Families |
Species: Finches |
Brambling Pine Grosbeak |
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch House Finch |
Cassin's Finch Lesser Goldfinch |
House Finch (R) (Haemorhous mexicanus) | Start Date 1936-01-01 | ||||||||
Ref | First | Last | Location | County | 2 | 3 | Comment | Status | |
43:127 | 1971 | index | House Finch Record for Minnesota | ||||||
44:53-54 | 1972 | index | Possible House Finch in Minneapolis | ||||||
1 | 53:129 | 1980-11-21 | 1980-12-15 | Minnetonka | Hennepin | (vote 7-0, Loon 53:109) | Accepted | ||
53:109 | 1981 | index | House Finch in Minnesota | ||||||
56:160 | 1981-08-23 | Duluth | St. Louis | (vote 0-7). The description and sketch of the bird could fit a female House Finch, but its described flycatching behavior didn 't seem to fit this species. It was felt that the description did not fully preclude female or immature Indigo Bunting or juvenile Red Crossbill , both of which could behave as the observer described . | Not Accepted | ||||
55:117 | 1982-05-16 | Mountain Lake | Cottonwood | (vote 2-5) The identification of this female was not made until a few days after the observation and only when looking through a field guide. Such a record based only on details from memory and while under the power of suggestion from a field guide is not satisfactory for such an unusual species. ● Brown-headed Nuthatch, 4117/83, Winona, Winona Co. (vote 0-7) The submitted details strongly suggested a Brown Creeper, not a nuthatch, because of its manner of feeding as it went up the tree trunks and because of its brown "well camouflaged" upperparts . Further, the back "was not bluish, but brown," which doesn't fit any species of nuthatch, all of which have bluish gray backs. Finally, even if it were a nuthatch, there was nothing to preclude the Pygmy Nuthatch, which would be much more likely in Minnesota. | Not Accepted | ||||
55:41 | 1982-11-25 | 1982-11-16 | Howard Lake | Wright | (vote 2-5) This bird, which may well have been a male House Finch, was only described in terms of a "dark streak through the eye ... heavy streaks on his sides," a "bright pink" rump, and "the wings and back were dark." However, all of there f~atures can be shared by some Purple Fmches, and the observer did not indicate whether she had any experience with the range in plumage variations of Purple Finch; there was also some indication that her description was influenced by the field guides. 43 | Not Accepted | |||
2 | 56:160 | 1983-12-03 | Mankato | Blue Earth | (vote 6-1; The Loon 56:130-131). | Accepted | |||
55:117 | 1983-12-19 | 1983-12-28 | Shoreview | Ramsey | (vote 5-2, with 7-0 required for acceptance) The majority was convinced by the details: the observer had experience with both Purple and House Finches, saw the bird at his feeder in company with Purple Finch, took field notes at the time of observation, and noted a redder cap and head, browner back and eye stripe, and "distinctive rosy rump." The minority felt that the bird may have been a House Finch, but that the flank streaking was not noted and that Purple Finch plumages are highly variable, something the observer may not have taken into account. | Not Accepted | |||
56:64 | 1984 | index | House Finch in Hennepin County | ||||||
56:130-131 | 1984 | index | House Finch at Mankato | ||||||
56:189-190 | 1984 | index | A House Finch in Aitkin County | ||||||
56:194 | 1984 | index | House Finch at St. Cloud | ||||||
56:198-199 | 1984 | index | A House Finch in Mower County | ||||||
56:160 | 1984-03-02 | Excelsior | Carver | (vote 3-4). The full description of this male finch stated: "brown streaking on the side of the body and the red is slightly different from a Purple Finch". While it was agreed that such details seemed indicative of House Finch, the majority felt that a more complete description should have been given for such an unusual species. | Not Accepted | ||||
3 | 56:160 | 1984-03-18 | St. Cloud | Stearns | (vote 6-1; The Loon 56:194). | Accepted | |||
4 | 56:160 | 1984-04-25 | Austin | Mower | (vote 6-1; The Loon 56:198-199). | Accepted | |||
56:160 | 1984-04-29 | Coon Rapids Dam | Hennepin | (vote 1-6). This finch was described as a female by plumage, but it was heard singing and the possibility of it being a first spring male was precluded by the fact that immature male House Finches resemble adult males by their first fall (unlike Purple Finch in which young males resemble females in their first spring). The description also did not rule out Pine Siskin, which could fit the described plumage and song. | Not Accepted | ||||
