the Warren Nelson Memorial Bog) through 4/23; also 3/19 St. Louis (Morse Twp., north of Mitchell Lake) MPi, 3/25 Roseau fide JMJ, 5/5 St. Louis (5, Owens Twp.) DMK, JuG, (3, Field Twp.) JuG, 5/27 Koochiching RAE, HHD. |
2018 | Summer | 3 | | Seen 6/4 Lake of the Woods (Norris Campground) REn, AxB, 6/22 Koochiching MBS, 7/27 Cook (Horseshoe L. portage) CBt. |
2018 | Fall | 3 | | Â All reports: 8/4 St. Louis (Grassy Rd.) ebd, 8/16 Cook (Banadad Lake) TSk, 9/12 St. Louis (Owens W.M.A.) JuG, 9/27 St. Louis (Norway Rd.) ebd, 10/5 Koochiching (C.R. 13) RBJ, m.ob. |
2018 | Winter | 5 | | Isolated reports from Beltrami, Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods, and St Louis, the highest number of reporting counties since 2012 when also observed in five counties. Unusually, no reports from Sax-Zim bog. All reports of single birds. |
2019 | Spring | 2 | | All reports: 3/26–5/30 St. Louis (max. 2, Cook Twp.) JuG, m.ob., 4/4 Lake of the Woods ScL. |
2019 | Summer | 1 | | Â Seen 6/2–29 St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog) JuG, MGo, ebd. |
2019 | Fall | 4 | | All reports: 10/24 Lake of the Woods (Gustafson Camp S.N.A.) MHK, 10/27 Cook (2, Grand Portage W.T.P.) LiH, m.ob., 10/29 St. Louis (Stoney Point) StK, 11/2 Lake of the Woods GMM, 11/4 Lake (Two Harbors) MGi. |
2019 | Winter | 6 | | Â Observed in six northern counties with appropriate boreal habitat, including single observations from the following counties: 12/12 Koochiching (Pine Island S.F.) EzH, ebd, 12/26 Pine County CBC, 2/25 Lake of the Woods MHK. CBC high count 12/26 Pine County (6). |
2020 | Spring | 2 | | All reports: 3/3–12 St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog) ebd, m.ob., 3/4 St. Louis (4, Carpenter Rd., Cook Twp.) JuG, 3/20–5/25 St. Louis (max. 2, Johnson Rd., Cook Twp.) JuG, 5/6 St. Louis (2, Ralph Rd., Cook Twp.) JuG, 5/19 Koochiching (Toomey Williams Rd.) AMe. |
2020 | Summer | 1 | | Found 6/5, 6/7, 6/19, 7/7, 7/23 St. Louis JPR, ebd. |
2020 | Fall | 4 | | All reports: 8/16 Lake of the Woods (Faunce) ANy, RBJ, 11/12 Cook (Gunflint Trail) JGW, 11/27 Lake of the Woods (Faunce) JGW, JWH, 11/28 Roseau (Lost River S.F.) JWH, JGW, St. Louis (Short Rd.) JuG. |
2020 | Winter | 5 | | All reports: 12/14 Rice Lake NWR CBC, 12/27 Cook (Gunflint Trail) JGW, 1/1 Cook (Grand Marais Campground) FJN, 1/9, 2/11 Lake of the Woods ph. REn, RLF, 1/13 St. Louis (Cook) JuG, 1/16 Koochiching (Toomey Williams Rd.) JGW, 1/31 Koochiching (Pine Island S.F.) ASu. All reports of one or two birds. |
2021 | Spring | 2 | | All reports: 3/9 Lake of the Woods (Beltrami Island S.F.) REn, RLF, 3/12, 5/8–9 St. Louis (max. 4, Owens Twp.) JuG, ebd. |
2021 | Summer | 2 | | Seen 6/2 Koochiching ASu, 6/7 St. Louis JuG, ebd. |
2021 | Fall | 1 | | Sporadic reports 8/24 – 11/23 St. Louis (male and female but never together, Johnson Rd.) LHl, m.ob., 11/27 St. Louis (2, Alango Twp.) JuG. |
2021 | Winter | 2 | | Multiple reports from Lake of the Woods and St. Louis, the lowest county total since 2013 when observed in only Lake of the Woods (ten-year average four). CBC high count 1/1 Cook Area (3). |
2022 | Spring | 2 | | All reports: 3/1 – 5/26 St. Louis (max. 2, Johnson Rd.) ebd, m.ob., 3/3 Lake of the Woods (Gustafson Camp S.N.A.) MHK, 3/14 – 5/23 St. Louis (max. 3, Owens Twp.) ClN, m.ob., 3/15 – 5/19 St. Louis (max. 2, Heino Rd.) ALw, m.ob., 3/28 St. Louis (Plum Creek Rd.) JuG, 5/16 St. Louis (Float Plane Access Rd., Hibbing) JmS. |
2022 | Summer | 3 | | Observed in Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods. |
2022 | Fall | 4 | | All reports: 10/1 St. Louis (Johnson Rd.) JuG, 10/30 Cook (Pincushion Dr.) ANy, m.ob., 11/25 St. Louis (2, Johnson Rd.) JuG, 11/26 Koochiching (C.R. 13) JMn, Lake (C.R. 2) ebd. |
2022 | Winter | 5 | | Reported from five counties along the Canadian border from Lake of the Woods to Cook, with vast majority of sightings from St. Louis (ten-year average three). No reports of more than two individuals. |
2023 | Spring | 3 | | All reports: 3/2 Cook (Grand Marais) FJN, m.ob., 3/3 St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog) LiH, 3/21 St. Louis (one at Plum Creek Rd., two at Carpenter Rd.) JuG, 3/26 St. Louis (Willow Valley Twp.) JuG, 5/27–29 Koochiching (max. 2, Toomey Williams Rd.) KCR, m.ob. |
2023 | Summer | 2 | | Found in Koochiching (Toomey Williams Rd.) and St. Louis (Cook). |
  | Rare permanent resident north-central and northeast. |