MOURC Proceedings Archive - Ibises Accepted
This is the 1981 to present Records Committee Proceedings archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Boobies and Gannets
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Flycatchers
Old World Sparrows
Longspurs and Snow Buntings
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Ibises
White Ibis
Glossy Ibis
White-faced Ibis
[Plegadis ibis]
Roseate Spoonbill

Glossy Ibis (C) (Plegadis falcinellus)Start Date 1987-01-01
59:571939-06-16Heron Lake Jackson(vote 4-6). As a first state record , all ten members voted. This published sight record (see The Wilson Bulletin 51:183) has been considered the only accepted record on the official Minnesota checklist for years, but the majority reconsidered and now finds it unacceptable. The identification of this adult ibis was based entirely on "no evidence of white in the very dark feathers about the base of the bill." However, there is no indication of the distance or light conditions involved , so it is unclear how well the bird was seen. Further, according to Douglas Pratt in Birding (8:2): "The white face [of White-faced Ibis] is acquired last in the sequence of changes leading to the breeding plumage and in some individuals is quite narrow and difficult to see." Therefore, the possibility of this ibis being a White-faced is not fully precluded , and Glossy Ibis is now considered deleted from the state li st. Not Accepted
28:1671956indexA Glossy Ibis at Weaver, Minnesota
38:411966indexGlossy Ibises Observed on Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge
164:151991-05-081991-05-17Heron LakeJackson(vote 10-0; The Loon 64:5-10). Accepted
1991-05-081991-05-18Jackson5/8-18 Jackson (first state record) (first county record)
First confirmed (photographed) state record 5115-16 possibly present in same location since 5/8, Heron Lake, Jackson County KM, RJ, EB, KC, mob.
64:5-101992indexA Glossy Ibis in Minnesota
277:1692005-04-192005-04-22near AitkinAitkin(record #2005-008, vote 7-0). This cooperative adult in alternate plumage was studied and photographed by many observers, and established the state's second confirmed record. Accepted
2005-04-192005-04-21Aitkin4/19, 20, 21 Aitkin (second state record) (first county record)
Adult in alternate plumage 4/19–22 Aitkin (Cedarbrook area) JSB, WEN, ph. KWR; written documentation †PCC, †CFa, †MLH, †PHS, †DTT, †SMT. Second state record.
78:532006indexGlossy Ibis in Aitkin County
79:1232006-08-30Folsom TownshipTraverse(record #2006-108, vote 1-6). The single submitted photograph did not show purple iridescence in the wing coverts and the bird's crissum could not be seen. Committee members were not convinced that the bird was an adult. Written documentation, which could have addressed questions about the bird's age and the possibility of hybridization, was not submitted in support of this record. Not Accepted
379:1232007-04-292007-05-01southwest of MadisonLac qui Parle(record #2007-020, vote 7-0). Adult in alternate plumage, photographed. Third state record. Accepted
2007-04-292007-05-01Lac qui Parle4/29-30, 5/1 Lac qui Parle (third state record) (first county record)
Third state record 4/29–5/1 Lac qui Parle (two miles southwest of Madison) †WCM, v.t. PN, PME; also documented ph. DAC, ph. †KRE, ph. †JPM, †BJU.
483:992011-05-09Preston TownshipFillmore(record #2011-016, vote 7-0, photographed). Accepted
2011-05-09Fillmore5/9 Fillmore (fourth state record) (first county record)
Fourth state record (third since 2005) 5/9 Fillmore (near Preston) JWH, ph. †RLE, JPr, RTP.
585:992013-04-24County Road 4, LancasterKittson(record #2013-003, vote 7-0). Adult. First county record. An excellent photograph indisputably confirms the identification. No evidence of hybridization. Accepted
2013-04-242013-04-29Kittson4/24-29 Kittson (sixth state record) (first county record)
The end of April produced the state's fifth, sixth and seventh state records, each an adult in Definitive Alternate plumage: 4/24 Kittson (near C.R. 4 and 370th Ave.) ph. TBr, 4/26–27 Houston (C.R. 26 at the Root River) MPn, ph. †ANy, ph. DAC, 4/30 Olmsted (Silver Creek Reservoir) CAK, †JWH, ph. ANy. Also see documented reports still under review, and The Loon 85:199–212.
685:992013-04-262013-04-27Houston(record #2013-004, vote 6-1). Adult, photographed. First county record. The photographs alone were inconclusive. Written documentation by one observer augmented the identification. It is regrettable that none of the other observers provided any documentation which might have made the ultimate identification more straightforward. Accepted
2013-04-262013-04-27Houston4/26, 27 Houston (fifth state record) (first county record)
The end of April produced the state's fifth, sixth and seventh state records, each an adult in Definitive Alternate plumage: 4/24 Kittson (near C.R. 4 and 370th Ave.) ph. TBr, 4/26–27 Houston (C.R. 26 at the Root River) MPn, ph. †ANy, ph. DAC, 4/30 Olmsted (Silver Creek Reservoir) CAK, †JWH, ph. ANy. Also see documented reports still under review, and The Loon 85:199–212.
