Join the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union
The Minnesota Ornithologists' Union is the largest bird club in the state. It encourages the study of birds, and promotes the preservation of birdlife and its natural habitat. The MOU seeks to inform its members about Minnesota birds and opportunities to find and enjoy them. It's 1,400 members receive a bimonthly magazine (Minnesota Birding) and a quarterly journal (The Loon). The MOU also publishes checklists and other material helpful to birders.
An annual meeting featuring a day-long program on state birds is held each December. Other events are scheduled through the year.
The MOU is charged with keeping Minnesota's official bird records, offering the most complete avian database for the state. Current membership dues are:
$500 Life (personal)
$750 Life (joint)
$105 Corporate
$80 Supporting
$30 Individual
$30 Affiliate Bird Club
$40 Family
$65 Foreign
$17 Youth (through age 17)
To join online using PayPal, click here
For further information you can e-mail our membership secretary at, or write us at:
Carpenter Nature Center
12805 St. Croix Trail S.
Hastings, MN 55033
Please include your name, address, and if joining a check.

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