Current list of records to be submitted
Location can be set as a block number (T120R25b), latitude and longitude in decimal degrees (45.18845,-93.78422), degrees minutes (45 11.307,-93 47.053), degrees minutes seconds (45 11 18.42,-93 47 3.18), common form (N45 11.307 W93 47.053), or UTM form (15T 481455 4961364). Note the comma between the latitude and longitude. Click on Location to show a map of the location and change the location into the form (block,lat,lon). You can move the pointer to display the exact location of the nest.
Hotspot can be set by entering a name into the location field, clicking on Location and selecting the hotspot location on the map. When you type this location in the future (after selecting the correct county) the location field will autocomplete the location entry.