85:992013-04-282013-04-30Nicollet(record #2013-005, vote 2-5). None of the observers submitted contemporaneous field notes. The photographs were inconclusive, showing either an ambiguous ibis species or a more-likely White-faced Ibis. Some descriptions noted the dark facial skin and dark eyes without red or pink, dark legs with pink only at the ankle joint, and lack of white feathers bordering facial patch and eye. However, one photograph seems to show a faint hint of pink in the eye. A second photograph appears to show a very faint pink tinge to the facial skin. There is nothing in the written material or the photographs that conclusively eliminates an immature White-faced Ibis in pre-alternate plumage. Finally, the possibility of hybridization was not adequately ruled out. Not Accepted
787:42013-04-29south access, Swan LakeNicollet(record #2013-074, vote 6-1). Adult, photographed. Eighth state and eighth spring record. One dissenting member thought that while the photo was suggestive, it was not clear enough to make a positive identification and that it could be just a delayed molt White-faced Ibis. Accepted
885:992013-04-30Silver Creek ReservoirOlmsted(record #2013-006, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. First county record. The report makes a disclaimer that part of the written report in the Request for Documentation was cut and pasted from another report of a different Glossy Ibis observed on an earlier date in another county. This practice is strongly discouraged, but there was enough independent evidence to permit acceptance of the record. Accepted
2013-04-30Olmsted4/30 Olmsted (seventh state record) (first county record)
The end of April produced the state's fifth, sixth and seventh state records, each an adult in Definitive Alternate plumage: 4/24 Kittson (near C.R. 4 and 370th Ave.) ph. TBr, 4/26–27 Houston (C.R. 26 at the Root River) MPn, ph. †ANy, ph. DAC, 4/30 Olmsted (Silver Creek Reservoir) CAK, †JWH, ph. ANy. Also see documented reports still under review, and The Loon 85:199–212.
86:1072014-05-04a wetland 2 miles west and 2.2 miles south of Minnesota LakeFaribault(record #2014-008, Casual, vote 0-7). The description was brief and did not rule out White-faced Ibis. Details such as eye color, facial skin color, and facial skin edging were not noted. The photographs were not diagnostic. Not Accepted
986:1072014-05-13Black Rush LakeLyon(record #2014-015, Casual, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. Was associating with three White-faced Ibis (Plegadis chihi). Accepted
2014-05-13Lyon5/13 Lyon (eighth state record) (first county record)
One south record 5/13 Lyon (adult found with three White-faced Ibis at Black Rush Lake) ph. †RJS.
1088:912016-04-21Miedd LakeYellow Medicine(record #2016-009, vote 5-2). Accepted
2016-04-21Yellow Medicine4/21 Yellow Medicine (tenth state record) (first county record)
Two new county records: 4/21 Yellow Medicine (Miedd Lake) ph. †GWe, ph. DaB, 5/11 Traverse (marsh 0.7 miles east of C.R. 2 and C.R. 3) †DBz, ph. ANy.
1189:32016-05-11marsh 0.7 miles east of county roads 2 and 3 on south side of the roadTraverse(record #2016-033, vote 7-0). Photographed. First county record. Accepted
2016-05-11Traverse5/11 Traverse (ninth state record) (first county record)
Two new county records: 4/21 Yellow Medicine (Miedd Lake) ph. †GWe, ph. DaB, 5/11 Traverse (marsh 0.7 miles east of C.R. 2 and C.R. 3) †DBz, ph. ANy.
1289:872017-06-052017-06-19North Ottawa ImpoundmentGrant(record #2017-019, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. First county record. Accepted
2017-06-052017-06-19Grant6/5-19 Grant (eleventh state record) (first county record)
New county record 6/5–19 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) ph. †SC, ph. †REn, †PRH, m.ob (The Loon 90:35).
1392:922020-04-252020-04-26Sioux Valley TownshipJackson(record #2020-011, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. Accepted
2020-04-252020-04-26Jackson4/25, 26 Jackson (twelfth state record) (second county record)
Two reports of this Casual species: 4/25–26 Jackson (C.R. 66, Lakefield) BWF, ph. †FFa, ph. †KEm, †JWH, m.ob., 5/14 Watonwan (320th St. Marsh) ph. †KEm.
1492:922020-05-14320th Street Marsh, near MadeliaWatonwan(record #2020-022, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. First county record. Since its initial discovery in the state in 1991 (The Loon 64:5-10), the species has been recorded on 13 more occasions through the end of 2020. Accepted
2020-05-14Watonwan5/14 Watonwan (thirteenth state record) (first county record)
Two reports of this Casual species: 4/25–26 Jackson (C.R. 66, Lakefield) BWF, ph. †FFa, ph. †KEm, †JWH, m.ob., 5/14 Watonwan (320th St. Marsh) ph. †KEm.
1593:32021-05-07 Armstrong Wetland RestorationSteele (record #2021-026, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. First county record.