57:34 | 1984-09-09 | near Two Harbors | Lake | (vote 7-0). The entire description of tt:is female was "head was all dark, a few faint stripes on the top of the head, breast with fine streaking." Such details, however, do not preclude an immature Purple Finch (which is highly variable in head pattern), Pine Siskin or juvenile crossbill. | Not Accepted | ||||
57:134 | 1985 | index | Male House Finch at LeSueur | ||||||
57:137 | 1985 | index | House Finch in Winona County | ||||||
5 | 58:42 | 1985-07-06 | 1985-07-07 | Le Sueur | Le Sueur | (vote 7-0; The Loon 57:134). | Accepted | ||
6 | 58:42 | 1985-09-02 | Pipestone Nat!. Monument | Pipestone | (vote 7-0). | Accepted | |||
58:204 | 1986 | index | Another Minnesota House Finch | ||||||
7 | 59:57 | 1986-04-07 | St. Cloud | Stearns | (vote 7-0; The Loon 58:204) . | Accepted | |||
8 | 58:146 | 1986-05-06 | Fergus Falls | Otter Tail | (vote 7-0). | Accepted | |||
9 | 59:143 | 1986-12-10 | 1987-02-08 | Golden Valley | Hennepin | (vote 7-0). | Accepted | ||
10 | 59:143 | 1986-12-21 | 1986-12-24 | Marshall | Lyon | (vote 7-0). | Accepted | ||
59:212 | 1987 | index | House Finches in Minneapolis | ||||||
59:219 | 1987 | index | A House Finch at Hastings | ||||||
11 | 60:13 | 1987-10-19 | 1987-10-29 | Forest Lake | Washington | (vote 7-0; The Loon 60:5455). | Accepted | ||
60:54 | 1988 | index | House Finch at Forest Lake | ||||||
60:131 | 1988 | index | House Finch in Northwest Minnesota | ||||||
60:185 | 1988 | index | House Finches in Mankato | ||||||
60:186 | 1988 | index | House Finches in Albert Lea | ||||||
61:10 | 1988-03-31 | 1988-04-18 | Austin | Mower | (vote 0-7). The identification of this female was based entirely on a less distinct facial pattern; however, the observer did not explain how he eliminated immature Purple Finch or Pine Siskin or even female Cassin's Finch, all of which have an indistinct face pattern. | Not Accepted | |||
61:10 | 1988-05-14 | Golden Valley | Hennepin | (vote 1-6). The identification was only based on the bird's song, which was not described in enough detail to eliminate Purple Finch. | Not Accepted | ||||
12 | 60:108 | 1988-05-16 | Thief River Falls | Pennington | (vote 7 -0; The Loon 60:131). | Accepted | |||
13 | 61:10 | 1988-06-15 | 1988-08-06 | Albert Lea | Freeborn | (vote7-0; The Loon 60:186). | Accepted | ||
14 | 61:121 | 1988-06-28 | 1988-12-13 | Faribault | Rice | (vote 7-0) . | Accepted | ||
61:10 | 1988-07-31 | Golden Valley | Hennepin | (vote 3-4). It was agreed that this may well have been a female or immature House Finch, especially since so many had been in the Twin Cities recently; however, the undertail coverts were described as unstreaked which would tend to eliminate House Finch, and the tail appeared to be too deeply notched for a House Finch. | Not Accepted | ||||
15 | 61:121 | 1988-12-28 | 1989-01-15 | Fergus Falls | Otter Tail | (vote 7-0). | Accepted | ||
61:93 | 1989 | index | Minnesota's First House Finch Nest | ||||||
61:144-145 | 1989 | index | House Finches in Lac Qui Parle County | ||||||
61:151 | 1989 | index | First House Finch Record in Duluth | ||||||
61:207 | 1989 | index | House Finch Nesting in Rice County | ||||||
16 | 61:121 | 1989-05-12 | Duluth | St. Louis | (vote 7-0; The Loon 61:151). | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2018-12-04 | 2019-01-01 | Wadena | 12/4, 1/1 Wadena (first winter record) Observed in a season-record high 72 counties (ten-year average 58) in all regions of state. Unusual winter reports 12/4 Wadena RAE, 12/23 Swift JST, 1/6 Clearwater SAu, 2/21 Mahnomen REn. High counts 12/28 Meeker (93) DOr, 1/6 Meeker (70) BDo, KDS, 12/15 Rice (50) KeM. CBC high counts 12/15 Owatonna (161), 12/15 Rochester (154), 12/29 Hastings-Etter (151). | |||||
avian information | 2019-01-06 | 2019-02-28 | Clearwater | 1/6, 12, 2/28 Clearwater (first winter record) Observed in a season-record high 72 counties (ten-year average 58) in all regions of state. Unusual winter reports 12/4 Wadena RAE, 12/23 Swift JST, 1/6 Clearwater SAu, 2/21 Mahnomen REn. High counts 12/28 Meeker (93) DOr, 1/6 Meeker (70) BDo, KDS, 12/15 Rice (50) KeM. CBC high counts 12/15 Owatonna (161), 12/15 Rochester (154), 12/29 Hastings-Etter (151). | |||||
