Families |
Species: New World Quail |
Northern Bobwhite |
Northern Bobwhite (E) (Colinus virginianus) | Start Date 1936-01-01 | ||||||||
Ref | First | Last | Location | County | 2 | 3 | Comment | Status | |
1:33-34 | 1929 | index | The Quail in Minnesota | ||||||
1 | MOU | 1941-12-25 | Martin | Accepted | |||||
avian information | 1941-12-25 | Martin | 12/25 Martin (first state record) (first county record) | ||||||
2 | MOU | 1948-08-08 | Hennepin | Accepted | |||||
3 | MOU | 1949-03-27 | 1949-05-14 | Hennepin | Accepted | ||||
4 | MOU | 1952-05-06 | Scott | Accepted | |||||
avian information | 1952-05-06 | Scott | 5/6 Scott (second state record) (first county record) | ||||||
5 | MOU | 1952-07-13 | Scott | Accepted | |||||
avian information | 1952-07-13 | Scott | 7/13 Scott (third state record) (second county record) | ||||||
28:42 | 1956 | index | A Quail Brood Near Weaver | ||||||
6 | MOU | 1957-12-21 | Washington | Accepted | |||||
avian information | 1957-12-21 | Washington | 12/21 Washington (fourth state record) (first county record) | ||||||
7 | MOU | 1958-05-10 | Winona | Accepted | |||||
8 | MOU | 1960-01-01 | Scott | Accepted | |||||
avian information | 1960-01-01 | Scott | 1/1 Scott (fifth state record) (third county record) | ||||||
9 | MOU | 1960-07-10 | Scott | Accepted | |||||
avian information | 1960-07-10 | Scott | 7/10 Scott (sixth state record) (fourth county record) | ||||||
10 | MOU | 1961-09-04 | Scott | Accepted | |||||
avian information | 1961-09-04 | Scott | 9/4 Scott (seventh state record) (fifth county record) R. Oehlenschlager saw two coveys near Caledonia, Houston County, on 24 and 25 Nov. | ||||||
11 | MOU | 1961-12-30 | Ramsey | Accepted | |||||
34:29-30 | 1962 | index | Observations in Martin and Watonwan Counties -- Bobwhite | ||||||
36:60-61 | 1964 | index | Minnesota's Bobwhite Quail | ||||||
12 | MOU | 1964-07-04 | Anoka | Accepted | |||||
avian information | 1964-07-04 | Anoka | 7/4 Anoka (eighth state record) (first county record) 7-4, Carlos Avery Refuge, Anoka Co, 1 y found DOR, DP, JW, RLH; 7-18, Wabasha Co, ad and 3y, DRM; 7-25, Faribault, 1 calling, OR; 8-28, Castle Rock, Dakota Co, ad and 8y, OR. | ||||||
13 | MOU | 1964-12-26 | Ramsey | Accepted | |||||
14 | MOU | 1966-01-15 | Dakota | Accepted | |||||
avian information | 1966-01-15 | Dakota | 1/15 Dakota (ninth state record) (first county record) 1/15/2/ 16 (9/10), Dakota, EMB, RBJ. Chukar. 1/8 (14), Ely, St. Louis Co., DAB. Gray Partridge. 12/9 (1), Olmsted, FGD; 12/22 (10), Clay, Xmas; Feb., Nobles, HSH; 2/2/28 (8), Dakota, EMB; 2/12 (4), Marshall, Az. Staff; 2/28 (2), Polk, G&SM. | ||||||
15 | MOU | 1966-12-25 | Rice | Accepted | |||||
avian information | 1966-12-25 | Rice | 12/25 Rice (tenth state record) (first county record) 12-9, 12-15, 1-8 Wabasha Co., DGM; 12-21 Rice Co., OAR, GNR. | ||||||
16 | MOU | 1968-12-29 | Winona | Accepted | |||||
41:93 | 1969 | index | Bobwhite Quail Observation | ||||||
42:38 | 1970 | index | Bobwhite Observation in Winona | ||||||
17 | MOU | 1970-12-27 | Winona | Accepted | |||||
18 | MOU | 1971-01-01 | Washington | Accepted | |||||
avian information | 1971-01-01 | Washington | 1/1 Washington (eleventh state record) (second county record) 1-3 (8) sec. 12, Walcott Twp., Rice Co. OAR. | ||||||
