Welcome to the mou-net and mou-rba mailing lists operated by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU), which are available to all persons interested in the birds of Minnesota.
The mou-net listservice is where birders can share their sightings of all kinds. We particularly invite posts of observations that contribute to the understanding of the birds in the state, including sightings of birds that are uncommon or unusual, in unexpected locations or out of season, or in higher numbers than normally expected.
mou-rba is the listservice where birders can share their notable sightings of the more unusual species: e.g., Casual or Accidental species, first county records, etc.
All mail posted to mou-rba is forwarded to mou-net, and all "notable sightings" on mou-net are forwarded to mou-rba. You only need to subscribe to one of the mailing lists: subscribe to mou-net if you want all postings, or subscribe to mou-rba if you only want notable sightings of rarities. Both listservices will also include transcripts of the Duluth and Northwestern MN RBAs.
The MOU keeps an archive of mou-net postings at mou-net; an archive of mou-rba postings is at mou-rba.
To subscribe to mou-net, send the following e-mail message:
To: listserv@lists.umn.edu
Subject: leave blank
Text: Type in SUBSCRIBE mou-net followed by your first and last name (e.g., SUBSCRIBE mou-net Joe Birder)
To unsubscribe from mou-net, send the following e-mail message:
To: listserv@lists.umn.edu
Subject: leave blank
Text: Type in UNSUBSCRIBE mou-net
To subscribe or unsubscribe from mou-rba, substitute mou-rba for mou-net in the e-mail's text.
To post a message on mou-net, the e-mail address is mou-net@lists.umn.edu; to post on mou-rba, the address is mou-rba@lists.umn.edu. Only members/subscribers of these listservices are able to post a message to mou-net and mou-rba. Please include an appropriate Subject line which briefly indicates what your posting is about (e.g., the species and/or the location).
As a simple courtesy, all postings should be signed with your first and last name so readers know who the message is coming from; anonymous postings or those signed with just a first name are discouraged. It is also recommended that you include your home town or home county after your name. If you wish, you can also include a link to your personal website or to another website related to your posting. Note, however, that any such links should not include explicit advertising for a product or service (see below).
Please read the following before posting a message to mou-net or mou-rba:
• These are open mailing lists available to its members. Unless stated otherwise, messages are posted here by individuals, not by the MOU or other organizations. No effort is made to review messages from members prior to their dissemination to subscribers. There is no guarantee of the accuracy of any message (including reports of rarities – note that some sightings are never confirmed or documented).
• Different people can have different views as to what constitutes a notable bird sighting or an appropriate posting – see below. Ultimately, you are the only person who can judge what is important to you and what may be to others, and your decision to post a sighting or other reasonable message here will be respected. But please keep in mind that if these lists include too many off-topic postings, they can lose both their focus and their value. Please note as well there are other mailing lists available for those interested in other issues.
• Messages must be courteous and respectful of others. Those who flagrantly or repeatedly abuse this expectation could see their posting privileges revoked, either temporarily or permanently. Presumably this action will never be required.
• Besides reports of bird sightings, mou-net is appropriate for postings about:
• However, please note that mou-net and mou-rba are not appropriate for the following:
• In order to protect the privacy of people who host rare or unusual birds, mou-net and mou-rba have adopted the following policy:
If you have difficulties with subscribing/unsubscibing or other operational issues, or if there are any questions about mou-net or mou-rba, please e-mail <owner-mou-net@lists.umn.edu>.