2021-05-07Steele5/7 Steele (fifteenth state record) (first county record)
Two reports of this Casual species: 5/7 Steele (Armstrong Wetland Restoration) ph. †PEJ, 5/14 Stearns (Lake Maria) JH, †PCC, ph. †DRL, m.ob.
1693:32021-05-14Stearns (record #2021-029, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. First county record.

2021-05-14Stearns5/14 Stearns (fourteenth state record) (first county record)
Two reports of this Casual species: 5/7 Steele (Armstrong Wetland Restoration) ph. †PEJ, 5/14 Stearns (Lake Maria) JH, †PCC, ph. †DRL, m.ob.
1794:32022-04-282022-04-29 near Ada sewage pondsNorman (record #2022-014, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. First county record.

2022-04-282022-04-29Norman4/28-29 Norman (first county record)
Two new county records: 4/28–29 Norman (Ada W.T.P.) †KRE, †LBa, ph. †RZi, m.ob., 5/7 Freeborn (Geneva Lake) ph. †PEJ.
1894:32022-05-07 Geneva LakeFreeborn (record #2022-037, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. First county record.

2022-05-07Freeborn5/7 Freeborn (first county record)
Two new county records: 4/28–29 Norman (Ada W.T.P.) †KRE, †LBa, ph. †RZi, m.ob., 5/7 Freeborn (Geneva Lake) ph. †PEJ.
1995:32023-04-232023-04-29Lyon (record #2023-019, vote 5-2). Also seen in Yellow Medicine County. Adult, photographed.

2023-04-232023-04-29Lyon4/23, 29 Lyon (second county record)
All south 4/23 Pipestone (2, Woodstock W.M.A.) ph. †VKl, ph. †DiH, 4/29 Lyon/Yellow Medicine (290th St., Burton Twp.) ph. †GWe, 5/1 Murray (Lake Sarah Twp.) ph. †KEm.
2095:32023-04-23 Woodstock WMAPipestone (record #2023-013, vote 5-2). Apparent adults, photographed. Three birds were reported, but only two were accepted. First county record.

2023-04-23Pipestone4/23 Pipestone (first county record)
All south 4/23 Pipestone (2, Woodstock W.M.A.) ph. †VKl, ph. †DiH, 4/29 Lyon/Yellow Medicine (290th St., Burton Twp.) ph. †GWe, 5/1 Murray (Lake Sarah Twp.) ph. †KEm.
95:32023-04-29 northwest quadrant of the intersection of state highway 40 and county road 5, eLac qui Parle (record #2023-028, vote 2-5). Many members felt that the documentation was too casual regarding the facial features to eliminate an immature White-faced Ibis or even a possible hybrid ibis.

Not Accepted
2023-04-29Yellow Medicine4/29 Yellow Medicine (second county record)
All south 4/23 Pipestone (2, Woodstock W.M.A.) ph. †VKl, ph. †DiH, 4/29 Lyon/Yellow Medicine (290th St., Burton Twp.) ph. †GWe, 5/1 Murray (Lake Sarah Twp.) ph. †KEm.
2195:32023-05-01 191st Street about 0.5 miles east of 140th Avenue, Lake Sarah TownshMurray (record #2023-031, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. First county record.

2023-05-01Murray5/1 Murray (first county record)
All south 4/23 Pipestone (2, Woodstock W.M.A.) ph. †VKl, ph. †DiH, 4/29 Lyon/Yellow Medicine (290th St., Burton Twp.) ph. †GWe, 5/1 Murray (Lake Sarah Twp.) ph. †KEm.
 Ten records: nine spring and one summer. Recorded in five of the last ten years, most recently 2017. There are additional records of unidentified Plegadis sp.


The information in the above table comes from several different sources. The count in column 1 indicates which of the sources is considered the primary source.
'Accepted' MOURC entries from The MOURC Proceedings
'Not Accepted' or 'Rejected' MOURC entry from The MOURC Proceedings
Accepted MOU records assembled by David Cahlander
Sighting records for ()
Avian information from the occurrence maps, in dark red, assembled by Robert Janssen. Seasonal report for the species/season published in The Loon or The Flicker has been added.
Information from The Loon index assembled by Anthony Hertzel and David Cahlander