19 | MOU | 1972-01-02 | Ramsey | Accepted | |||||
20 | MOU | 1972-01-02 | Winona | Accepted | |||||
21 | MOU | 1973-07-14 | Dodge | Accepted | |||||
avian information | 1973-07-14 | Dodge | 7/14 Dodge (twelfth state record) (first county record) Nested in Rice (7-26 OAR), Dodge (RBJ); seen in Hennepin (6-25 PT), Itasca (7-4 BB) escapees; Cottonwood (6-20 LAF). | ||||||
22 | MOU | 1975-12-28 | Winona | Accepted | |||||
53:167-168 | 1981 | index | Bobwhite in Rock County | ||||||
23 | MOU | 1982-09-11 | Chippewa | Accepted | |||||
avian information | 1982-09-11 | Chippewa | 9/11 Chippewa (thirteenth state record) (first county record) Nesting reported Rock County fide KE, alson seen 11 /24 Houston (three) KE. | ||||||
24 | MOU | 1984-01-01 | Washington | Accepted | |||||
avian information | 1984-01-01 | Washington | 1/1 Washington (fourteenth state record) (third county record) Reported only from Houston (EMF). | ||||||
25 | MOU | 1984-12-29 | Ramsey | Accepted | |||||
26 | MOU | 1988-05-14 | Lincoln | Accepted | |||||
avian information | 1988-05-14 | Lincoln | 5/14 Lincoln (fifteenth state record) (first county record) | ||||||
27 | MOU | 1991-06-25 | Dakota | Accepted | |||||
avian information | 1991-06-25 | Dakota | 6/25 Dakota (second county record) Seen near Wilmington, Houston Co. | ||||||
28 | MOU | 1999-07-19 | Winona | Accepted | |||||
29 | MOU | 2000-06-20 | Scott | Accepted | |||||
avian information | 2000-06-20 | Scott | 6/20 Scott Reported 7/2 Winona (Great River Bluffs S.P.) fide BSe, 7/18 Winona (along Winona Co. Rd. 104, near Great River Bluffs S.P.) fide AXH (wild?). Probable escaped/released birds in Scott (3 juveniles) RBJ. | ||||||
MOU | 2007-08-13 | Dakota | Not Accepted | ||||||
avian information | 2007-08-13 | Dakota | 8/13 Dakota (third county record) | ||||||
MOU | 2008-05-11 | Winona | Not Accepted | ||||||
avian information | 2010-05-30 | Ramsey | 5/30 Ramsey (first spring record) | ||||||
avian information | 2015-06-19 | Winona | 6/19 Winona (first summer record) | ||||||
avian information | 2017-08-05 | 2017-08-06 | Houston | 8/5, 6 Houston (first fall record) | |||||
avian information | 2021-09-09 | Wright | 9/9 Wright (first county record) | ||||||
avian information | 2022-06-29 | Ramsey | 6/29 Ramsey (second summer record) | ||||||
avian information | 2022-07-28 | Cottonwood | 7/28 Cottonwood (first summer record) | ||||||
  | |||||||||
  | Former permanent resident south. All recent observations are likely of released or escaped birds. |
The information in the above table comes from several different sources. The count in column 1 indicates which of the sources is considered the primary source. | ||
'Accepted' MOURC entries from The MOURC Proceedings | ||
'Not Accepted' or 'Rejected' MOURC entry from The MOURC Proceedings | ||
Accepted MOU records assembled by David Cahlander | ||
Sighting records for () | ||
Avian information from the occurrence maps, in dark red, assembled by Robert Janssen. Seasonal report for the species/season published in The Loon or The Flicker has been added. | ||
Information from The Loon index assembled by Anthony Hertzel and David Cahlander |