avian information | 2019-02-21 | Mahnomen | 2/21 Mahnomen (first winter record) Observed in a season-record high 72 counties (ten-year average 58) in all regions of state. Unusual winter reports 12/4 Wadena RAE, 12/23 Swift JST, 1/6 Clearwater SAu, 2/21 Mahnomen REn. High counts 12/28 Meeker (93) DOr, 1/6 Meeker (70) BDo, KDS, 12/15 Rice (50) KeM. CBC high counts 12/15 Owatonna (161), 12/15 Rochester (154), 12/29 Hastings-Etter (151). | ||||||
avian information | 2019-12-11 | Pennington | 12/11 Pennington (first winter record)  Reported from 64 counties, somewhat below last winter†™s season-high of 72 but still higher than the ten-year average of 60. Unusual winter reports 12/11 Pennington ZL, 2/28 Clearwater JCJ. High counts 1/31 Washington (52, Carpenter N.C.) CNC, 2/8 Wright (47, Delano) ebd, 12/8 Polk (44, East Grand Forks) SAu. CBC high counts 12/14 Rochester (361), 12/14 Owatonna (324), 12/21 Mankato (198). | ||||||
avian information | 2020-02-28 | Clearwater | 2/28 Clearwater (second winter record)  Reported from 64 counties, somewhat below last winter†™s season-high of 72 but still higher than the ten-year average of 60. Unusual winter reports 12/11 Pennington ZL, 2/28 Clearwater JCJ. High counts 1/31 Washington (52, Carpenter N.C.) CNC, 2/8 Wright (47, Delano) ebd, 12/8 Polk (44, East Grand Forks) SAu. CBC high counts 12/14 Rochester (361), 12/14 Owatonna (324), 12/21 Mankato (198). | ||||||
avian information | 2021-12-10 | 2022-02-27 | Pennington | 12/10, 1/8, 13, 14, 26, 2/18, 19, 20, 27 Pennington (second winter record) Reported from all regions of the state in a season-high total of 75 counties, including a season-high 24 north counties. High counts 12/26 Goodhue (90, Belvidere Twp.) AJF, 12/11 Clay (80, Hawley) DPW, 1/17 Ramsey (75, University of Minnesota, St. Paul campus) EHi. CBC high counts 12/18 Rochester (330), 12/18 St. Paul (North) (309), 12/18 Willmar (248). | |||||
avian information | 2021-12-18 | 2022-01-15 | Red Lake | 12/18, 1/15 Red Lake (first winter record) Reported from all regions of the state in a season-high total of 75 counties, including a season-high 24 north counties. High counts 12/26 Goodhue (90, Belvidere Twp.) AJF, 12/11 Clay (80, Hawley) DPW, 1/17 Ramsey (75, University of Minnesota, St. Paul campus) EHi. CBC high counts 12/18 Rochester (330), 12/18 St. Paul (North) (309), 12/18 Willmar (248). | |||||
avian information | 2022-12-30 | 2023-02-18 | Pennington | 12/30, 2/18 Pennington (third winter record) Reported from all regions of the state in 72 counties (ten-year average 64). Unusual winter record: 2/19 Mahnomen (Waubun) ANy. High counts 12/17 Lyon (75, Marshall) GWe, 2/3 Stevens (72, Morris) ebd, 12/18 Morrison (63, Little Falls CBC, NE section) DMz. CBC high counts 12/17 Rochester (337), 12/17 Owatonna (292), 12/17 St. Paul (North) (263). | |||||
avian information | 2023-02-19 | Mahnomen | 2/19 Mahnomen (second winter record) Reported from all regions of the state in 72 counties (ten-year average 64). Unusual winter record: 2/19 Mahnomen (Waubun) ANy. High counts 12/17 Lyon (75, Marshall) GWe, 2/3 Stevens (72, Morris) ebd, 12/18 Morrison (63, Little Falls CBC, NE section) DMz. CBC high counts 12/17 Rochester (337), 12/17 Owatonna (292), 12/17 St. Paul (North) (263). | ||||||
avian information | 2023-12-08 | 2024-02-22 | Pennington | 12/8, 1/1, 3, 4, 2/22 Pennington (fourth winter record) | |||||
avian information | 2024-02-18 | Wadena | 2/18 Wadena (second winter record) | ||||||
63:274 | 1991 | index | An Unusual Nesting | ||||||
64:79-81 | 1992 | index | The House Finch in Minnesota | ||||||
68:177-178 | 1996 | index | Moving day for the House Finches | ||||||
78:233 | 2006 | index | Apparent Two-headed House Finch in Washington County | ||||||
  | |||||||||
  | Permanent resident throughout, except far northeast. |
The information in the above table comes from several different sources. The count in column 1 indicates which of the sources is considered the primary source. | ||
'Accepted' MOURC entries from The MOURC Proceedings | ||
'Not Accepted' or 'Rejected' MOURC entry from The MOURC Proceedings | ||
Accepted MOU records assembled by David Cahlander | ||
Sighting records for () | ||
Avian information from the occurrence maps, in dark red, assembled by Robert Janssen. Seasonal report for the species/season published in The Loon or The Flicker has been added. | ||
Information from The Loon index assembled by Anthony Hertzel and David Cahlander |